The sudden internal strife disrupted the charge of the beasts. After leaving a pile of corpses on the ground, the beasts rushed to the battlefield unwillingly under the roar of the Chaos Champion.

Tzeentch's herds guard the caster, watching the chosen champion in the sky.

They were supposed to destroy the Twilight Fortress, but the Elf Fortress at the southern tip of Lustria received strong foreign aid.

After a stalemate, the Beastmaster of Tzeentch chose to cooperate with the Beastmaster of Khorne, following the Blood God Champion to unleash destruction on a greater goal.

Just like two true gods who dislike each other, the disputes between the beasts seriously affected the marching speed.

The blood god's hyena wanted to turn around and fight with the chasing pointy ears, and the slaves of the great deceiver knew the horror of elven magic.

The elf mage actually captured the magical wind gathered by the shamans alone, and just one spellcaster suppressed the entire herd!

The battle must be quick, and after the enemies are dealt with, use the power of the Blood God Champion to deal with the pursuers!

Ninety-nine shamans offered devout praise to the Lord of Changes, and the 100th shaman was surrounded in the center as a redundant sacrifice.

In the scream of the sacrifice, the blue flame swallowed its life.

The violent changes made Lynch increase his vigilance. Lynch wanted to crack the skulls of these spellcasters, but he was too far away from them.

A crow shape appeared vaguely in the evil moonlight of Morsrib. Under the light of the evil moon, a hazy purple flame appeared in the sky above the battlefield.

The fire storm gradually solidified and covered the entire battlefield.

The Ratmen, who were about to be slaughtered, immediately fled in all directions.

Amidst the curses of the Blood God believers, the purple flames slowly fell down, like crow feathers that filled the sky, with dreamlike splendor and lethality.

The Savrien mage and the Skink Priest wanted to stop casting spells and interfere with the magic of the Beastmen's spellcasters, but the Blood God's Chosen was so close in front of them that they had no time to think about it.

In an instant, the seven stars of Heth, obscured by the evil moon, lit up, and the brilliant starlight cast a magical halo.

The purple flames were suddenly dyed pure white, and the bright lights connected one after another, turning the purple feathers in the sky into a clear sea of ​​light.

The elf mage who came out of the dense forest in the south held his staff high in his left hand. The bust of the moon goddess Lilith on the top of the staff pushed away the dark green of the evil moon.

The stars of the Heth Scroll beside the mage dimmed, and the magical stars that suddenly appeared in the sky also faded little by little.

The sword of Teclis clenched in the archmage's right hand was sharp. One by one, the magic swordsmen walked out from behind the mage. The Sword Master of Hoth, who followed them to learn, supported his mentor.

The elven warriors armed with spears and shields held high the twilight battle flag, and the archers used the sky lit by the archmage to rain precise arrows at the hoofed men in front of them.

The garrison from the Twilight Fortress was brought to a battlefield that did not belong to them by the owner of the Crown of Saffre.

Lin Qi broke out of the siege, covered in blood, looked at another army of order coming to help, and breathed a sigh of relief.

He just needs to deal with the Chaos Champion. On this battlefield, the power of Order has overwhelmed Chaos.

Of course, the Blood God will not allow despicable spells to exile his warriors.

Xu Shi was dissatisfied with magic dominating the battlefield, and the evil moon was stained with blood.

The Chaos Lord was suppressed in the sky by a group of mages, and the brass armor bloomed with a breathtaking blood light.

The timid Chaos Flying Dragon screamed and melted, and its flesh and blood formed the steps leading to the ground.

In the sound of the horn that resounded through the sky, a bloodthirsty demon tore apart reality, carrying demonic fire, soaring in the night sky, staring at the casters.

Under the blood moon, the fire of light exploded into a rain of blood, and one vampire after another came to the fragile reality.

The bodies of the God's Chosen who were not yet dead were covered with a layer of blood light. In the blood light, the God's Chosen Ones painfully endured power far beyond their limits, twisting and deforming into Chaos Eggs.

Maybe the existence on the skull just wants to help, but the weak cannot bear the majesty of the true god!

None of the chosen ones survived the blessing and became a demon prince.

The situation on the battlefield changed again in an instant. Lin Qi was stunned for a moment, and then burst into rage.

He swore that he would use the demon's corpse to humiliate the darkness.

The champion of the Blood God is envious of his subordinates. He has an appointment with the Blood God, and he cannot be blessed until he fulfills his promise.

The God-chosen champion crossed the storm, walked down the steps, and issued a war call to the warriors who were still fighting:

"The Blood God is roaring! Only war! Only war! Kill them all! Cut off their heads! Skull Sacrifice!"

"Slaughter all the weak in this world! Tear apart their warlocks! We will gather under the skull of the divine dog!"

The Chaos Warriors responded to the Blood God Champion's orders with the blood of their opponents, and the fallen corpses smashed out loud and terrifying war cries.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

The undefeated divine champion waved his spear lightly, and the lava-like gun body pushed down a group of rushing elves.

Asul rolled in the evil fire, and in the end only the smell of meat was left.

Talofast's flaming eyes stared at Lynch, and the two champions approached each other inadvertently.

The mage summoned the Web of Light and tried to imprison the Blood God's chosen champion again, but the bloody brass armor completely blocked the influence of magic.

Like a walking flame, the Invincible strolled among the elves' army, just like Lynch flowing unhindered among the marauders.

The mages in the sky were driven away from the battlefield by the bloodthirsty demons, and the chaos lords on the ground were unstoppable.

Until the thin archmage stacked buffing spells for himself, threw Lilith's moon staff to the attendant, and held the sword tightly to block the champion's way.

"Mentor! Mage Teclis!"

The demon swordsman Aubamon, who had come to fight in blood, saw his mentor facing the enemy, and shouted from a long distance, trying to dissuade him.

But the dead elf had already made the mage furious. The runes on the divine weapon he forged lit up, and the long sword, filled with the fury of Asul, fiercely faced the heavy spear swung by the Chaos Lord.

In the collision of sparks, the mage received the blow miraculously.

Talofast no longer only looked at Lynch, but turned to look at the pale elf mage, with curiosity in his eyes filled with blood and fire.

The spear screamed through the air, and the tip of the spear stabbed the mage with even greater force.

Teclis nimbly avoided it, the magic sword passed through the gun body, and he rushed towards the Blood God Champion with the mage.

But the blood god champion's reaction speed was beyond expectations. Even with the magical buffs, Teclis still couldn't observe the trajectory of his changes.

The Chaos Lord landed a heavy fist on the mage. The fist wrapped in thick copper almost penetrated the mage's armor, and the huge force knocked the mage away.

The elves in the distance quickly helped the archmage up, and the runes on the magic sword gradually dimmed, breaking the mage's illusion of facing the enemy again.

Without the blessing of the divine weapon, he tremblingly took out a bottle of potion and drank it with difficulty.

Without the blessing of the gods and the help of magic, his innately weak body could not withstand strenuous activities.

Unlike ordinary elves, Teclis was born anemic and suffered from consumption.

Perhaps he has reached the pinnacle of his magical attainments, but in the physical dispute, the Archmage is powerless.

On a battlefield where the power of chaos is unreasonable, a mage who cannot use magic to fight against the divinely chosen champion is like a poisonous snake whose fangs have been pulled out.

The Blood God Champion easily killed Asul who came to block his advance, shattering the futile and desperate resistance of the swordsmen.

The Invincible wanted to take the opportunity to take off the Warlock's head, but his chosen opponent had already reached this point.

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