Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 68 The Dark Sun Ends (11)

As the earth shook and the mountains shook, the jungles north of Huangqi Gate collapsed one after another, revealing a cold-blooded army with high morale.

Lin Qi stood on the triceratops that was rushing forward. Kotago's light was like a spark about to start a prairie fire, piercing the darkness.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and lightning was dense in the dark clouds. Not long after, a terrifying lightning storm was summoned by the Skink Priest.

Bolts of lightning fell on the vampire, turning him black and black, but the Blood God despised magic, and his warriors were difficult to be harmed by magic.

Dozens of triceratops were like unstoppable trains, directly opening dozens of tracks in the sea of ​​blood.

Ankylosaurs ran towards the demons, using their thick carapace to clear the way for the horde.

The skinks chanted the holy names of the ancient saints, mingled among the giant beasts, and killed the demons that were not crushed by the giant beasts.

On the east side of the battlefield, the cold lizard riders arranged by Lynch took the opportunity to launch a charge.

The vampire who was pushing the magic cannon was bitten to pieces by the cold lizard. Before the living cannon could devour the living creatures, it was destroyed by the lizard man with big sticks and spears.

The vampires rushed back to help, but the cold lizards had quickly fled the battlefield with their master.

Lynch locked his target, which was the huge monster in the sky.

The Demon Prince looked at Lynch almost at the same time, the blood and fire in his giant eyes becoming more and more intense.

But Lynch was not prepared to have a direct championship showdown with it. That would be tantamount to committing suicide. Not being afraid of death does not mean giving up one's life recklessly.

He wants to use the demon prince's obsession to prevent him from destroying the cold-blooded army.

Then, look for opportunities in the long detours, with the cooperation of comrades, or catch the devil's mistakes and banish it.

Unlike all the enemies Lynch has defeated, the Prince of Khorne is the most terrifying warrior in the world, and all Lynch can rely on is the sharpness of the artifact.

Just as few people in the world can challenge the Great Demon alone, the Demon Prince is also the supreme masterpiece of the Four Gods, a being with god-like power.

It is one of the most powerful servants of the Dark Gods and the leader among countless champions!

Unlike the great demons, these eternal beings who have been upgraded from mortal beings retain the wisdom and memory of mortals.

Lynch didn't know what level it was among the demon princes. There were also differences between the top demons, depending on their reputation in the demon realm.

Obviously, the body of a dragon proves how terrifying it is!

This is by no means an ordinary person, even the great demon of Slaanesh failed to repel it. Fortunately, the demon is restricted in the mortal realm, and it cannot display the authority of a near god.

The dog-headed dragon can turn Lynch into flesh with just one kick, and Lynch must send the scepter into its heart or destroy its mind in order to banish it.

Other warriors who had the ability to challenge the Demon Prince fought bloody battles on their respective battlefields. Lynch believed that he was not inferior to others, and he was happy to try the impossible.

No outside force can intervene in this struggle, and it is difficult for mages to break the chains that Khorne has placed on his offspring.

The wind of magic is already exhausted, and a spell powerful enough to defeat the brass collar requires a long period of preparation.

To chant a curse in the presence of Prince Khorne is tantamount to suicide!

There are few things that can stop a dragon's death charge, and any wizard who dares to try is almost certain to die.

Lynch doesn't yet know what kind of power it has, but there is no time to explore it at this time.

Lynch jumped off the back of the Triceratops. The monster's fury was not something this miserable beast could bear.

In order to prevent the legion from being affected by the power of the Demon Prince, Lynch fought as deep as possible into the battlefield.

The sky is in fear, and the storm summoned by the mage lowers its voice.

The lightning gradually turned bloody and struck the wizards with the terrifying power of the demon prince. Only the most skilled spellcasters could survive the demon's power.

Lynch roared at the giant thing in the sky, trying to anger the Blood God's prince.

It's a breeze!

The demon prince, who was already furious, no longer cared about the pterodactyl's pecks, and let the blood drip from his body.

Like a collapsing mountain, the Blood God Prince fell with a roar that filled the clouds.

"I am Karalon! The moving natural disaster! The burner of the country! The bloody butcher!"

Mind-blowing thoughts, with blasphemous knowledge, echo in the minds of all living beings.

If a person is willing to write down the symbols of the devil and find the items that the devil prince had before his ascension to the devil, he can perform evil rituals to gain the devil's power and become the devil's minions.

This is also the prelude to the championship showdown. Champions in certain regions like to report their honors before the battle.

Lynch only felt disgusted. He never thought it was an honor to kill innocent people and burn down cities and countries.

Even if it was done, it would be a necessary evil.

For example, killing demon-polluted towns to prevent demons from coming, causing the situation to expand and endanger more mortals.

This is not worthy of having a crown next to your name!

Lynch tried his best to break out of the area as far away as possible from where the demon fell, but he was still inevitably affected by the earth-shattering impact.

The violent impact made Lin Qi's ears ring, and the whole earth trembled. Lin Qi was almost blown away by the air wave, and he would rather be blown away.

The heavy body took all the impact abruptly, and Lin Qi felt that his energy and blood were surging, and his whole body was about to fall apart.

[Renovation successful]

[Current potential development degree: 65]

[Current affixes: rebirth, heavy armor, negative status immunity, deoxygenated life form, abundant physical strength, extraordinary agility, rest until death, high-density body, fire resistance, magic resistance, as fast as the wind]

Lin Qi ran towards the distance at a faster speed. He did not expect that just the aftermath of the collision between the Demon Prince and the earth could seriously injure him.

The injury recovered quickly, and there was a rumble behind him, which was the heavy steps of the Demon Prince.

He took the time to glance back and saw that the dog-headed dragon was covered in blood and flesh. It looked like it was seriously injured due to the collision. However, in just a few breaths, the bleeding was stopped and the scales grew back.

The blood fire on the wings of the dog-headed dragon dimmed, revealing bloody scales.

It seems like this is some kind of secret technique that cannot be used often, but it is powerful enough.

The mage tried to add a buff magic to Lynch, but the Thorn of Taibok resisted the spell regardless of whether it was friend or foe.

Lynch ran among the vampires, followed by the Demon Prince, crushing countless demons.

The demon's curses couldn't make Lynch react. Its anger seemed to have a physical form, covering Lynch like blood, making him always feel sticky when he moved.

While Lynch attracted the most powerful demon, Teclis quietly used the wind of heaven to extend his thoughts to the outside of the sky.

What surprised him was that there was another idea in space, and like him, he carefully selected the suitable meteorite.

After determining the opponent's location and confirming that he was a friendly force, Teclis withdrew his thoughts and prepared another spell.

The wind of magic is limited and fluctuating. Pulling the meteorite will use up the inexplicably increased power of Agil, and only one mage is enough.

The Archmage uses the moon staff of the goddess Lilith to condense the wind of magic.

More to be added

Can it still exceed 1,000 in two days at the end of the month? An additional update will be added if the price exceeds 1,000, and will be released together with 10.1

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