Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 63 The Dark Sun Ends (6)

Taraxlan cannot be missed because it is one of the largest transit hubs for spiritual veins.

The air around Lynch rippled, twisted and collapsed, eventually forming a huge portal.

Through the door, Lynch could see the glory of the Eclipse Temple.

In the laser beams, the Nurgle demons slowly approached the First City, but Lynch knew that he was no longer needed here.

He has to go support the weak Moon City!

Lynch looked at the warriors. They were stronger than ordinary lizards and wore various gold ornaments with complex magic symbols engraved on them.

There are not many in number, only a thousand God-blessed Thoros.

In fact, this is beyond imagination. A single divine hatching is rare enough. Only when faced with a great crisis will the marked lizards be hatched in an organized manner in the underground atoll.

High Priest Croka raised his hand slightly, and the accompanying Skink Priest lowered his head, waiting for orders.

The high priest made a weak grab, and a long back armor appeared in front of the hanging chair.

It is engraved with the same cascading symbols as Kortego's scepter, but slightly different.

The silver spikes are ferocious and full of powerful charm, and the mark of the ancient saint Taibok is connected from the top to the end of the back armor.

The priests picked up the relics of the ancient saint and quickly approached Lynch.

Lynch made no move. In fact, he used a lot of willpower to restrain himself and not lose his composure.

Perhaps this first-generation Slann saw the mark of the ancient saint Ashoranka on the lizard man.

It may also be that he simply admires Lynch's bravery.

Lynch prefers the latter, although there is a high probability that it is the former.

If anyone can decipher the grand plan, it's this ancient Slann.

It is the most powerful assistant of the ancient saints, and the vast knowledge of the ancient saints is engraved in its mind.

It's a pity that it has died, and the curtain of death makes it impossible for Lord Croka to express the will of the ancient saint.

As soon as the Thorn of Taibok came close to Lynch's back, it stuck directly to the scales.

Under the cool touch, silk threads stretched out from the carapace and tightened on their own.

A silver carapace stretches from Lynch's head to the end of his tail, making him look like a mini Godzilla, only with thicker arms.

It's a pity that he can't breathe.

Needless to say, when Lord Croka cast an urging gaze, Lynch led the Divine Blessed Lizardmen Army into the portal.

Carlos Fateweaver held up the Staff of Tomorrow, victory was already within his grasp.

Just be careful and don't let silly coincidences ruin your best-laid plans.

The Relic Priest sleeping somewhere unknown has been exposed, and the ready-to-move Nurgle demons have been led to Itaza. They will involve the corpse that may threaten the plan, and it will also bring Itaza's huge legion.

The nosy elven gods are paying attention to the City of Echoes, and the elves' most powerful mage is tricked into traveling around Itaza.

The demons of Slaanesh laid siege to the Mist City, leaving another ancient being with no time to come to its aid.

The stupid wild orcs blocked the reinforcements from the City of the Northern Sun.

Simply wonderful!

Everything is changing, and the biggest change will come next!

Carlos flicked through the future suspiciously, fearing that he would fail if he missed a few pictures.

Lin Qi looked around and determined his position with the help of the light from the Solar Eclipse Temple on the northeast side.

He came to the dense forest on the southwest side of Talaxlan, and the screams of demons vaguely echoed in his ears.

The soldiers quickly adjusted their status, and Lynch faced south and led the charge.

He needs to lead this divine army to behead Carlos!

As long as the big demon is banished and loses its controller, the remaining demons will naturally disappear.

Perhaps Slan had chosen the location, but Lynch only walked a short distance before discovering the devil.

Ignoring the auditory and visual hallucinations brought about by the black sun, Lynch did not give a pre-war speech and quietly waited for the opportunity.

Carlos fell behind the demonic tide and glanced towards Lynch's position.

A voice full of ridicule echoed in the jungle, and the lizard man's language was frivolously spoken by the devil:

"You've already lost."

Another sincere voice sounded at the same time:

"I haven't won yet."

The mocking tone continued:

"I am about to destroy your miserable temple city and shake the giant spiritual network."

Sincere and kind words also appeared together, and the layered voices made it difficult for Lynch to hear clearly what it was saying.

"I will destroy the entire planet, using what the Old Ones left behind!"

Lynch didn't want to hear the devil's personal remarks. Seeing that the ambush was discovered and Kotago's scepter was pointed at the All-Changing Demon Lord, Lynch issued a brief and powerful command:


The lizard men also stared at the big demon coldly, and launched a fearless charge with the leader.

Lin Qi used his scepter to fly away the fire demon blocking the way, and quickly approached the big demon.

Carlos kept talking in two tones.

"I am destined to succeed, and this humble reptile should tremble before me!"

"I have more back-ups, and one of them will take effect."

The glib head taunted Lynch with lies, but its other bird head, which only told the truth, almost revealed the devil's background.

Fortunately, the two voices were mixed together, and even if you focused your attention, you could only hear vague fragments.

But Lynch is focusing on charging. He doesn't care about the big devil's plots. As long as he beats it into crow feathers, victory will eventually belong to him!

The ubiquitous flames in the air were sucked into the belly of the lizard people, and the powerful vitality of the blessed individuals was vividly displayed.

Every lizard man was ignited, but the flames could not stop the cold-blooded charge.

Lynch was like the sharpest army-breaking spear, relying on the magic insulation provided by the Thorn of Taebok to absorb all the magic of the Army Demon.

Illusive silver symbols appeared around Lin Qi. The fire of transformation that could have crushed Lin Qi to ashes only caused Lin Qi's scales to be damaged.

The damaged scales grew back in a few breaths, and the magical halo that disappeared in front of Lynch was the ancient saint "Meditator" Taibok's silent ridicule to the devil.

Fighting against the demons of Tzeentch has never been easier!

The Tzeentch Demon's greatest tool is magic, and the Thorn of Tzeentch is specifically designed to restrain magic.

Just like the sirens Lynch once encountered, the killing spells the devil tried to summon were not as threatening as the various deformed creatures summoned by the devil.

Obviously, there are few absolutes.

Carlos stopped talking to himself. He looked at Lynch with interest, and the Staff of Tomorrow hit the ground heavily.

The ground cracked under the blow of the staff, and the cracks quickly approached Lynch.

Lin Qi wanted to dodge sideways, but the demon just spit out a syllable and completed another spell.

The invisible force suppressed Lynch. The spell that was supposed to immobilize Lynch only gave him a slight pause, but it was enough.

Lynch fell into a bottomless chasm.

Alas, it seems I have to add another chapter.

It’s confirmed, the editor said it will be available on October 1st.

After noon that day, there may be nine updates.

The fifth update will be released on the first day, and the fourth update will be added to the monthly ticket. The monthly ticket will be added depending on the situation. I really want to fish.

My Pestilence Clan hasn't broken through yet, alas! It’s really hard for a novice to play Ratmen.

After the Black Sun plot ended, there were not so many close-knit battles, and it was not so chaotic outside.

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