Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 41 The war is about to begin (please follow up)

It was the first time that Lynch commanded an army of this size. Fortunately, there was a Skink leader in charge of logistics, otherwise Lynch would have been in a hurry just for supplies.

Twenty pterosaurs flew in one after another. By the time Lynch led the army out of the city, these skink riders who dared to embrace the sky had already taken the lead to scout the road ahead for the army.

The legions moved slowly to the west, the noisy Skinks shouting war cries.

The scars among the new recruits shared the pressure for Lynch. He only needed to pass instructions to the scars, and these veterans could quickly coordinate the troops.

The cold-blooded species completed the overall deployment efficiently, and the priests and leaders were supported in the center of the army.

Skinks look scattered, but they still have a very high degree of organization.

Lynch learned the identity of the Skink Priest.

Priest Kalald is an ancient fourth-generation Slann, the ruler of the awakening city Huta, and one of the attendants of Lord Vol. Kerr. He is good at manipulating the wind of beasts.

Gur is the embodiment of wildness and bestiality. This brown magical wind can control animals or transform into beasts.

Lynch and the priest occupied the back of a triceratops. The priest used magic to share the vision of his pterosaur companion and observe the surrounding situation.

After several days of trekking, the legion arrived at the star city of Asroto on a starry night.

This is an abandoned temple city, which was destroyed by the first great invasion of Chaos.

In fact, no temple city is completely abandoned, and there will always be lizardman sentries hiding in the darkness among the ruins.

When the ancient sages chose where to build a city, they chose the location based on the astrological nodes, and each city was a node.

Eventually, countless cities were connected into a huge magic network, which was the spiritual network.

The giant network of spiritual veins extracts the power of this planet, and Master Slan can rely on this stable energy source to achieve magic that can move mountains and seas.

At the same time, every spiritual node is also a part of the "great guardianship".

The "Great Guardian" was supplemented and reinforced by Slann after the Asur mage Caledor Dragon Tamer built the "Maelstrom" and integrated the wind of magic to banish the demons of the first Chaos invasion.

Perhaps some spiritual nodes no longer belong to the lizardmen and have become human or elven towns.

But as long as they exist, the Great Guardian can cooperate with the "Maelstrom" to weaken the demon's power.

This is also the reason why occasionally lizardman legions are teleported to elven fortresses that are besieged by the Chaos race.

They must not fall into the hands of the Darkspawn, and the Chaos Warlocks would gladly desecrate such a node, enhancing their master's power in the mortal realm while weakening the magical abilities of the Slann mages.

The skinks discuss the city's former glory and the Slann hermits who live here in seclusion.

This was once a holy place for stargazing. Countless mages came here to study star trajectories and observe various stars in the universe.

Lin Qi curiously looked at the purple halo floating in the rain forest.

Stardust was flying in this jungle, and arcs of electricity streaked through the air from time to time.

After identifying the cold-blooded species, Dream Glory did not turn into a lightning storm that could destroy the legion.

Lynch could feel the omnipresent prying eyes, a chameleon hiding in the dark sizing up the visitors.

Chameleons are masters of stealth, and these special Stonks are assassins who come and go invisible.

The legion gradually passed through the tall jungle with lush vegetation, and the abandoned city blocked by towering ancient trees appeared in front of Lynch.

At the top of the abandoned pyramid, on four giant obsidian pillars taller than the jungle, aurora-like spherical energy enveloped the ancient creatures sitting inside, and a gorgeous magical halo pierced the night sky.

The stars in the sky appear clearer, casting a deep starlight over the entire ruins.

The wind seemed to come alive. The four air currents in different directions were long and quiet. Every time it brushed the earth, it was accompanied by a long whistling sound. This was the breathing of Shi Lan, who was living in seclusion on the stone pillar.

Four ancient creatures breathed the wind of magic, and the almost solid magical power dominated the omnipresent air.

Just a shallow and subtle breath can move the air around the city.

Lynch did not watch the musings of these hermit lords, who were projecting their consciousness onto some unknown celestial body, as they had been doing since the fall of the city.

Before Luther Harken was defeated, it was the magical power that these Slann passively overflowed that hindered the vampire pirates from marching towards Itaza.

Lynch led the army passing by the outside of the temple city. From time to time, skinks would cast regretful glances at the abandoned buildings.

More than 2,000 years ago, the Skaven desecrated the city in the wake of the demons, and the plague halted the rebuilding of the Star City. The Skaven still grudge them.

Lynch stationed his troops outside the city, in an empty plain that had once been used to shelter giant beasts like Triceratops and Ankylosaurus.

The skinks raised a bonfire, and Lynch ordered the skink priests to perform rituals of worship in Kotheg's honor to prevent the Khorne daemon from attacking the camp at night with the help of fire.

This was carried out enthusiastically by the Skinks, as most of the Skinks in the army were devout followers of the Old One.

Until the ceremony was completed, there were still skinks performing various tasks, singing about the ancient saint Kotego of the Sun.

The priest recalled the pterosaur and was tinkering with magic beside Lynch.

It summoned the skink, which was good at carving, and led the carvers to carve the magic talisman.

It wasn't until the skinks brought over fragrant roasted bugs that the priest came up with some time-effective talismans.

In line with the idea of ​​not wasting, Lynch distributed them to the scarers.

Although they will lose their effectiveness after tonight.

Occasionally, a chameleon appears in the camp, bringing prey in exchange for daggers and poisonous needles newly forged by skink craftsmen.

The first half of the night was spent peacefully, and while Lin Qi was staring at the sea of ​​stars in the sky in boredom, the pterosaur scout brought a surprising news.

On the west side of the rain forest, the Skink Riders discovered a group of lost wild green-skinned orcs. They seemed to want to join in the fun at the head of the cities.

Greenskins are the cancer of this world. Demons have already made the mortal world miserable, and the bellicose greenskins add fuel to the fire to this broken world.

They are everywhere, and the green-skinned tenacious vitality is spread all over the world.

Worst of all, killing greenskins requires cremating their bodies, otherwise the spores shed by the corpses will grow new greenskins.

When the greenskins gather in sufficient numbers, a powerful green tide is formed. The green tide is filled with energy called "waagh" by the greenskins.

Green-skinned spellcasters rely on extracting this energy to cast spells, making the already invincible Green Tide even more powerful.

They respect the two gods "Goge" and "Maoge" and use "waagh" to promote the power of Gomao.

Lynch couldn't expect Slan, who had been meditating for thousands of years, to suddenly wake up and wave his hand to kill the greenskins marching towards Itaza.

He must eliminate the green-skinned army in front of him and prevent these cancer-like creatures from gathering in large numbers!

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