Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 62 The Dark Sun Ends (5)

The rain forest on the west side turned into pus, and forty-nine towering piles of rotten flesh and fat were exposed to Lynch's sight.

Their loud laughter was like the ringing of a bell, they brandished rusty weapons, and the dripping mucus rotted the mutated jungle.

These Great Unclean Ones compete for the wind of magic, trying to make the gifts of the loving father fall on the cold-blooded ones.

The lizards made preparations for the war in an orderly manner. Lynch looked at Prince Nurgle. Obviously, there is no peace between demons and cold-blooded species!

The plague polluted the wind and soaked the clouds.

The howling green mist contained a stench that could suffocate living creatures, corrosive black rain fell from the sky, and maggot-covered plants grew on the ground.

Just by appearing, these plague lord gods and demons stained the rainforest.

Lynch wasn't sure he could face any of them alone.

In fact, except for Lord Croka, all the cold-blooded species present do not have this ability.

In other words, there are only a handful of existences in the mortal realm that can face gods and demons!

Lynch has been on the fiercest battlefield and on the most brutal front since he was born.

The entire Lustria is a fortress to prevent the devil from raging!

The Great Unclean Ones made the earth scream as they moved around, and the cackling Nurglings crawled out of their mountainous bodies and blended into the current of the Plague Bearers.

The lizards tightened their grip on their weapons, the skinks hurriedly adjusted the trajectory of the laser cannon, and the solar engine recalibrated.

The Stinks who were not at their posts nodded to each other frequently and quacked. They hoped to get guidance from Slann, but the dead Slann would not give its orders.

It stared at Lin Qi quietly, wondering what it was thinking.

With a gaze that made his soul tremble, Lynch calmly accepted Lord Croca's scrutiny.

The priests were at a loss; none of the Skinks knew what to do now.

The Great White Lizard Gorok led the legion to protect Lord Croka. Lynch raised Koteg's scepter and ordered the Skinks to go deep into the pyramid to awaken more dangerous ancient holy relics.

Panicked, Stenker found the backbone. Seeing that the first-generation Slan on the floating chair showed no reaction, he followed the lizard man's orders and rushed towards various ancient holy temples in groups.

The soldiers stood ready, ready to shed their blood for the city.

Middenheim, the city walls are filled with warriors in full formation.

The City of White Wolf has never suffered such humiliation!

The Chaos Legion surrounded this fortress of the Wolf God that had never fallen. Every Middenite was immersed in the sorrow caused by the death of the Elector of Middenland.

The venerable leader was hung in the battle banner by the Chaos Lord, and his body was covered with beastman's teeth marks.

There are no reinforcements!

The great emperor, Magnus the Pious, was intercepted by beastmen on his way to aid.

By the time they arrived, the holy land of the God of the North had already been desecrated!

The patriarch of the wolf god Ulric rejects this dark future. Before that, Great Ulric will lead all the people of the wolf god to death.

The old man wore a dragon skin, a trophy from his youth, when he was stronger than a bear.

Big Ulric was carrying a heavy war hammer, with burning anger in his eyes, walking among the hesitant and numb people.

Looking at the Patriarch of the Wolf God, hope reappeared in the eyes of the warriors.

There was no hesitation or cowardice in the old man's eyebrows. Those were not the emotions that northerners should have.

The people of the empire are getting worse from generation to generation, and the luxury of the south has corroded the bravery of the north.

Any vampire can make cowards feel like enemies. How can such a pack of wolves defeat the legendary Chaos Lord?

Every warrior was praying to the Wolf God, and the ever-extinguishing white wolf sacred fire behind them slightly alleviated people's despair.

"Uric gave me the fangs of a wolf!"

The women and old men struggled to carry the spears, forcing themselves to remain calm, and asked the children who were too young to hold the dagger to close their eyes and pray to the wolf god.

"Uric gave me the claws of a wolf!"

The holy fire on the top of the mountain could not dispel the coldness summoned by the magic of the Chaos Warlock Lord, and people's prayers were masked by the pace of the Chaos army.

Great Ulric looked at the trembling children sternly, and moved his eyes towards the warrior who covered his fear with prayers.

"There are no cowards in Middenheim!"

The old man's thick white beard trembled violently, his roar contained the wildness of war, and his roar contained infinite fighting spirit, which shocked the people in the north.

The elite knights of the White Wolf Knights proved their courage to the old man with the same anger.

"Uric gave me the pelt of a wolf!"

The young boy was infected by the barbarism, and his voice was so frightened that he prayed loudly.

Children help their parents hold quivers, and girls adjust their crossbows.

Without civilians, Middenheim only has warriors who are noticed by Ulric!

Great Ulric withdrew his gaze with satisfaction. This is the spirit that the people of the Wolf God should have.

No matter how large and terrifying the legions are, they can never conquer this indomitable city until the Holy Fire of Ulric is extinguished!

Of course the old man knew that the defenders of Middenheim alone would not be able to repel the enemy.

But so what? Either way, it's just death.

Great Ulric raised his war hammer and roared like a wolf.

"We will gather in Ulric's palace!"

"Middenheim will never fall!"

"Itaza will never fall!"

Lynch imparted courage to the Skinks, and Stubborn easily fell into the fanaticism of the Old Ones' faith.

The thin cold-blooded man raised his spear and short stick, shouted noisily, and looked enthusiastically at the incoming demon.

Another lizard-man army came from the end of the street. Each Thoros had purple scales, which meant that the ancient saint Taibok had blessed their hatching.

The mysterious Taibok makes these divine lizard people not afraid of evil magic!

Of course, too powerful magic can still kill any living creature, that is Tzeentch's divine power.

An illusory vision appeared in front of Lynch's eyes. He seemed to be pulled out of his body by some force, and his soul was flying above Lustria.

He saw Talaxlan, a great city whose pyramids were flowing with energy patterns like moonlight.

All the pyramids are suspended in the air, away from the dust.

On the central pyramid, there is an energy ball that can illuminate dozens of miles in radius, confirming its identity as the Solar Eclipse Temple.

In the past it existed only in Lynch's dreamy imagination.

Lynch saw Carlos Fateweaver again. This terrifying demon summoned a new demon army on the south side of the Moon City, leading a storm of purple flames towards the Moon City.

Lin Qi's heart tightened because he found that the defense of Moon City was unexpectedly weak.

There are only tens of thousands of lizardmen scattered around the city, and the skinks anxiously gather beasts in the streets.

That's right, this is close to the City of Echoes. When demons appear in Zahhuitak, this city is often the first source of troops.

But why didn't Carlos attack the city directly instead of pretending to attack Itaza?

Before the thought came to an end, Lin Qi was pulled back to his body. An army of Divine Blessed Lizardmen had already formed an army, and the Scarred Ones came out more and more to face Lin Qi.

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