Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 67 The Dark Sun Ends (10)

The Skinks loudly called for the cold-blooded champion, and the demise of the demon army greatly boosted Stubborn's morale.

Lin Qi looked around the battlefield, and he could no longer fear those arrogant demons.

It was as if they were trapped in a magical barrier, they didn't pay attention to the battlefield at all!

Amidst the tsunami-like shouts of the skinks, Lynch leaned down and slowly approached the next enemy. He never reasoned with evil demons.

After repeating their old tricks, the roar of the bloodthirsty demon shook the dark clouds and the earth. Unfortunately, no matter how strong the anger, they could not save their failed ending.

Lynch is like a predator hiding in the dense forest, expelling many powerful enemies without making a sound.

When Taito Ikao grabbed a huge meteorite from the sky and stood on top of the Tyrannosaurus, Ku Jia reorganized the front line and launched a counterattack.

The defeat of the Demon Legion is doomed!

When the black sun rose again, all that was left in the City of Echoes was the roar of the cold-blooded beasts and the joyful shouts of the skinks.

Ku.Jia's army marched southwestward, and the armies from the City of the Moon and the City of Mist were mixed in and dispersed, returning to the temple city to which they were loyal.

The zombie army disappeared into the jungle, and Lynch did not follow the cold-blooded army to Itaza.

He wants to go directly south, passing through the Mist City, to rescue the Huangqi Gate.

Then, march from the Huangqi Gate to Itaza. If the demon has not been defeated by the First City and Ku.Jia's legion by then.

Lin Qi began to march sleeplessly. In just half a day, Lin Qi saw the magic smoke surrounding the City of Mist.

Thick fog enveloped the city, and other creatures would not be able to detect its existence even if they were very close to the city.

Slannwupeck is the second temple city to be built. The Slann and Skink priests here are best at controlling shadows and illusions.

The third-generation Slann, Lord of Hustle, ruled the City of Mist after the Cataclysm.

What's special is that the second generation of Slann, Lord Whini Aitankui of Pahuakos, came to Slanwupeck after his home was destroyed.

The fog that surrounds the city is the magic it teaches, and now there are two rulers of the Mist City.

Although they respect each other, they are inactive, with neither Slann awakening to deliver clear instructions or to coordinate the powers of both priests.

This results in the Skink Priests' interpretation of the Slann's orders being often confusing, and often quarreling over the order's priority.

This means that if Lynch needs assistance one day, he can completely use the chaotic chain of command of the two Slann and rely on the disputes between the Skink Priests to achieve his goals.

Although in the long past, Slanwupeck was extremely wary of outsiders.

But now that disasters are occurring frequently, the City of Mist no longer advocates isolationism.

The most important thing is that the ancient saint "Meditator" Taibok is one of the two patron saints of the Mist City, the other is the water god Zongqi.

The Thorn of Tepok would greatly enhance Lynch's status, especially if it was a gift from the venerable High Priest of Krokar.

Even if the two Slanns wake up, they will not question the authority of the Ancient One!

If Lynch can find the lost tablet of "The Lost One" Ashoranka, he will gain the divine power left by the ancient saint! Just like the snake god prophet, he has Slann authorization in major cities.

The war here has ended, and production has resumed on the edge of the fog-shrouded city. From time to time, skinks and monitor lizards flash through the dense forest.

Because he was eager to relieve the siege of Huangqi Gate, Lin Qi did not stop here. He led more and more legions to pass through the city of mist.

At night, with the help of Taito Ikao's special ability, Lynch once again observed the illusory data flow.

Lin Qi glanced at the familiar area and looked at the newly appeared drawings.

Itaza, Asroto, Huta, Slanwupek, and Talaxlan are filled with bright stars. Above the star map, the originally invisible texture has become one-tenth brighter.

The texture was very thin, but it was as long as the entire map, and looked like some kind of progress bar.

There are faint threads spreading across the lit city, and those threads with stardust all point to Hesiota, the City of the Sun, in the north, and Oxio, the eternal city in the south.

It seems that these are the next destinations. Lynch plans to resolve the war before heading south or north.

With the expectation of what the ancient saint left behind, Lin Qi accelerated his marching speed.

At the Gate of Wonders, Teclis drained away the last ray of magical wind and buried the entrance to the canyon.

He almost forgot that this was the first time he had repelled the demon's offensive!

More than half of the cold-blooded species have been killed or injured. Even with the advantage of the geographical location, the endless vampires have caused Asur heavy casualties.

The brave elf princes were all injured, and the dragon almost had its neck bitten off by the demon prince!

The mages were knocked down by the flesh hounds one after another. The spells that the high elves were proud of were just more gorgeous fireworks in the eyes of Khorne's creations.

The long bloody battle shook the will of the mages, and from time to time, mages were defeated by the bloodthirsty emotions on the battlefield.

Before the Sword Master Hoth could execute him, a vampire ripped open the flesh with his claws and crawled out of the mage's body.

The quivers have been empty, and all the elves have drawn their swords, preparing for a more brutal battle.

The angry demon rushed to the lizardman settlement, and was beaten to death with war clubs by the desperate skink hunters.

The pterosaurs on the top of the mountain were all enraged, and countless flying beasts, out of the desire to protect their nests, resolutely entangled the terrifying Prince of Khorne in mid-air.

The demon just spread its wings burning with blood and fire, and scarlet covered the wilderness.

The mighty dragon head was twisted by the power of Chaos into a ferocious dog head. The brass collar around the dragon's neck is the mark left by Khorne!

The fallen pterosaurs piled up into a mountain of flesh, and the demon prince's violent roar shook the hearts of mortals again and again.

The Demon Prince did not summon any more legions. There were already enough demons on the battlefield.

The tide of blood occupied the jungle, and countless ancient trees were knocked down by the demons.

To the east of the Huangqi Gate, everything turned into a bloody world!

Teclis almost thought that he had returned to 8,000 years ago, when demons were looming in the mortal realm.

The approaching blood awakens the Archmage. If he cannot stop the demon, the world will return to the terrifying darkness of disorder.

The magical power of the Moon Staff alleviated the discomfort of the Archmage, but the sound of the goddess disappearing made the Master extremely uneasy.

Khorne's Chaos Spawn violently pushed aside the rocks blocking the way, and the Bloodgrinders riding iron bulls roared towards the tired Elven spearmen.

At the rear of the battlefield, the vampires moved the weird-looking turret. The skull magic cannon was covered with ferocious spikes. A group of vampires worked together to push the magic cannon to calibrate it.

A faint sense of despair floated in the hearts of all the witnesses. They were already unable to survive.

Yes, the Blood God hates tactics other than a bloody battle between warriors, but this daemon cannon is Khorne's revenge on the cowards.

Not only can they shoot down cowardly mortals, they can also be used in close combat like chariots.

The imperceptible trembling on the ground was caught by Teclis, and the Archmage thought that another giant demon had arrived on the battlefield.

The replenishment of the wind of heaven cheered up the mage. With the help of Agil's power, Teclis saw the reinforcements coming!

It kills me!

I’ve added some chapters to the quick code and will write a few more chapters and release them in October.

You’re not going to publish Chapter 11 on that day, are you? ? ?

I heard from seniors that if you post too many chapters, your subscription will be deleted. I cried to death. I no longer expect to recommend it.

I will try to write as much as I can, and everyone should read as much as possible...

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