Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 40 After the rain, the sky is sunny

Lynch is like a tiger jumping into the sheepfold, and every move can easily blow away a swarm of demons.

The ground was trembling, as if a huge boulder had been thrown into the calm water. Amidst the sound of densely falling trees, nearly a hundred Triceratops appeared from the northern end of the battlefield.

When these beasts run, they perfectly depict the meaning of "the sky is falling and the earth is falling apart."

Even Lin Qi, who was immersed in the bloody battle, couldn't help but turn his head to look at the approaching herd of beasts.

The demons no longer fought among themselves. After noticing these nearly a hundred monsters that were almost two stories high, the bravest vampires did not want to stay where they were and face the impact.

The sharp horns sounded the horn of death, and the first to meet the charge were the slow-moving plague carriers.

The demon embedded itself into the sharp horn of the Triceratops, and was carried forward by the Triceratops at a faster speed.

Lynch recalled the scene of using a harvester to cut wheat in his previous life. More and more demons were piled on top of the triceratops. Nearly a hundred triceratops advanced together for hundreds of meters before barely stopping.

This created nearly a hundred broad paths of flesh and blood!

As the Triceratops rampaged furiously among the demons, the lizardman army slowly approached the battlefield.

The ankylosaurus was driven into the demon, and the Skink Priest summoned the power of the wind of the beast. The soul of the beast blessed the cold-blooded health.

Prince Nurgle, who has lost his mind, can no longer control the disease to break this fragile protection.

The arc of light from the solar engine once again streaked across the sky, shooting straight at the two warring princes.

The Prince of Khorne shoved away the incarnation of Prince Nurgle. It came in its true form and could not be as unscrupulous as a monster made of a mountain of corpses.

The arc of light burned two huge holes in the corpse mountain. After confirming that the war was over, the demon prince of Khorne directly led his army into the flames and disappeared.

It has more important plans and cannot exit so early!

The cold-blooded species easily eliminated the remaining Nurgle demons, and as Lynch banished the last Nurgle beast, the skinks celebrated their victory happily.

Lynch found three visitors from the old world, took them on sea lizards, and rushed to New Baker Port together.

Sadly for Lynch, the war at New Baker Harbor had come to an end.

Wanderer Nakai had already breached the city gate. It was originally just a feint attack, but the vampire's remaining power was too weak, and the Nurgle demon focused all its attention on Lynch's side.

The frightened survivors scrambled for ships on the coast, and the slaves who had been enslaved for so long were freed.

But they must escape Lustria before the Skinks sacrifice them to Sotek.

The captured high elves used their ancient identities to talk to the skinks. Some Druzi disguised as Asur were picked out by the skinks and used as the first batch of blood food sacrificed to the snake god.

Vampires have wandered into the world of the living, and the skinks use their sense of smell to find them one by one.

Not only can they smell the rotten smell, but they can't hear the heartbeat of a living creature.

The exposed vampire is ferocious and ready to drink before death. The skink's brother, the dragon, brings the vampire the most profound lesson.

When the first vampire who relied on his own strength was torn into pieces by the giant lizard that rushed towards him like lightning.

The remaining vampires, when exposed, will simply attempt a desperate escape using speed.

The cleverer humans encouraged Sotek and mingled with the chatty Skinks.

These unlucky ones who were only skin and bones got the best treatment, and they were treated as honored guests by the skinks.

Although Grim Backbreaker is infamous in the dwarf kingdom, this butcher is still a dwarf and has won great honors.

The dwarf slaves in New Baker Harbor gathered around the butcher, chatting happily with loud voices.

Lynch looked at the exploring knights who were leading order among the human refugees. Louis looked more like an old-fashioned knight than an out-of-touch stranger.

Sea Lizard Romon walked curiously among the hot-blooded species, causing slaves to scream in fear.

They thought that Luo Meng was going to take advantage of them, but Luo Meng just blew out his hot and wet breath with disdain to scare them.

Many survivors showed symptoms of the disease, but fortunately, the disease was weakening after the Nurgle demon was banished.

Lin Qi stood outside the crowd and watched the lively scenes.

The excitement is theirs, and Lynch can no longer fit in.

Lin Qi stopped the red-crested skink who wanted to expand the scale of the sacrifice, and slowly walked towards the people in the foreign land under the awe-inspiring sight of the hot-blooded species.

The five humans, who were adaptable to the situation, saw the lizard who seemed to be a general and wanted to talk with him with a flattering smile, but they were dismissed by Lin Qi.

People in the foreign land began to talk in their native accents, and Lynch hoped that Grimm and Louis would take Romon and leave Lustria.

Lewis glanced at Lynch and nodded silently. It didn't matter where he went, anyway, the illusory Holy Grail could be found anywhere.

The dwarf's loud and questioning voice made a group of passing halflings tremble.

"What about you? You're not going to stay in this fucking place, are you?"

"The battle I should fight is not over yet. I will go to the old world to find you after the war."

"Anyone else want to fight? Then I'll stay and do TN with you!" Grim shouted.

"No, it's difficult for you to use your advantages here. I hope you can make a name for yourself in the Mountain Kingdom."

Lynch didn't want this dwarf to die in vain, and there might not be a small fight next.

Although the demon army encountered before was enough to destroy most of the old world towns.

But this is just the beginning, the Fateweaver's conspiracy has not yet emerged.

Lynch coaxed and coaxed the dwarf onto the ship leading to the old world. Romon turned back three times at a time, walked into the sea under Lynch's watch, and followed the ship.

After the ship disappeared from Lynch's sight, he turned around. The Skink Seer, who was suspected to be the representative of High Priest Croca, came behind him at some point.

The prophet was riding on the cave dragon and his words were quite urgent.

"Go to Itaza! The leader of the cities is under threat, and the ancient enemy is about to bring about unprecedented changes!

Dear Slann, Lord Vol. Kerr will raise an army to help you, but the shadow of war shrouds the cities.

Huta's legion must protect its city, and the Rangers must defend the misty city of Slanwupek. Our power is weaker than ever!

May Kotego bless you and make you fearless of evil! "

Amidst the roar of the Tyrannosaurus, thousands of Thoros slowly approached Lynch's position.

Two hundred lizard men riding cold lizards were ready. A pterosaur swooped down, and the skink priest landed lightly on the ground.

The leader of the Skinks drove five Ankylosaurus, two Triceratops, and a group of Skenks who had gathered because of their respect for Army Breaker Lynch's bravery to integrate into the army.

There are also many skinks that believe in the ancient Saint Koteg, guiding their monitor lizard brothers and spontaneously joining the army.

When the skink in charge of statistics came to report, the number of Stink was actually three times that of Thoros.

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