Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 49 The Dragon Prince of Caledor

The spear-wielding sea guards tapped the ground with their spears, and with high morale, they cooperated with the lizard men to protect the archers behind them who were bending their bows and raising their crossbows.

The lizardmen are not used to fighting in a fixed position, and the skinks have already used blow darts to meet the enemy.

The poison needle fell on the troll, but it didn't even make the troll react.

The half-naked predators wearing animal skins rushed towards the skinks in the forest. Although some of their companions were knocked down by poisonous needles, more mutated predators survived the scattering with their inhuman bodies.

Under the illumination of Kotego's light, the sea guards, protected by warriors behind them, fired arrows in unison, and the sound of their bowstrings overwhelmed the shouts of the predators.

Thousands of arrows passed through dense and graceful parabolas and landed accurately among the Chaos army.

Thousands of Marauders fell in response, and the Triton's precision honed over a long life was enough to make enemies shudder.

But the Chaos warriors relied on their abnormal vitality and twisted demon armor to withstand the deadly rain of arrows.

The sea guard nocked the arrow without stopping and fired again, using his bow and string to play the prelude to the killing.

The troll cut off the plants blocking the road, and its body was covered with arrows like a hedgehog, but the damage that could not cause immediate death was restored to its original state in the blink of an eye.

The Chosen One led the Chaos Warriors shouting "Skull Sacrifice" and quickly crossed the obstacles in the forest.

When the enemy was about to engage in battle, the eager lizard man was led by Lynch and slammed directly into the Chaos Warriors.

"For the big plan!"

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

Brutal melee combat suddenly broke out. This was a brave battle worthy of the Blood God's approval!

The collision between the Scared One and the Chosen One almost broke the weapons of both sides, and the otherworldly power forced back all the weak ones who tried to get close.

The Chaos Warriors used their battle axes to argue with the Lizardmen's clubs. The Chaos Warriors had demonic armor covering their bodies, and the Lizardmen's skin was as hard as an iron shell.

The Vampire's Hellblade continued to draw blood, and from time to time, demons were driven away by arrows or heavy blows from the Lizards in the bloody battle.

The sound of blows from blunt weapons merged into one, and almost all the warriors found a single opponent in a tacit understanding. The entire front line was like a unified duel arena.

Many Chaos Warriors try to bypass the thrilling gladiatorial combat to kill those shameless shooters.

The spear-wielding sea guards who still stood firm on the ground stopped the evil god's minions with contradictions.

Demon Swordsman Obamon led the Sword Saint of Hoth back to defense, sharing the pressure of Triton Guard.

The equally skilled warriors engaged in exciting fights that were different from those on the front line.

The fierce sword movement and the heavy but dexterous battle ax intertwined into a master-level dance of killing.

The Sword Master of Hoth used his flexible movement to fight with the Chaos Warriors, shouting the names of the Mother Goddess "Isha" and the Lord of Wisdom "Hoth".

A high-level enchanted greatsword is also a powerful armor-breaking weapon, especially when the magic swordsman channels the magic power to add Symmetra to the warrior's weapon.

Lynch was just like before, waving Kotago's scepter, going against the charging trend of the Chaos Warriors, and fought his way into the Chaos army.

The evil pure light of Koteg's scepter burned like a taunt to the blood god. The chaos trolls and manticores who were about to rush into the crowd turned and rushed towards them. The chosen champion in the sky also stepped on the dragon's head and lowered it. High, I want to have a fun championship showdown with Lynch!

The triceratops and monitor lizards that rushed out of the dense forest relieved Lynch's pressure. The leader of the skinks drove the ankylosaurus and led his bodyguard to help Lynch lure away a large number of enemies.

The pterodactyl rider in the sky tried his best to interfere with the two-headed chaos dragon, preventing this terrible monster from entering the battlefield and wreaking havoc.

Fortunately, there was the assistance of the Skink Priests, otherwise these brave Skinks and their mounts would have been torn to pieces by the flying dragons.

The Chaos Knight, riding a Chaos war horse with sparks all over his body, appeared roaring on the left side of the battlefield, intending to unexpectedly harvest the lives of the archers.

Before the Chaos Knights could rush in front of the Tritons, cold-blooded warriors riding cold lizards suddenly jumped out from among the vegetation and intercepted these terrifying heavily armored knights.

The cold lizard died in the collision due to the decisive charge. The lizard man fell to the moss, and immediately threw down the chaos war horse that was trying to stand up. When the war horse opened its bloody mouth and bit into it, it tore the chaos beast's flesh. neck.

The sea guard not far away calmly separated out some archers, turned to face the incoming enemy, and fired with their bows.

Just as the sound of strings sounded, the arrow hit the Chaos Warrior who was pinned down by his horse.

The huge impact missed the heavy punch that the Chaos Warriors swung at the lizards. The lizards who had just killed the Chaos Horse took the opportunity to grapple with the Chaos Warriors.

The Triton archer who is always on target is extremely confident in himself. Even if there is a melee in front of him, he will calmly nock the arrow and shoot again.

The extremely penetrating direct shot penetrated the demonic armor of the Chaos Warrior.

After assisting the lizardmen to eliminate the overestimating enemy, the sea guards turned around again and faced the minions of Chaos on the frontal battlefield, pouring out the wrath of the storm and the ocean god Marcelan like a torrential rain.

After a desperate struggle, the lizard men pounced on the predators chasing the skinks, resisting the predators' charge for the skinks, allowing these fragile non-professional warriors to safely fire hidden arrows.

The huge Chaos army was compressing the Guardian's front bit by bit. Even though Lynch was powerful enough to defeat thousands of armies, the outcome of failure seemed to be doomed.

The endless demon servants pulled up a long battle line, almost surrounding the guardians of order.

In addition to the chaotic flying dragon in the sky, another roar of flapping wings was sent to the bloody battlefield by the cool wind.

Lin Qi turned his head and looked to the east. The brilliance of the evil moon was bounced off by the sparkling dragon scales. A young dragon, carrying its equally young partner, approached the noisy battlefield.

The giant eagles, which were insignificant compared to the giant dragons but were more numerous, carried their masters and pounced on the endless chaos soldiers on the ground.

On the giant eagle at the head, Prince Sirion of Etain nervously looked around the battlefield, his eyes passing by the eternal light in the center of the battlefield, and he found his target in the tragic and bloody battle.


The magic swordsman who had just killed a troll with his magic sword looked up and smiled awkwardly.

"Xireon, forgive me for not being able to greet you decently."

The rushing Chaos Warriors interrupted the two princes' reminiscence. Sirion rushed into the battlefield without hesitation, and at the same time he was a little lucky.

Fortunately, after his friend hadn't returned for a long time, he had the idea of ​​​​looking for his friend.

He spent the kingdom of Caledor for this, a promise owed to him by a dragon prince!

Because Sirion was already prepared to avenge his best friend's death.

On the back of the young dragon, Prince Nui did not join the battle on the ground with the soldiers of the Kingdom of Savri. He had a better goal.

Just like the dragon companion who was awakened by his courage and arrogance, this leader among the elves grasped the dragon gun without hesitation and charged with his companions towards the powerful Chaos Dragon.

The dragon's roar sounded in the sky above Lynch. Lynch crushed the iron head of the Chosen One and looked up at the fight between the giants in the sky.

This reckless elf chose the wrong opponent. He and his mount will have to train for another thousand years before they can compete with the Chaos Lord in a championship duel!

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