Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 51 Echoes from Ancient Times

The thunder was approaching, and the soldiers felt the terror in it.

The thunder was mixed with soul-stirring tyranny, and the frightening neighing once stopped the rat tide!

The Skaven, urged on by Deathstroke and with lingering panic, continue to charge towards the battlefield.

The skinks chanted the holy name of Ichi, the cold-blooded beast lord in fear, and they found the source of the thunder from the depths of their memories.

The restless restlessness of the young giant dragon awakened memories inherited from ancient times.

It was a time when dragons soared freely in the sky, the ancient saints had not yet arrived, gods walked the earth, and barbarism ruled the planet.

But the planet does not belong to the dragon.

Countless mountain-like monsters gallop in the wilderness, competing with the dragon ancestors for planetary hegemony!

The towering ancient trees shook violently, and a sharp dorsal fin was faintly exposed between the crowns.

The earthquake became more and more violent, and giant trees dozens of meters high fell in pieces.

Lynch shouted, leading the soldiers to break out in a direction away from the noise.

No one wants to end a life of honor by a beast for no reason, especially if it involves a mission.

They can't die funny before defeating the enemy.

Fortunately, not only the guardians, but also the minions of Chaos don't want to stay in place, waiting for the monster to arrive.

When a behemoth like a hill poked its head of a lizard bigger than a triceratops from the forest.

The warriors who had fought and retreated had already hid in the jungle, leaving only the bewildered tide of rats and the chaotic flying dragons fighting with giant eagles and pterosaurs in the sky.

The flying beasts rose up in unison, moving away from the monster squatting on the ground.

Lynch turned around and looked at the source of the earthquake. It was a giant reptile that looked like a lizard, but it had abnormally strong limbs.

When it squats, it looks more like an ape.

Lynch tried his best to find traces of civilization in the monster, but there was no trace of civilization. This was a wild dinosaur lizard wandering in Lustria!

This rare behemoth should have been bound by ritual armor and imprisoned in the giant temple of the ancient saint Iqi deep in the jungle.

With eyes as big as humans, there is a lingering desire for destruction. This dinosaur lizard proudly let out a roar like thunder, pushing aside the ancient trees blocking the way.

The demigod creatures in the forest are squandering their wildness in the rat tide. Nothing can stop it. Even high-level gods and demons have to avoid it.

The ancient dragon that can compete with it is sleeping, and the giant sea monster is also huddled in the deep sea. This ancient behemoth that can easily destroy the legion seems to be bathing in blood with rats.

The bell still screams, but its sound is fading away.

The two sides in the deadly battle were distracted. No matter what position they were in, the soldiers were nervously paying attention to the wild beast not far away.


"Stop hunting! My Father God! Venerable Kunos!"

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

The Chaos Lord in the sky roared to offer his decisive devotion to the Blood God. He wanted to overcome the obstruction of the pterodactyl and the giant eagle, and use this behemoth to prove his bravery to the Blood God.

The lance in the hands of the Invincible turned into a spear of hot magma, and on the Chaos Dragon, Tarot Fast stood in the heat and fire.

The Blood God's chosen champion was trapped by the violent wind and lightning summoned by the mage, and his mount refused to obey the champion's crazy instructions out of fear!

Not all those who embrace Chaos are like him, with only killing and destruction left in their souls.

Perhaps the cowardice of his childhood was twisted into extreme ferocity. After tasting the taste of killing for the first time, Talofast forgot everything except the will of the Blood God.

Without the glory on the battlefield, he would have nothing left.

Abandoned by the Blood God, he is nothing.

The Terror Lizard, who had used the rat tide to vent his destructive desire, turned and left, showing no interest in the two warring parties.

The warriors once again turned their attention to each other, and some desperate rushing ratmen broke the tacit understanding on the battlefield.

Ratmen don't talk about honor. Why should they fight from the front when they can defeat enemies from behind?

In the roar of the Chaos Warriors, the duel-like fight was disrupted.

In order to contain Lynch, who was flowing unimpeded in the Chaos army, the Chosen Ones gathered together to besiege this terrifying lizard man.

But Lynch is far superior to these blessed ones in terms of speed and strength.

Just like every time the Chaos Warriors attacked in groups before, Lynch didn't even need to activate the arc of light from Kotago's scepter, and just relied on his own skills and strength to kill the Chosen Ones.

Lin Qi looked for his comrades, but all he could see were Chaos warriors.

The firelight that lit up in the distance allowed his keen vision to capture a scaly claw of the giant dragon.

The situation became increasingly unfavorable for the cold-blooded species and Asul. The young Sun Dragon tried its best to flap its incomplete wings and spit fire at the swarms of predators.

However, due to its lack of mobility, it can only take care of a small battlefield, and its blazing dragon flames cannot take care of the overall situation.

The flames ignited the jungle and spread for several miles before being extinguished by the strange activity of the rainforest.

Lynch fought his way towards the dragon and found only a few Tritons gathered together.

This makes Lynch have to worry about another possibility.

Maybe these warriors are the only ones who survive the battle to the death!

But no matter what, Lynch will fight on, even if he is the only one left.

To the west, in the bushes outside the battlefield, many shadowy figures flashed past.

The storm-like javelins and poisonous needles flew over the dense vegetation and flew towards the mad plunderers.

Chaos warriors fell in pieces, and the movement was so loud that Lynch even noticed something unusual on the west side of the battlefield.

Countless swift figures were wandering behind the bushes. When the Chaos warriors turned around and charged, a group of red-crowned skinks riding raptors and wielding long sticks suddenly jumped out of the bunker.

These skinks favored by Sotek have a bloodthirsty desire that far exceeds that of ordinary skinks.

They are the berserkers of Sotek, the snake god! The poisonous kiss of the snake god!

This jungle patrol army wandering outside Itaza launched an insidious offensive like a poisonous snake against the minions of Chaos.

With astonishing courage and strength, the hordes of red-crowned skinks attacked countless demons and Norscans from behind.

Lynch looked excitedly at the huge army that entered the scene. Although there were no war beasts, the charge of tens of thousands of red-crowned skinks was enough to turn the tide of the battle.

Lynch's thoughts were broken by a tree trunk being thrown onto the battlefield.

In the dense forest in the south, just like the Chaos Warriors Legion that walked out before, two huge torrents composed of beastmen rushed towards the battlefield.

There were also several giants mixed in among them. They broke branches and threw them at the fighting warriors with brute force.

The beastmen call to the dark gods.

These upright goat-like monsters are loyal servants of the devil.

They are stronger than the beastmen of the old world. There are no thin horned beasts, they are all burly hoofed ones!

This is the filth from the Antarctic wasteland!

On the Chaos Flying Dragon, the call of the God’s Chosen Champion confirmed this conjecture.

A torrent of horned beasts responded to the Chaos Lord's command.

The other one completely ignored the Blood God Champion's will and stayed where he was.

The shamans, surrounded by the beastmen in the center, raised their staffs and guided the wind of magic, preparing to take advantage of the opponent's mages to focus on fighting the champion and use powerful spells to reverse the situation of the battle.

The moment the spell sounded, the tribe of beastmen under the control of the Chaos Lord, led by the beast king in rage, shouted "Blood Sacrifice to the Blood God" and turned around to attack this "ally" who believed in the Lord of Changes.

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