The chaotic situation did not affect the two champions. The noisy battlefield was far away, and the two fighters only had each other in their world.

The undefeated man's heavy punch made Lynch dizzy, and Lynch's bite also caused Taro Fast's skin to be torn apart.

The brutal fight turned the arrogant champion into a bloody man.

The flesh and blood of both sides splashed onto the ground, condensing the soil on the ground.

Lynch heard someone calling his name, but he had no time to be distracted.

The Blood God Champion tore off Lynch's chest scales with great force. He had already forgotten how many times he had torn off the lizard man's scales.

New scales grew quickly, and Talofast could only tear off the new scales again.

The armor gave him immortality, but it didn't give him a spirit that never tires.

The undefeated man's regrown right hand penetrated Lynch's flesh little by little, trying to take out his heart.

Lynch tried hard to tear off Talofast's head with his claws, but was unable to do so for a long time due to the weakness caused by the loss of life.

Lynch expended too much energy trying to heal the wounds created by the Chosen Champion.

Taro Fast was never able to seriously injure Lynch, but beat him black and blue countless times.

Lynch had brought Talofaster close to death hundreds of times, but Khorne's heavy brass armor made killing his champion a luxury.

There were intensive shouts of killing approaching the two wrestlers, and Kotago's light illuminated the warriors in the bloody battle.

The evil light of the blood moon in the sky was strong, and the hazy sound of war drums sounded from all directions on the battlefield.

As if the bloodthirsty man had suddenly received an order, he fell to the ground like a meteorite, killing all living creatures around the two champions.

The two already unsustainable champions almost fainted, but the big devil didn't come to interrupt the champions' showdown.

The bloodthirsty demon roared and split the earth with his battle axe. Magma overflowed from the ground, bringing black smoke and surrounding the champion's arena.

The big demon blocked the path of the Order Alliance, and at the same time slaughtered all the horned beasts and Chaos Warriors who dared to approach without distinguishing between friend and foe.

The mages saw a majestic figure in the blood moon like a vision. Even if it just flashed away like broken foam, all the witnesses wailed and turned into blood.

Lilith's moon staff blocked Teclis' sight, and the archmage led the surviving magic swordsmen to confront the bloodthirsty with lingering fear.

The eight magical winds no longer obey the orders of the mages. They roar and show their chaotic side.

Obamon didn't know what was happening, the wind of magic rejected him wildly.

Without the help of magic, the warriors can only rely on courage and skill to face the bloodthirsty who have reached the pinnacle in this field.

It was like a toy that was placed wantonly, and unfair trials were imposed by a will that transcended reality.

Lynch persevered to get rid of the dizziness caused by the shock, one step ahead of the Chaos Lord, pressed on him, and hit his head hard.

Brain material spilled from the Chosen Champion's cracked head, exacerbating his discomfort.

The war drums became more and more intense. Under the urging of the drums, the God-chosen champion mustered up his energy to launch a fragile counterattack.

The weak beating is like the spirit of a champion disappearing.

Talofast recalled the years when he was wandering in the empire as a child.

The cowardly child back then was also like this now. He was pushed to the ground and beaten by a group of imperial guys, venting his anger at the invasion of his homeland, even though the war had nothing to do with him.

It's like a flashback before death, or like the sequelae of will collapse under extreme pressure.

The God-Chosen Champion's counterattacks became weaker and weaker. On the contrary, Lynch directly entered a state of primitive rage due to the lizard man's war-loving instinct in his weakness!

Lynch has never been in this state for so long!

Completely suppressed by anger and rationality, like an ordinary lizard man, he is tireless and painless, squeezing all his potential and killing overloaded, with only the eyes of killing his own prey.

This is the wild nature bestowed upon the lizardmen by the ancient saint Taranxra!

After his eyeball was broken again, when Talofast regained his sight, he tried his best to see his opponent clearly.

He was a warrior who would not be defeated. There were no other emotions in the cold-blooded eyes, only unyielding stubbornness.

The Undefeated doesn't know what's driving it. Even the most ignorant of the empire's citizens know the prophecy and the legend of world destruction.

Why would this champion choose the side destined for destruction?

Talofast wanted to question this crazy warrior, but his distracted spirit could no longer control his body, and he could only passively endure the cold-blooded rage.

Looking back on his dark life, it was the Blood God who brought Tarofast to nirvana, transforming him from a Norse who allowed others to bully him into a bellicose butcher.

Unfortunately, Taro Fast failed to seize this opportunity and he failed.

Hundreds of years of suffering have turned into a fleeting cloud. The loser is not worthy of becoming the champion of the Blood God!

The armor given by the gods melted under the irradiation of the blood moon, and the evil spear of divine grace disappeared, reappearing in the worst dangerous place, waiting for its next master, the next "invincible".

The blood of the evil moon gradually faded, and the roaring horn was like the laughter of the mighty.

The devil disappeared from reality as suddenly as he came.

In the distance, a dog barked across the distance of space, echoing in Lin Qi's ears.

That's the next challenger, Lynch's demon.

The Blood God has never let go of the warrior who dared to refuse his gift. He is the final destination of all warriors, not the petty plans of a group of losers.

The magma surrounding Lynch cooled, and in the smoke, the light-colored lizard man walked out silently.

The Norscan Raiders clamored for the Chosen Champion's name, but there was no response like in the past.

The shouts became weaker and weaker, and the enthusiasm of the bloodthirsty warriors gradually cooled down.

Amid countless calls, the warriors looked at the lizard man in disbelief as he picked up the scepter again.

"Skull Sacrifice Seat!"

The Chaos Warrior roared and launched a final charge, almost dying under the elven arrows.

The centuries-long conquest ended, and so did their faith.

When Lynch raised his scepter high and led the cold-blooded people to slaughter again.

When the smoke cleared, the corpse of the God-chosen champion completely defeated the will of the Norscans.

The remaining Raiders trembled as they witnessed the death of the Chosen One.

The champion who dared to refuse the orders of the Eternal Chosen, led them to kill powerful enemies one after another, and made countless warriors in the old world fearful, died silently.

The barbarians from the north began to flee, and a few diehards of Talofast, like the Chaos Warriors, launched a fatal charge and slept together with their champions in the jungles of their foreign lands.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

Without the leadership of the Destined One, how could they traverse the ocean?

How could you go on a pilgrimage to Antarctica despite the threats of countless demons and beasts in the Antarctic wasteland?

There was no wave, and all the minions of chaos that rushed towards him died.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Beastmen also fled with the Norscan Raiders.

Before Lynch could give the order to pursue, a burst of pink mist floated in the forest, and the screams of humans or beastmen echoed densely in the mist.

The faint scent of musk drifted in the wind, and the elves looked at each other in confusion.

The cold-blooded man shook off the blood on his weapon and looked at the pink smoke spreading in the forest with hatred.

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