Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 61 The Dark Sun Ends (4)

[Renovation successful]

[Current potential development degree: 60]

[Current affixes: rebirth, heavy armor, negative status immunity, deoxygenated life form, abundant physical strength, extraordinary agility, rest until death, high-density body, fire resistance, magic resistance]

The wound healed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Qi banished the fear monster lightly and rushed towards the exposed Tzeentch army leader.

The demon hurriedly retreated, controlling the fear demon and the fire demon to stand in front of him.

Lynch ignored the fireball thrown by the demon, dodged a lethal ray, passed over the fear monster that had blurred into colors, and stabbed the front of Tzeentch's army with his staff.

Amidst the screams of the Junfeng demon, the demons around Lynch suddenly lost their initiative.

But in an instant, they "came alive" again and were driven by another Tzeentch Army Demon to kill Lin Qi.

Kotago's light advanced hard amid the arrogant purple flames, and the demon had already led his army to rush to the second wall of Itaza.

The tenacious lizards fought to the death on the fallen city walls, and from time to time scorched corpses were lifted up by the demons laughing at them.

No backers!

This is the original city, the sanctuary of the gods that will never fall.

The big white lizard swung Urumak's big stick and smashed a whirlpool beast into pulp.

After continuously expelling hundreds of demons, Grok came to the gap in the city wall and used himself and the Shield of Eternity to block the continuous flow of demons pouring into the First City.

This is an immovable boulder, and the demons can only pass through the cracks to get around the lizard people.

More and more lizardmen gathered around the big white lizard, blocking the gaps in the city wall with their flesh and blood.

These warriors wore only gold ornaments, and the complex decoration symbolized their long history of conquest.

They are the blessed ones of the patron god Quij, the blessed lizard people.

The cold-blooded species intercepted the path that the demon had torn open. Carlos flapped his wings impatiently, venting his anger and flying behind him with hundreds of brilliant flames.

The demonic fire spreading in the air reversed the nature of things.

The city walls were turned into clay, and steel was condensed from the flames.

But when the purple flames burned out, these lizard men who were only wearing gold decorations were unscathed.

The dense ancient text on the jewelry lights up, telling its own extraordinaryness.

By the time the symbol faded, the jewelry had been deformed and damaged.

Without looking back, Carlos waved his staff and pointed at another city wall, turning the solid wall into flowing water.

The water flow evaporated as soon as it touched the fire demon, and the demon poured in from the new gap again.

The All-Changing Demon Lord left more than a dozen legions behind to surround the indelible Lizard Legion. It did not necessarily have to kill all the cold-blooded species, as that would be too time-consuming.

In the darkness of the sky and the earth, the layers of spells cast by the great demon caused dozens of floating islands above Itaza to tremble.

As the last high-pitched syllable fell, the All-Changing Demon Lord tore apart the atmosphere with overwhelming arrogance, and dozens of meteorites fell towards Itaza with rays from the universe.

Even the cold-blooded ones who were focused on fighting to the death noticed the meteor shower getting closer and closer in the sky.

The massive rain of meteorites and fire dispelled the darkness, bringing a more terrifying fear than the darkness.

Countless scarred people desperately rushed towards the big demon, but were blocked by endless demons.

Lin Qi resisted the spell that made him bleed, and killed the god-like figure desperately.

The chief demon of Tzeentch just cast a spell and turned the ground into a quagmire with just a glance, causing the swamp to cling to the lizardmen.

Who else can better represent the will of the God of Magic than this great demon?

Carlos Fateweaver's opponent has always been the oldest demon toad.

After searching all over the planet, among the mages who still have the power to mobilize the wind of magic, only Caledor Dragon Tamer, who is neither alive nor dead in the "Maelstrom", can rival him.

But the being who was bound in the magic whirlpool was in a hurry due to the wavering of the "maelstrom"!

When Carlos was about to wipe out the future of the lizard people, the demon, who was almost the incarnation of magic, suddenly looked into the deepest part of Itaza.

The next moment, a black spot appeared above the First City.

The black spots quickly spread out of the water curtain and instantly turned into a barrier covering the entire city.

There was no earth-shattering collision, no apocalyptic light and shadow.

Meteorites fell on the barrier one after another, causing countless waves to engulf the barrier silently.

The ground trembled, and triceratops crawled from the end of Itaza's wide streets.

The Skink Priest activates the sun engine and Sotek's Ark on the Ankylosaurus' back, and the bright beam spreads along with the endless carpet of snakes.

Behind the herd, lizard people wearing triangular helmets and bronze armor came slowly.

The temple guards mechanically guarded the floating chair behind them. On the floating chair, behind the golden mask, the green eyes lit up and remained persistent until death.

The first-generation Slan who returned from the myth just waved his hand slightly, and the reality that had been shaken by the magic of the demon returned to order.

Lynch took advantage of the magic effect to disappear and rushed towards Carlos Fateweaver.

Koteg's scepter lit up with a dazzling arc of light, and the owner who led it forward resolutely penetrated the body of the great demon.

After the arc of light extinguished, Lin Qi fell on the hard stone slab, and the figure of the big devil faded away little by little.

Over the battlefield, a shadow condensed Carlos's entity.

The big demon looked down at everything on the ground jokingly, including the spellcaster that made it afraid.

Everything was planned, and the caster who could avoid its gaze exposed its location.

The wind of magic trembles, as both casters wrest control of it.

No more spells were successfully cast, and neither the Skink Priests nor the Tzeentch Daemons could wrest a trace of magical energy from the two mythical creatures.

Lin Qi heard tiny whispers, and the dull voice was saying something urgently.

But the sounds of conquest on the battlefield drowned out the whispers in my ears.

He rushed towards the tide of Tzeentch demons, his eyes fixed on the two-headed demon in mid-air.

Carlos crushed a warpstone, allowing the power of Chaos to spread.

Using the abundant energy of the Warpstone, Carlos attempted to summon a never-ending storm.

The overflowing energy was suddenly transformed, gathered into the demonic tide, and condensed into a small sun.

After the dazzling sunlight was compressed to the extreme, everything in Lynch's eyes turned into light.

The devil's shrill laughter and curses faded away, and in the hum, the pure white color gradually faded away.

The sea of ​​purple flames is less than half, and Carlos has fled to the north.

The wind from the west carries the stench of the plague, and some Nurgle demons with broken bodies are exposed.

They came to the battlefield at some point and were affected by Lord Croka's magic.

As Lynch stared at him in confusion, the swollen Nurgle demon walked out of the dense forest and rushed towards the Tzeentch demon army.

The Prince of Nurgle flew through the sky, charging towards Kalos with his angry demons and giant flies.

Carlos laughed and took out a grimoire and turned it into ashes.

In the ashes, Carlos' figure disappeared.

The Tzeentch demons disintegrated into pieces, and the yellow-green tide crashed into the air.

Prince Nurgle looked at Itaza with his scarlet eyes, and the yellow-green demon sea also looked at the cold-blooded species.

You guys have a tendency to vote monthly. I have to code one more chapter to be safe. The protagonist’s full-level number will be released from the Novice Village in the next volume.

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