The skinks fought and retreated, but the long pull allowed the greenskins to seize the opportunity and get closer to the Skinks.

The savage orcs riding wild boars wielded clubs, each hitting a Stonk.

The orcs without mounts followed sparsely behind, screaming and shaking their feet vigorously.

There was no commander in this haphazard charge, and the warlord himself was at the forefront.

It relies entirely on the enemy's screams to anchor the center of the battlefield and prevent the greenskins from running away.

The boss roared loudly from time to time, asking the lost Orc boy to keep up with the green tide.

The boys bent their bows and set arrows from time to time. Although most of the arrows would fall on their own people, the menacing rain of arrows still gave the greenskins more courage.

A messy battle broke out in the rugged forest land. From time to time, a big guy would fall off the wild boar, then pat his butt and get up as if nothing had happened.

When Lynch led Thoros to advance here, the skinks were already in disarray.

Fortunately, the bright light of Kotago in Lynch's hands allowed them to find their backbone, and they quickly returned to the battlefield as a whole.

The collision of obsidian sticks and tomahawks made the jungle look like a construction site, and the clanging sound proved that this was a close fight.

The ground was full of wrestling lizardmen and greenskins, and the Scared Man's orders were drowned in the loud "waagh".

In terms of strength alone, the big guys are only slightly inferior to the sturdy lizards, and there are more of them.

There were rough-skinned and fleshy monsters on both sides. The big guy relied on his mysterious power paint and strong muscles to take two blows from the lizard man before he fell to the ground with a silly smile.

The scarred ones among the lizard people received special attention. Even if there was no big guy who could stand back and forth, they would still compete with the lizard people veterans one after another for strength.

The Ankylosaurus ran rampant in the green tide, and not long after, it was suppressed by a large group of big guys who were eager to try, and was unable to move under the green mountain.

Lynch ordered the Skink Priest Kalald, who was sitting on the back of the Triceratops, to take command. He rushed into the green tide and launched a storm-like massacre.

Soon, the shining Lynch met his enemy, a huge orc with bulging muscles.

The more numerous orc boys realized that the lizards were difficult to deal with and could not squeeze into the front line, so they decisively turned around and chased the skinks.

The green ocean drives Skenker running around in the jungle.

Seeing that the skinks were about to be submerged by the green tide, the priest summoned a flock of crows. Thick crows appeared out of thin air and pecked the eyes of the orcs, slowing down the green tide by a few beats.

The big guy riding a wild boar was preparing to launch a powerful charge against the lizards. In the rain forest, the giant lizards led by the skinks became an insurmountable obstacle to them.

More than thirty two-story monsters beat the fearless chargers to death. Seeing the tragic situation of the greenskins in front, the boys behind them, their heads fevered from the battle, sobered up and fled in a hurry.

Geer Big Muscle Tyrant, who was knocked away by Lynch's stick, roared in mid-air, making the timid boy crazy again.

A huge green tide overwhelmed the cold-blooded species. When the battle was about to become more intense, the boss's cry of pain made the greenskins look to the center of the battlefield.

After realizing that the warlord had not yet landed and was being thrown towards the boys like a ball, the slow green skin gradually came to its senses.

It looks like their boss is being beaten!

The powerful orc warrior who can break the city gate with one punch seems to be unable to defeat the opponent's boss.

This discovery caused the green-skinned orcs who rushed toward the cold-blooded species to rush slower and slower. Upon seeing this, Geer, who had a bruised nose and face, angrily urged the boys:

"Kill them to death!"

The Koteg's scepter hit it hard on the face, causing the roar to turn into a whimper, and several yellowed front teeth splashed to the ground along with saliva and blood.

The green-skinned orcs, who clearly had the upper hand on the whole, were stunned. Even a discerning person could see that in a truly fearless fight to the end, the green-skinned orcs would win miserably, but they still flinched.

Because the backbone of the Green Tide was being beaten severely by the opponent's boss!

The waagh's strength was weakening, and when the cold lizard riders appeared from behind them and launched an overwhelming charge, the greenskins almost fled.

Lin Qi saw that the green tide was spreading, and he hurriedly lowered his hand.

His goal is not to win, but to annihilate.

Just winning this battle is meaningless. The scattered greenskins will eventually be united by another warrior, forming a huge green tide again.

With Lynch's help, although Ger. The big-muscled tyrant was still being suppressed and beaten, it was no longer like the kind of miserable situation where he might go see Brother Mao at any time.

The green tide gathered together again, and the boss's screams distracted the attention of the greenskins. Only the orcs, completely blinded by the desire to fight, were shouting and fighting fiercely.

From time to time a greenskin would wake up and try to escape, only to be stabbed through with spears by the swift lizard riders.

The green tide disintegrated piece by piece, and the orcs fled again and again, only to be lured back to the battlefield by the boss's roar again and again.

Whenever Lynch found that the orcs were fierce and were about to break through the cold-blooded front, he would increase his efforts and let the orc warlords' cries of pain disrupt the greenskins' will to fight.

The other greenskins were not too optimistic about the hearty battle for Ger. Big Muscle Tyrant, because the opponent's boss didn't have any wounds on his body, and it was always his own boss who got beaten.

Lynch was too dexterous and had an indestructible artifact in his hands, teasing the green-skinned warlord like a bullfight.

The disillusioned greenskin became more and more uncomfortable as he fought. In the end, no matter how much the warlord roared, he would no longer stupidly stand in front of the giant lizard.

After the big guy who was willing to fight hard was knocked unconscious and died, the remaining big guys and the little guys avoided the lizards and giant lizards and focused on bullying the weak Skink.

But this also led to the collapse of their entire front line, with the lizardmen and monitor lizards chasing and driving the greenskins away like a hunter.

Priests inspire the wildness of beasts and lizardmen from time to time, making the already ferocious monsters even more bloodthirsty.

The situation was settled when most of the greenskins died in surprise attacks from behind.

It's more of a one-sided hunt than a battle.

At the end of the war, Lynch suddenly exerted his strength and activated Kotago's scepter with lightning speed, cutting off the head of the orc warlord.

At this time, only a few lone greenskins were left running for their lives.

After killing the fleeers, the cold-blooded ones gathered again.

Lynch was surprised to find that Thoros's losses were not large, and only a few lizards were killed in the first wave of greenskin charges.

But the Skinks suffered heavy losses, and only half of the Skinks were left to deal with the battlefield and burn the corpses.

All the soldiers were injured, and Lynch was worried that the enemy would take the opportunity to make a surprise attack. After burning the green-skinned spores, he led the army back to the surroundings of Asroto.

Facts have proved that this prudent choice is correct.

Lynch returned to the edge of the ruins of the city enveloped by the energy tide. When he looked to the west, an army of dark elves appeared at the end of Lynch's sight.

They seemed to have known about the war happening here for a long time and wanted to take advantage of it.

Most of them were Druchi dressed as mercenaries, but they just didn't know who they were employed by.

Just when Lynch was about to persuade the Chameleons of the Guardian City to cooperate with the enemy, an even more unexpected legion appeared in Lynch's sight.

It was Asul who was deep in the jungle, led by a magic swordsman, and they fought with Druzi.

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