It ended in a hurry and I really ran out of energy.

In any case, thank you to the 114 friends who stayed with me until the end.

I personally don’t recommend continuing. After the reminder in that chapter, I try to find a way to finish the outline as soon as possible, using a diary-like method to finish the book as soon as possible.

But when I saw that there were still people watching, I felt too embarrassed to end it hastily, so I simply went through a few important cities.

I also didn’t expand on many places because it would take longer. I’m sorry, it’s my fault. The main thing is that I really need to take a break.

The original plan was to go directly south from the Norsca Peninsula to the Empire, pass the plot of Prince Nurgle, and at the same time pave the way for Nagash.

After that comes Kislev, and then there's the Prince of Slaanesh plot on the way.

After Kislev is the Dwarf Butcher's Castle. I originally wanted to use Romon as an easter egg, but some attentive friends must have discovered the foreshadowing before.

But there were too many accidents at that time, and the hospital was really noisy.

According to the original outline, there is a plot of Tilia in the middle of the Mountain Kingdom, and there is also a Nurgle demon, the one who hacks the protagonist in the Temple of Kara.

I originally planned to lead out Lahmia at the Silver Peak of the World's Edge Mountains, then Sylvania, and the final boss Nagash, but a series of accidents forced me to rush.


All in all, thank you everyone, I have to take a good rest for some time.

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