Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 60 The Dark Sun Ends (3)

In the original city, pure white lizard men stood on the majestic city wall, looking indifferently at the approaching colorful storm in the distance.

That is the purple flame that will burn Itaza!

Horrors are live, invisible beings that blur into masses of crazy colors as they run wildly.

From a distance, it looks like waves dyed deep in paint sweeping through the jungle.

The blue demon mixed in with the trend of the pink demon, and cursed viciously when the pink demon laughed miserably.

There are always pink fear monsters that are seriously injured by the magic thrown by friendly forces. They laugh wildly before death and turn into swirling magic clouds. The magic cloud turns blue in the blink of an eye and splits into two blue fear monsters.

The demons used blasphemous language and sang songs of joy mixed with resentment:

"The Dread Monster is pink! The Dread Monster is blue! There was one before, but now there are two!"

This is not the devil's meaningless revelry. Once a spellcaster listens to the singing of the fear monsters, he will write down the contents of the devil's ceremony, and then the devil will secretly corrode his soul.

In the countless blue flames in the sky, on the magic disk pulled by two screaming flying sharks, stood an alert fire demon.

On the fire demon's semi-corporeal tubular body, the gnashing face and ferocious mouth are competing to emerge.

From time to time, they use the nozzles extended from their slender arms to throw magic fire arrows at the demons on the ground.

Fire demons are the drivers of chariots bathed in flames. They put magical barriers on themselves under the will of the great demon.

Between the flame-bathed chariots, the screaming flying sharks were like dense flocks of birds, ready to show their fangs to the demons.

These shimmering flying demon fish fly freely in the sky with the help of the magical wind carried by the big demon. From time to time, angry demons are bitten into pieces by them.

The whirlpool beast waved its densely packed tentacles to grab the surrounding fear demons and absorb the demon's energy.

The fanged mouth in the center of the tentacles continuously swallows demons, turning them into mist that can distort people, and then spits it out, turning trees into flesh and blood and growing grotesque eyes.

The fear monster, who was promoted to the vanguard demon, waved his staff and mingled among the demons to guide his unwise companions.

Like a broad and endless rainbow, the demons used magic to dye the Legion with a brilliant halo.

Carlos Fateweaver flapped his wings and streaked across the sky like a meteor, crashing into Itaza's defensive barrier with an unstoppable torrent of magic.

It can only see the future and the past, but it can also calculate the present based on everything it knows, although occasionally it is less accurate.

Complex golden symbols lit up in the void, then shattered instantly.

The All-Changing Demon Lord easily smashed the energy barrier without a maintainer. Before the city's guardian spell was activated, the great demon finished reciting the counter-spell.

The first barrier of the original city has disappeared. The big demon only needs to cross a few more physical city walls, cross the firepower network intertwined with the relics of the ancient saints, and annihilate hundreds of thousands of battle-hardened lizard people to reach Eta. Zane City.

Then, after destroying the behemoth legion in Itaza's central square and repelling countless elite temple guards, the demon can safely desecrate the silver obelisk and let the power of Chaos flourish.

The runes on Itaza's magnificent city wall lit up, the laser cannon on the tower was activated, and several beams of blazing energy were fired at Carlos.

The big demon just waved his staff and deflected the incoming laser. The demons following the big demon were annihilated in pieces, but Carlos didn't care about this loss.

In the crackle and hiss of the flames, an endless blanket of fire covered Itaza, a masterpiece of the fire demons.

After the magical flames fell on the ground, they imitated the shape of a lizard man or a skink and made a harsh mocking sound.

After the flames, swarms of burning demons rushed towards the city wall, overwhelming the damage caused by the laser cannons with their huge numbers.

The flying demon jumped on the wall and fought with the cold-blooded species.

The purple flames instantly flooded the outer city walls of Itaza, and the cold-blooded species were pushed back by the boundless demons.

As Carlos's spell resounded through the sky, the Skink Priests fell off the pterosaurs one by one, and the frantic airflow directly threw all the flying beasts to the ground.

The big demon kept reciting the spell again, and a prismatic smoke spurted out from Carlos's hand. After swallowing the Tzeentch demon in front, it directly melted the ancient city wall to create a wide gap.

Bright sunlight shone in the jungle on the east side of the battlefield, but the demon just glanced at it and ignored it.

Just a lucky reptile that could kill him outright at any time with just a spell.

It has more important things to do. It must get deep into the vicinity of Itaza's silver obelisk before the reptilian mage can react.

There is no scene in the near future of Carlos being killed by a lizard man, so the All-Changeer swaggers toward Itaza, leaving the small ripples in the east behind.

Lynch rushed towards the demon's sea of ​​fire, but encountered a dense rain of fire before he even got close.

The flames scorched his scales, and his tenacious body withstood the scattering.

But then, more powerful purple fire flew across the sky.

The physical living flame directly bit into Lynch's scales and penetrated into Lynch's body through any hole in his body.

The flames licked Lynch's internal organs, and the extreme pain almost destroyed his sanity.

The cold-blooded charge turned into a stagger, but quickly returned to swiftness.

[Renovation successful]

[Current potential development degree: 55]

[Current affixes: rebirth, heavy armor, negative status immunity, deoxygenated life form, abundant physical strength, extraordinary agility, rest until death, high-density body, fire resistance]

The living fire screamed in Lin Qi's body, but the regrown flesh and blood was never ignited again.

The prairie fire could no longer stop Lynch. Kotago's brilliance ignited the demons in reverse, and the demons screamed and ran around everywhere.

The eternal light pushed the purple flame tide in the opposite direction, moving firmly towards Itaza.

From time to time, deadly magic beams were thrown by the Junfeng Demon, but Lynch deftly avoided them.

His resistance to magic is almost zero, and he can only use his body and artifacts to forcibly mitigate the effects of magic.

Obviously, Lynch cannot face the transformation spell that can reorganize molecules. He will be completely wiped out by the power of magic.

In fact, even dwarves with excellent resistance to magic can only weaken the magic effect to a certain extent, rather than completely resist it.

Lynch could guess based on the existing strengthening effects that even if he underwent transformation to resist magic, it would still be the same as that of a dwarf.

Dwarves are a special race created by the ancient saints for magic. Obviously, this is the upper limit of the creatures.

This is the most dangerous war that Lynch has ever experienced!

Everywhere are powerful Tzeentch daemons, most adept at harnessing the winds of magic.

If he is not careful, Lynch will be hit by a targeted spell and end his short-term rebirth.

The Horrors used chaotic energy to tear apart Lynch's scales. The strong scales that could withstand gunfire were fragile under the Horror's magic blade.

The fast-flowing blue and pink are colorful and deadly, and Lynch relies on his extraordinary speed to clear the incoming fear monsters first.

Lin Qi dodged the molten metal falling from the sky, found the right moment, and took the initiative to crash into a blue fear monster that was yelling viciously.

It's always a good thing to have a stronger body, even if it can't completely resist magic, it can make some low-level spells less deadly.

Under the confused gaze of the demon frontman in the dark, Lin Qi's belly was cut open and his heart was pierced without warning.

It is expected to be released on October 1st, and additional monthly tickets and first-day explosive updates will be released together.

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