Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 64 The Dark Sun Ends (7)

Lynch embedded the scepter into the rock and soil to prevent himself from falling into the abyss.

His sharp claws and soles clung to the rock wall, and before the ground had healed, Lynch quickly climbed up.

Carlos's annoying words continued to sound, and Lynch only hoped that he would have the courage to have an upright championship showdown.

Just like the battle between another powerful warrior and the mage thousands of years ago.

Lynch only needs to get close to the big demon to dismember it in an instant!

The All-Changing Demon King is not as good at close combat as other big demons. They rely more on magic to show their power.

The lizardmen on the ground did not stop charging because they lost their leader.

Even a newly hatched lizard-man can strangle it with its claws if it can get close to Carlos.

The Changing One is notoriously fragile among the Daemons of Tzeentch.

But the chief of Tzeentch is like its master who represents the origin of magic.

There is no difficulty in casting spells for mortals. For Carlos Fateweaver, the wind of magic is an extension of its power.

It is a chaotic and disorderly master of magic, one of the malicious things that mortals have to face when casting spells!

Carlos flapped his wings at will, and the terrifying fire storm burned the gold jewelry on the lizard man.

No matter how sophisticated the magic resistance technology is, there is a way to break it. Unfortunately, the big demon who can see the future is easy to find.

It's a pity that it hasn't found a way to fight against Taibok's relics for the time being, at least not among the tens of thousands of future possibilities.

The Great Demon looked through the past, trying to trace the flaws in the creation of the Old Ones.

In the process of thinking, Carlos turned the battle-scarred man into ashes with just a casual gaze.

The wind of magic roared, surrounding its master.

There are no skilled spellcasters to compete with it for dominance, and those powerful enemies are too busy to fend for themselves.

The two-headed demon shouted loudly, and in the crow's crow, magic appeared one after another out of thin air.

The power that a mortal mage can control with all his strength, actively cooperates with the demon, turning the air into colorful.

Ordinary spellcasters would need tedious steps to achieve the effect, but Carlos only needed a whisper.

The battle-hardened lizards were just toys in the devil's low smile. The molten metal and lightning easily swallowed up the ignorant chargers.

The strong and tenacious warrior died in the blue flames, and his glorious life ended under the spell summoned by the demon at will.

The chargers who tried their best were caught in the storm of demons and magic.

The big demon avoided the light beams coming from the temple city like a game. After fighting, it still looked to the northeast. That was the battlefield it really paid attention to.

Middenheim, the Chaos Warlock Lord built a crystal bridge across the steep chasm of Middenheim.

Chaos warriors ran rampant among the warriors composed of women, children, old and weak, and human limbs were scattered on the cracked walls.

The white wolf knights roared towards the tall Minotaur and were torn apart by monsters several times their size.

Great Ulric struggled to crack the manticore's head, shouting the name of Ulric, the God of War, to summon the warriors who were still resisting.

The priest's winter wolf had its throat bitten off by the Chaos War Mastiff. The beastmen once invaded the city, but were blocked by the residents who were not afraid of death with their lives.

People chanted the name of Ulric, and the ever-extinguishing sacred fire on the top of the mountain was the last straw in the people's despair.

But more dazzling than the holy fire is the demonic fire driven by the Chaos Lord, and louder than the prayer is the roar of the beastmen.

It is only a matter of time before the city falls. No matter how stubborn you are in resisting, you will succumb under the absolute power!

The most elite champions have followed Great Ulric through fire and water. These warriors who have come to the holy city for pilgrimage have already chosen their graveyards.

The Chosen White Wolf howls like a pack of wolves hunting, driving the hoofed ones away like a herd of deer.

Groups of champion warriors charged, only to be swallowed up by the dense swarm of hoofed men.

The most powerful warriors in the empire gathered in the beast tide, looking at the Chaos Lord in the distance with their blood-covered eyes and wolf-like pupils of Great Ulric.

The mountain shouted the name of the White Wolf God. Grand mentors, models, and inner ring knights from various knight orders supported the White Wolf Patriarch, slowly but resolutely approaching the chosen champion of Tzeentch surrounded by flames.

The plate armor was dented by the heavy blows of the big horned beast, and several broken weapons had been replaced.

From time to time, a champion would rush towards the oncoming giant alone, using his life to delay the most important battle.

Another group of knights rushed to the battlefield. The heavily armored knights knocked away the Chaos Warriors blocking the way. Their lances penetrated a row of horned beasts, and were finally stopped by a large number of Chaos minions.

The knights fell off their horses, and the Chaos Warriors used battle axes to break through their plate armor and smash their heads.

Only the most elite warriors can stand firm in the beast tide. The magic that the warlocks spend a long time preparing will end their glorious life.

The warrior on the gryphon was shot down by the manticore and the dragon, and the beast followed in his master's footsteps.

The sky has become a forbidden graveyard, with only sporadic arrows proving that humans are still resisting.

The Chaos Lord's personal guards collided with the White Wolf Chosen, and the wolves used their courage to carve out the enemy's iron brain.

The roaring sea of ​​fire descended, blocking the way of the champions.

The white wolf called to the Wolf God and rushed into the sea of ​​fire resolutely, his body shapes twisted and elongated by the blue flames.

Great Ulric rushed out of the sea of ​​fire, and his necrotic flesh could not deter him. He charged at the Chaos Lord with even more suppressed rage.

One after another, champions were torn apart by the Chaos Warlock Lord's thoughts and fell in the path of charge.

In the Moon City, Lynch gritted his teeth, passed over the falling lizard warriors, and approached Carlos.

The big demon no longer used lethal spells, but only used magic effects such as gravity and illusion to make the cold-blooded species suffer.

Carlos smiled mockingly and distanced himself as if taking a leisurely stroll.

It is indeed afraid of being approached by soldiers, but the future is under its control.

"When you die, I will extract your soul and turn you into a statue in the Crystal Maze."

"After killing you, I will take away your soul and burn it with magic fire until the end of time!"

Carlos responded with a scepter thrown at him, and the fiery arc of light from the tip almost dissolved the demon.

The demon had anticipated it and narrowly avoided it, nervously staying away from the light of Kotago's light.

Wind, thunder and lightning suddenly rose, and the demon looked northeast again while letting the thunderstorm fall on the remaining lizard people.

Soldiers fell one after another, but even if he really lost all his comrades, Lynch would not back down.

Lynch popped out his claws, ignored the pain, and pounced on the big demon with all his strength.

Middenheim, the famous champion died in the flames of incineration.

Great Ulric passed over the scorched corpses, these were his former comrades and rivals.

With an unyielding fighting spirit burning in his eyes, the nearly 200-year-old man moved his lead-filled body and used his warhammer to knock away all enemies who tried to knock him down.

His body was wailing under the weight, he was too old!

Human beings transformed by the ancient saints have longer lifespans, but the past two hundred years are enough to change mortals and make the strong weak.

The desperate war cry of the knight behind him was blurred by the spell of the beastman shaman. Great Ulric took his last breath and staggered towards the Chosen Champion of Tzeentch who was preparing a large spell.

He cannot fall yet, the White Wolf's sacred fire is still not extinguished.

Under the contemptuous gaze of the Chaos Lord, Great Ulric advanced another distance with his inhuman will.

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