Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 65 The Dark Sun Ends (8)

The cheers of the beastmen and Norscans drowned out the screams of women and children, and the sounds of collapsed buildings were heard.

Big Ulric's rotten flesh and blood fell to the ground. With the courage to move forward, the old wolf who was forced into a desperate situation stubbornly showed his fangs to the enemy.

But some things cannot be changed by will.

The bright eyes dimmed little by little, and the fire in the old man's eyes wavered as death approached.

Just like his stubborn god, the old man persevered and used the tendency of his body to lean forward to get closer to the God's Chosen Champion.

The war hammer was heavily placed on the ground to prevent his body from falling. The old man's longing expression stiffened, and the swaying anger in his eyes gradually extinguished in the storm.

The big demon dodged the lizard-man that rushed towards him, and the joy in his eyes became even brighter.

We are almost winning, and it will achieve the most generous victory. It seems that some backup plans do not need to be activated!

As the last blessed individual died, only Lynch was left trying to get close to the big demon. Without the protection of the ancient holy artifact, the warriors could not stand in the storm of chaos.

Lynch resolutely pushed away the fear demons who came to intercept them. These demons were just paper tigers and could only be delayed by using unscrupulous tricks.

While Carlos was busy avoiding the dense beams of light coming from the city, Lynch pounced on the big demon again.

"For the Ancient Sages!"

Under the cold-blooded roar, Carlos was suddenly confused for a moment and looked to the northeast.

Middenheim, the old man's distracted eyes focused again.

The body that had collapsed long ago struggled to stand upright, and the anger in Big Ulric's eyes was as real as it could be.

A little white flame occupies the eyes of mortals, remaining motionless in the violent storm brought by darkness.

The old man glared at the Chaos Lord who had hastily stopped the spell and was unscathed by the explosion of spell backfire.

Under the latter's astonished gaze, Great Ulric used his last breath to shout his last war cry.

"For the Empire!"

The war hammer was ignited with flames, and the mere existence of the blazing white light brought endless courage and hope to people!

The Chaos Lord hurriedly used his staff to parry, and the swift hammer fell with strong wind. The collision resounded across the battlefield. The demon's metal staff broke like a wooden stick, and the flaming war hammer directly broke the warlock's neck!

Big Ulric was carried forward by the force and almost fell to the ground.

The old man turned his head with difficulty and looked at Middenheim, where half of the city was not occupied by Chaos.

His cloudy eyes lit up with hope. He wanted to continue fighting so that the Midden people could fight again.

But no matter how hard he tried, the old man couldn't take the next round of breathing.

The scene of the raging war in front of him gradually blurred. With his unyielding will, Great Ulric was brought into Ulric's palace by death.

A sudden accident disrupted Carlos's precise calculations.

This big demon who couldn't see the present subconsciously avoided the arc of light coming a second later, and at the same time distanced himself from Lynch.

The future has undergone great changes, and the chaotic scenes have shattered the fixed past.

Carlos anxiously flipped through the pictures with the two bird heads that could see the future and the past, trying to anchor the "now" scene again.

In other words, it is blind!

This is on the battlefield, and it is facing a life that is difficult to kill.

Lin Qi had just landed, and with terrifying brute strength, he got up and pounced on the big demon.

The high-density body overwhelmed the big demon, and Lynch bit the bird's head on the left side of Carlos, crushing it to pieces with world-shattering bite force.

The remaining head of the big demon let out a shrill scream, and the entire battlefield was quiet for a moment.

The demon army leaders were hesitant due to the miserable appearance of their master, and the low-level demons fell into sluggishness due to the loss of their controller.

Lynch plucked Carlos's feathers, tore open his filthy flesh, and bit into another bird's head without stopping.

Several spells of hastily condensed magic by the Army Demon were thrown at him, but the low-level spells couldn't shake Lynch at all. Instead, they made Carlos writhe in severe pain.

The demon kept flapping its wings, but its weak power was useless in front of Lynch.

Carlos' suffering didn't end until Lynch tore it into pieces of flesh and feathers.

The demon's flesh and blood burned to ashes, and the terrifying mage was thrown back to the Chaos Demon Realm.

Tzeentch's vanguard daemons spontaneously combusted as they lost their sustainers, and the lower daemons turned to dust.

The wily Carlos had failed, at least in Lynch's opinion, and his invasion of Lustria had been repulsed.

The dim black sun reminded Lynch that the battle had not stopped, and there were still demons raging in Lustria.

Lin Qi looked to the east, where there was the largest legion of cold-blooded species. If they could be liberated, the threats to the cities would not be a big concern.

Lynch picked up Koteg's scepter and approached the City of the Moon. The door to the Star Road opened for him.

The lizards bowed and saluted Lynch, and the skinks cheered for the warriors who saved the city.

Beyond the city's protection, Lynch came to the temple area.

The Kotago Temple in the east of the city lit up with the radiance of the sun, and Kotago's scepter was excited, trembling in Lynch's hand.

The temples of Tebok in the west also light up with dreamy brilliance, and the arrival of ancient holy artifacts enhances their power.

In the central square of the city, Lynch relied on the two items belonging to the ancient saints on his body to mobilize a group of skinks and monitor lizards, as well as thousands of Thoros.

He slowly moved towards the City of Echoes with dozens of triceratops, and there was also a special being among them.

It claimed to be Taito Ikao, a young skunk and chief skink priest of the Temple of Tebok.

The moment Lynch heard the name, he immediately made up his mind to take it to the battlefield in the City of Echoes instead of staying in Talaxlan doing nothing.

This is the yet-to-be-minted Grand Stargazer, the most powerful Skink Priest of the future!

The next two days of march proved that it did possess some vision.

Every time it falls, Lynch can see the stars more clearly than usual.

Perhaps the mysterious Taibok favored the skinks, and Lynch learned of the attacks planned by some demons before they appeared.

The results are self-evident. Lynch just set up a simple ambush, expelled the leading demon, and achieved victory without any battle losses.

Teto Ikao elaborated on the next most critical raid in the City of Echoes.

The snake god will attack Zahhuitak, and the cold-blooded species will have a short-term advantage. If they can take the opportunity to launch a decisive charge, the demon will be completely expelled!

Lynch was ready to seize this opportunity. The army's march slowed down, and the lizard men quietly waited for the prophet's prompts.

During the march, the cold-blooded army rescued several lizardman settlements surrounded by demons, and more and more skink hunters gathered in the army.

From time to time, lone lizardmen would join with their beasts, the avengers of the destroyed camp.

The mighty army left Lynch quite at a loss as to what to do. He was not a natural commander. Fortunately, he didn't need too complicated tactics now.

When the black sun rose again, and when he was approaching the City of Echoes, Lynch waited for Taito Ikao's prophecy.

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