Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 42 Wild Green-skinned Orcs

Lynch ordered the pterosaur scouts to try to attract the attention of the wild greenskin tribe and lead them to the dangerous ruins of the city.

If they are reckless enough, maybe Lynch can eliminate them without any effort.

This city is shrouded in an energy storm, and the ground is not safe.

When the moon was deep, noisy noises came from afar.

The free stardust pulled out streaks of lightning, and terrifying arcs of electricity swam at the end of Lynch's sight.

It seems that the group of greenskins who are thinking about fighting have taken the bait, but I don't know if they have all crashed into the energy storm guarding the city.

Priest Kalald brought bad but not too bad news. Although the greenskins' reckless actions caused them heavy losses, most of the greenskins still survived.

The priest used the vision of his pterosaur companion to roughly observe the green skin's situation.

Their war boss is still alive, a burly green-skinned man several times larger than a lizard.

None of the common shamans in the wild green-skinned tribes were seen. The priest did not observe any traces of the spell caster and believed that all the green-skinned shamans had been annihilated in the energy storm.

Regarding the number of greenskins, the priest gave a rough number of about ten thousand.

This is a number that can severely damage Lynch's army. There are only more than a thousand Thoros in Lynch's army. Stenker cannot even face the weakest wild orcs, let alone the "big guy" among them.

Lynch ordered Skinker to take out blowguns to harass the enemy. Under the leadership of the leader of the skinks, many skinks disappeared into the jungle.

Lynch did not expect them to have a head-on confrontation with the greenskins. If there were dwarf goblins or weaker grts among the greenskins, the skinks could still engage in fierce battles with them.

But according to Kalald, these wild orcs are all big guys, and the largest ones are even similar to lizards.

The more than one hundred Skink Lizards left behind were sent to command the thirty stupid Monitor Lizards, who would be irresistible killers.

Two hundred cold lizard knights, led by two scarred men, circled to the left side of the greenskin tribe. Lynch hoped that the scarred men would judge the timing by themselves and launch the crucial charge at the right time.

Lynch himself, with Thoreau as the main force, slowly advanced in the direction of the greenskins.

The orc warlord looked at the charred corpses in front of him, covering up his fear with anger, and slowly retreated with the greenskins.

The shamans in the tribe who talked about the two great gods every day were all dead. Fortunately, Ger. Big Muscle Ba was a cunning greenskin. Seeing that all the orcs in front were turned into charcoal, he immediately stopped the momentum of the charge.

Ger. Big Muscle Ba roared angrily at the pterosaur that was hovering in the sky, punched away any of his men who were too close to him, picked up a stone and threw it into the sky.

The pterosaur nimbly avoided the cannonball-like rocks. This wild orc warlord had extraordinary brute strength, and the rocks disappeared directly in the sight of the greenskins in amazement!

Many wild orcs picked up stones without belief, imitated their boss, and threw a few rounds into the sky.

But before the soft projection rose very high, it fell to the ground and hit some unlucky greenskins on the head.

With angry growls, the greenskins started doing it themselves.

The "big guy", who was stronger than ordinary wild orcs, grabbed the troublemaking greenskin and threw him to the ground.

Amid the wailing, Geer's "personal guards" suppressed the small-scale riot, and also silenced other greenskins who were about to make a move.

"Boss, when are you going to fuck him?"

Geer glared at the big guy who asked the question and greeted him with a slap.

"Brother Ge hasn't spoken yet! How do I know?"

"I think Brother Mao has already nodded." The big guy rubbed his head and muttered.

Geer kicked him down and kept kicking him until the big guy could breathe out but not in.

"Brother Mao didn't nod! I'm the boss! He has to tell me first, how can you, a loser like you, hear Brother Mao's voice?"

Under the awed gazes of all the wild orcs, Geer Big Muscle Raised his rough battle ax and shouted loudly:

"Let's go! Keep going to that corner in the west. Brother Go told me there's a fight there!"

Seeing that the stupid green-skinned warlord followed his advice, Thasorel Eternal Watch stopped paying attention to Lustria and set his sights on the old world and his newly established Order of Tzeentch.

As the All-Changing Demon King, he is very busy right now.

Hundreds of Changers who descended on the mortal realm competed on the same stage, presenting unprecedented chaos to the supreme Lord of Changes.

Ignoring Carlos's request for cooperation via magic, Thasorel was socializing while thinking about how to make the Fateweaver fail.

Although it nominally cooperates with Carlos to stir up troubles in the old world, all fools know that this credit will ultimately be attributed to Carlos, not Thasorel.

Do you still want this ever-changing demon king to do his best?

Thasorel has his own plan. If all countries are allowed to conquer each other, wouldn't it be more valuable than foolishly leading an army to capture a few fortresses?

The marionettes controlled by the Eternal Watch stir up trouble in various political arenas. Thasorel must personally supervise all of this to avoid inexplicable failures.

By tricking a group of greenskins into causing trouble for Carlos Fateweaver, it was already wasting its rare free time.

Lustria, Carlos Fateweaver retracted the idea of ​​​​investing in the old world in his spare time.

Everything is as expected, now we just need to completely defeat the cold-blooded empire that is stubbornly resisting.

If everything goes well, the end may come early. This is Tzeentch's will.

It went well. The ambushers led by the Skink leader used blow darts to teach the wild orcs a lesson.

Although the wild orcs had ugly tattoos, they strangely deflected some of the flying poisonous needles and spears.

But this insignificant mysterious power obviously cannot block all damage.

A large area of ​​wild greenskins was hit by poisonous needles falling like a rainstorm. Some greenskins set up simple bows and arrows to fight back, but their accuracy was too random.

When the wild orcs mounted the war pigs and prepared for a big charge, the nimble Stubborn had already withdrawn, leaving only the helpless and furious greenskins.

Although this powerless ambush did not actually kill many greenskins, the shock and surprise still made the orcs want to retreat.

Ger. Big Muscle Master struck the battle ax hard on the innocent tree trunk, and his loud voice cheered up all the greenskins.

"I said hello to Brother Go, let's not go to that nook on the west side for now, let's kill the things here first!"

The orc warlord responded with a wave-like war cry. It existed in ancient times and was rooted in the fear of many races. The sound scared away the birds and beasts in the forest.


Lynch's legion had just left the range of the Star City Asroto when the priest brought good news.

The greenskins turned around again for some unknown reason. Before, Lynch was worried that they wouldn't fight and ran all the way to Itaza. Now it seemed that they were ready to fight.

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