Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 50 Underground Threat

The collision of the giant beasts disrupted the airflow, and the young challenger was shot down in just one encounter.

The Skink Priests and the Savri wizards from the White Tower of Hoth stopped the Chaos Lord's pursuit.

Amidst the distorted sound of the horn, the priest on the wyvern summoned a luminous amber spear and threw it with incredible accuracy.

The originally peaceful evening wind suddenly became violent. Under the joint control of several elven mages, the fierce hurricane imprisoned the Chaos Lord and his mount like a cage.

Lightning struck the undefeated one after another. Talofast raised his spear high, his scarlet eyes shining with evil fire, and he let the lightning and amber spear fall on him with contempt.

His heavy brass armor stained red with blood is nothing special!

After sacrificing a city with blood and building a skull base with tens of thousands of heads, the Blood God sent down His joy.

From then on, Tarotfast Blood City was not afraid of magic and fatal damage.

It was also after that crimson glory that the abandoned Norscan orphan received his own surname.

Dragon's blood fell around Lynch, and the young dragon fell to the ground with its injured companion.

Dragon Prince Nui staggered down from the dragon, drew his sword, and fought with the shark-like Chaos Warriors, trying to prevent the demon from taking the opportunity to kill his companions.

The resolute Asur fought bloody battles, and the dragon armor that was pierced by the Chaos Lord's lance was still a reliable protection.

The pure light gradually approached, and Lynch broke through the steel wall formed by the Chaos Warriors, protecting the reckless prince and his companions.

The insignificant lizardmen in the tide of darkness are more insurmountable than the most magnificent city walls.

The dragon is an efficient killing monster, and it cannot become a Chaos Warrior's record without value.

If it can rise again, Lynch won't have to worry about the number of Chaos minions. Each dragon has the potential to destroy the Legion.

The endless killing has no end, and the Savri warriors who joined the battlefield were submerged by the tide like sand, and were pushed by the violent tide to the positions of the cold-blooded species and Asul.

There is no one who backs down in the battle of positions, and the soldiers on both sides regard death as death.

The Chaos Lord and his outcast warriors have nothing left to kill.

Azur swore to protect their leader to the death, and the cold-blooded species had been pushed to the edge of the cliff.

To any lizardfolk, the ground upon which the Old Ones of Itazana walked is sacred.

How could we allow the servants of the dark enemy to attack the head of the cities that had never fallen?

Their cold-blooded rage makes them ignore death and injury. Every Skink firmly believes that this is their end, the end written for them in the grand plan.

In the "Blood Sacrifice to the Blood God", the ancient saint's creations died one by one.

The skinks had used up their poisonous stingers, threw away their blowguns, took off the javelins on their backs, and rushed towards the heavily armored warriors who could easily kill them.

"For the big plan!"

The Skinks, desperate for their own safety, jumped on the Chaos Warriors. Three or five Skinks used their corpses to suppress the powerful enemy. The other Skinks took the opportunity to end the twisted vitality of the Chaos minions.

Death spreads like a plague!

The thick armor shell of the Ankylosaurus failed to protect their lives. Several Chaos Trolls worked together to suppress the struggling giant beast, and the Chosen One smashed its shell with a long halberd.

The Triceratops was drained of blood by the vampire's hell blade and died in a mournful manner.

The giant lizard has thrown away its weapon, using its sharp claws to cut open the troll's skin, biting into the growing blasphemous flesh.

Lin Qi stood firmly in the tide of chaos until the dragon stood up again with its roar, using its blazing dragon flames to destroy the filth that dared to offend him.

Kotago's light began to move again, and no warrior could stand in front of Lynch for a breath.

The otherworldly swift and violent swing caused the blood reaper to be slaughtered like a lamb.

With Lynch's sudden increase in power, the devil's skills are no longer insignificant.

Just a casual sweep can throw away a strong warrior covered in heavy armor!

The ground trembled slightly, and none of the soldiers who were completely immersed in the killing frenzy noticed anything unusual.

The elf finished shooting the arrows, put the bow on his back, and decisively went to help his companions maintain the battle line, letting these sea guards who had been fighting for a long time take over the task of suppressing the bows and arrows.

The increasingly violent earthquakes awakened Lynch from his bloodthirsty mood. Just in front of Lynch, the ground in the center of the battlefield suddenly collapsed.

The lizards and demons in the bloody battle fell down, and the densely packed Skaven rushed to the ground noisily, and were instantly turned into corpses by the bloodletters and chaos warriors in the fierce battle.

The rat leader who oversaw the battle arrived belatedly. When he discovered that he had mistakenly dug a hole in the center of the battlefield, he turned around and ran away without hesitation.

What was supposed to be an unexpected sneak attack turned into a joke due to the powerful strength of the soldiers!

There are no fragile artillery or guns on this cruel battlefield, but only warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles.

The sudden disruptor was quickly slaughtered, but deep in the dense jungle, a bell rang faintly.

The strange echo alerted Lin Qi. He had heard similar bells before, but now the bells were just duller.

This is the shrieking death knell of the Skaven!

There is a ratman with a very high status approaching the battlefield. When the screaming death knell rings, it will inevitably be accompanied by an endless tide of rats!

I hope it's not a Gray Seer. A crazy and powerful spellcaster will bring huge variables to the battlefield.

The long bells are getting closer, and the evil moon Morsrib seems to be getting closer to the surface in the sound of the bells.

Lynch pushed away the troll corpse that was falling towards him and headed towards his own line.

The distant bell rang again, and the stench of rodents was carried by the night wind.

Lynch violently bit the arm of the chosen one who was blocking the way, and impatiently slapped it away with a claw.

The bell rang for the fourth time, and countless scarlet eyes appeared on the north side of the jungle, and the despicable creatures looked greedily at the battlefield.

When the bell rang for the fifth time, Lynch turned his head and looked in the direction of the rat tide.

A hundred thousand, or hundreds of thousands, or more.

Numbers have become hollow and words cannot describe the number of rats.

The hungry slave rats gnawed away all the green plants along the way. These weak and clumsy creatures rarely had fear in their eyes, only endless hunger and thirst.

What can be done to stop the endless tide of rats?

At the very least, the tens of thousands of soldiers fighting fiercely cannot.

Amid the loud death knell, every rat-man firmly believed that the Great Horned Rat was approaching the world!

The swarms of rats all over the mountains and plains approached the battlefield. The predators and demons who had not yet found their opponents turned around and rushed towards the sea of ​​rats with ecstatic faces.

That's not a swarm of rats that can devour everything, that's a gift from the Blood God!

What could please the Blood God more than a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood?

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"


The roar of thunder overwhelmed the noise of the battlefield, and the ground trembled imperceptibly.

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