“Some women who woke up told me they were expecting their children.

Fairy people occasionally return children who have been taken away. These poor people don't know the specific truth and just think that Shaurya has shown mercy for them.

According to the stories they told, the missing girls would return more than ten years later, completely forgetting their original families, and become noble "Holy Grail Girls" and prophets of the Lake Goddess.

I think the missing boys also have magical talents. Those who are returned are just ordinary people who were taken away by the wood elves by mistake. Boys with magical talents may never come back.

They just waited, carrying the child's doll with them, which was said to be a gift of thanks after the child returned to them safely.

How ironic! They should still believe in Shaurya’s mercy! That's much better than the truth. "


"On the tenth day of the Pre-Secret Moon, the forests of Athel Loren made way for Lynch's will.

Maybe this is to be expected, after all, nothing can stand in the way of my partner.

From the necromancer Nagash who returned to the world after being exiled by the "Father of the Nation" Sigmar, to the demons of the evil gods, and now the wood elves and forests. "

"What's surprising is that the interior of Athel Loren is not as small as it seems from the outside. Space folds here and time slows down in this forest.

Never go into this forest alone, my second sight tells me that you will definitely get lost, even for an outstanding prophet. "

"Linqi doesn't know what kind of demon is possessed. He must go to see the Oak of Ages, which is the core of the Athel Loren forest. It is the relic of the ancient gods who ruled the world before the imperial gods. In other words, the gods trace.

To us mere mortals, it is a miracle. "


“On the fourteenth day of the Pre-Secret Moon, a group of radical tree-men, now no longer in existence, attempted to stop Lynch.

I can't describe the tragedy I saw. Everywhere I looked, there were elves and dryads massacred in a short period of time.

Just like I suspected, a disaster. "


"I originally wanted to record the time, but I realized that this was a silly thing to do. Maybe I would die of old age after I left the woods. Who knows how much time had passed in the outside world at this time?

I asked Lynch to keep my records after I die, but he looked at me like I was a fool. Maybe he knew something. "


“Kunos, Isa.

The elves also called their incarnations in the world - Orion, Ariel, the king and queen of the Athel Loren forest.

That's right! I saw the elven gods!

The communication between inhuman beings was glimpsed by my excellent future vision, about a name of a god that cannot be mentioned. He is our mortal enemy and the embodiment of endless destiny.

There is nothing more I can leave on paper. "


A trap.

Lynch had vaguely guessed before that Ashoranka's secret treasure might have been tampered with by Tzeentch.

He knows everything about it when needed.

How could the Ancient Saint defeat the God of Chaos?

No matter how sophisticated the cover-up, no matter how incredible the fantasy, no matter how obscure the arrangement, what does it mean in the eyes of the God of All-Changes?

Resistance seemed pointless.

From Ulric to Maul, to the two elven gods in front of him, they all reminded Lynch that it was time to stop. There would only be a cage prepared for him by the "Supreme Warlock" in front of him, just like he was trapped 2,300 years ago. Sigma died in the wind of heaven, and his fate may not be better.

But Sigma has already come out.

If a dead end blocks the way, knock down the wall.

Should Lynch be afraid? Because of Tzeentch's omnipotence?

Only those who are truly afraid will use dirty tricks to trip up people.

Just by passing through the roots of the oak tree of the times, Lynch can easily cross half the planet and directly reach the place deliberately forgotten by the "lost one" Ashoranka. There is the future of the lizard people, the knowledge of the ancient saints, and the A cosmic civilization forgotten by Slan.

and the shadow of the God of Change.

Lynch walked to the Times Oak without looking back.

Eugen didn't know how he came out of Athel Loren. His appearance didn't change significantly. It shouldn't have been too long.

However, the completely different environment from when he arrived told the Oracle that he was not just staying in the Athel Loren Forest for a few days. The outside world had undergone earth-shaking changes.

A cold, familiar tone that Eugen thought he would never hear again appeared at the right moment:

"Go to the Southland, Zetland hidden in the rainforest. Lord Xikota has prepared a token for you."

Eugen trembled suddenly, turned his head and looked around. He was the only one in the quiet forest.

After stimulating the vision of the ancient saint, he could not see Lin Qi either. A certain premonition jumped out of his mind - Lin Qi was no longer in this world.

The oracle, who had a premonition of something extraordinary, once again had heat in his veins, and an unprecedented sense of mission rolled through his mind.

"And after that?"

The sound echoed in the open forest area for a long time. There was silence and no response. Eugen thought he was a fool.

A weak but powerful eerie tone invoked ancient language and ran through his thoughts:

"Cross the Great Pond! Take the warriors I left in Ulthuan and return to Lustria! Go to the Gate of Radiance and tell my army about my deeds!"

No one else knows about the secret conversations here, but some kind of power older than the wilderness has essentially revived.

A message that transcended time was carried to Lustria by the wind across the ocean.

The mysterious rainforest is still sleeping, and its masters, the always busy lizard people, are still going about their mechanical daily routine.

The unimaginable magical tide of the young race surges in the jungle, scaly reptiles slumber in swamps and ponds, and the lost empire has been dormant since the departure of the ancient saints.


The supreme edict from the head of the cities shattered the silence in the rain forest with a group of newly hatched divine skink craftsmen.

Since the "Lord of the Sun City" ordered the start of the Great Hibernation, the first incident occurred.

The latest news of the "Big Plan" has been spread everywhere. "The Army Breaker" Lynch embarked on the road of "The Lost One" Ashoranka and went to an unprecedented distance. Just recently, the Slann people announced that Lynch The end of infinity has been reached.

At the same time, beliefs more heretical than the snake god spread to every corner of the rainforest in a short period of time. Strangely, the Slann people were indifferent to this.

The Great Reconstruction Program began.

None of the Skinks know how the Toads remembered the knowledge of rebuilding the hatching ponds, and they are unconcerned because the grand plan stipulates that they only need to carry out the Slann's orders.


In the 17350th spring after the advent of the Old Ones, when Kotheg illuminated the shores of Lustria, a recognized hotblooded oracle arrived in Lustria.

After he stepped on the sacred path of the First City and reached the top of the Star Observation Room, the new Supreme Order completely awakened the rainforest - the path of the young race had deviated, and the dormant era had ended.

Before the enemy comes, the cold-blooded species will correct everything. This is the will of the ancient saint.

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