A naked demon walked out of the dense forest and stared at the elves greedily.

Nothing is more delicious to these Slaanesh banshees than the soul of an elf!

These demons noticed this battlefield at some point. They seemed to have been lurking for a long time, and they did not dare to intervene in the battle until the blood moon faded.

From time to time, elves put down their weapons, embraced the air, and walked toward the banshees in fascination.

Teclis's staff lit up with dazzling white light. Under the white light, the illusion that enveloped the banshee disappeared, and the deformed and ugly body of the banshee was exposed.

The tempted elves retreated hastily. The warriors had different thoughts. Even with the help of spells, they were still shaken by the charm of darkness.

This is inevitable. No matter how firm your will is, you will be hesitant due to the body's instinctive reaction.

On the left side of the demon is the male body, and on the right side is the female form.

Both men and women will be attracted by the ultimate allure of the Dark Prince's creations.

With the help of Teclis, the Sun Dragon led the Dragon Prince back to the Elf camp.

Lin Qi pointed with his scepter at the stars hidden by the evil moon in the dark night.

The cold-blooded tone was devoid of emotion, telling a record that all Skinks believed in.

"The Ancient Saints are there! When the arrangement of the stars returns to order, the Ancient Saints will descend again under the starlight and continue to implement their great plan!"

This is of course false. The Ancient Saints will never come back. They have long been defeated by the dark gods.

But it's enough for the Skinks to believe this; they need faith.

"Taranksla is watching us!"

Lynch slowly and firmly approached the demon with the cold-blooded creature, and Kotago's light burned the demon's skin.

The cold-blooded race looked at their champion with reverence. Even if the number of demons was so large that it could easily overwhelm the cold-blooded race, the Skinks, who had just witnessed a great victory, believed that the champion would defeat the enemy again.

The Skinks shouted the holy names of the ancient saints they believed in, and rushed towards the endless demons with great fanaticism.

Lynch once thought that he had returned to the first chaos invasion.

There are powerful enemies everywhere, the world is about to fall, and countless demons use mortals to please themselves.

The tired warriors bared their fangs at the enemy, tearing apart the demon of desire in vain, and followed the never-tired champion towards death.

There is no time to be afraid, because the leader of the cities is under threat.

Once Itaza's core node falls, the entire world will usher in a demonic carnival.

No skink thinks that the order of the Old Ones will fail. Now they have just encountered some minor setbacks. They just need to persist until the Old Ones come again.

The world will eventually return to order, with elves living on the island of Ulthuan, dwarves mining minerals in the mountains, and humans thriving in the plains and forests of the old world.

The monsters that would cause damage to mortals will sleep forever, the lingering undead will completely dissipate, and each race will return to the position planned for them by the ancient saints.

The unclean species that are close to Chaos must be exterminated. Before the arrival of the Ancient Saint, the dragon demons and swamp monsters that are vaguely related to Chaos will completely disappear, and any creature that is close to Chaos must be eliminated.

These are all engraved on the ancient sage's stone tablet. Countless ten thousand year plans have been written on the stone tablet, and Shi Jianke only needs to execute it.

The cold-blooded tide had barely touched the devil, and there were already casualties.

Skinks account for the majority of the surviving cold-blooded species. Although skinks are dexterous enough, banshees are even more powerful.

The hearts of Stenker, who was not good at resisting damage, were ripped out one after another. Fortunately, the elves quickly adjusted their state and poured a hail of arrows at the Slaanesh demon.

With remote support, the cold-blooded torrent will not be pushed back by the pink trend.

In just a moment, Lin Qi banished hundreds of lust demons.

But this is just a drop in the bucket, there are too many Slaanesh demons, it seems that all Slaanesh demons from Lustria have come here.

After just a few rounds of arrow rain, Lin Qi didn't see any more arrows flying.

The screams of the elf came from behind, and Lynch split the body of the succubus maid and turned around to look.

I saw another demon army composed of lust demons appearing from behind and unexpectedly attacked the elf position.

The archers fought the demons with short swords, and the magic swordsmen led the Sword Saint of Hoth to rush back for reinforcements.

A human head surrounded by flames appeared in front of Teclis. It chuckled and flew behind the lust demon who was fighting the elves, creating a path of flames.

The archmage's spells hindered the progress of the demon of desire, and whispering incantations came from the shadows. However, under the interference of Teclis, many whispers were forced to stop.

There were explosions in the forest, which was the backlash caused by the failure of the spell.

Teclis quickly completed another spell. He wanted to release another more powerful fire spell, but the wind of Aksha here was too weak to support the release of the spell.

As a blessing and a curse, the depletion of most of the magical wind also makes the desire demons less deadly.

Ten balls of flames appeared in the sky above Teclis, and merged into one as they flew towards the demon of desire. The terrifying explosion of fire directly cleared away hundreds of demons.

Death attracted the Wind of Shasch to him again. As an archmage proficient in eight wind spells, Teclis drew out the magic wind and released another spell before the demon mobilized the Wind of Shasch.

As soon as Lin Qi stopped a chariot belonging to the Demon of Desire, he saw a magic ball filled with purple light appearing in front of him.

It was as big as a building, and all demons it touched were transformed into cold crystal statues.

The purple magic sun moved around Lynch, and only the demons closer to Lynch survived.

When the evil sun disappeared, Lynch left the Slaanesh chariot that had turned into scrap metal, and took the opportunity to rush towards the Slaanesh army leader demon who was supervising the battle.

As soon as the demon saw Lin Qi, he quickly retreated and kept directing other banshees to intercept Lin Qi.

Although Lynch's bravery and Teclis's magic temporarily reversed the situation of the battle, the number of desire demons was uncountable.

Teclis used life magic to heal some of the dragon's injuries, but it still couldn't take off again.

The elves were gradually forced back, and the cold-blooded charge was pushed back, and the two sides gathered together again.

Teclis wanted to command the army to break out, but he could not order the cold-blooded ones. The leader of the skinks stubbornly wanted to fight to the death with Lynch.

The Archmage was anxious and used magic to open a path to Lynch's location.

The legion reunited with Lynch again, but before Tigris could make any suggestions, darts appeared out of thin air on the west side like a torrential rain, knocking down nearly a thousand demons.

Neither Lynch nor Tigris found the instigator, but Lynch could judge based on the attack method that the attacker was a friend rather than an enemy.

The demons of lust poured into the west, searching among the woodlands, but found nothing.

Another burst of poisonous darts suddenly appeared, and the demons in the west woodland were expelled in large numbers.

The demons of Slaanesh's army were hiding in the dark, trying to force out the enemy with magic. The large-scale spells were dismissed by Teclis before they could be formed.

A storm of poisonous needles and darts appeared again, and a corner of the pink ocean in the southwest was suddenly missing.

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