The Archmage witnessed the establishment of the Lynch Legion with a smile.

As the next Lord of the White Tower of Hoth and the Supreme Mage, he formally established diplomatic relations with Lynch's legion.

When Teclis ends his travels and returns to Ulthuan, he will use his influence to maintain the friendship between the eldest son and the second son of the Old Saint.

But before that, Lynch wants to start a new journey with him.

There was nothing to deal with, except that Tigris gave Lynch a small surprise.

When he stayed at the Huangqi Gate, he used dragon fire and elven Ismailan silver to forge a chain for Lynch.

The Archmage connected the silver chain to the scepter of Kortheg and Lynch's wrist. Ever since that duel with the champion of Khorne, he had noticed the warrior's flaws.

Although the artifact is sharp, it is too easy to lose.

Ismailan silver is a commonly used forging material among elves. The armor forged with it is as light as a feather, and the elves will also add magic to the creation.

The silver chain came to life, firmly fixing Kotago's scepter in Lynch's hand.

It also releases itself when Lynch needs it.

This is a testimony of friendship, although this friendship is mixed with political factors.

After expressing his gratitude to the Archmage, Lin Qi was preparing to go out when he saw three pterosaurs flying one after another.

Two of the Skink Priests brought greetings from the ruler of Itaza. Lord Slote and Lord Kositep recognized Lynch. There will be a team of Skink Priests from Itaza to help Lynch maintain the pyramid. Obelisk.

The Skink Priest from Moon City expressed his gratitude to Lynch and his blessings from Taito Ikao.

After Taito Ikao's lobbying, Lord Ed Itago not only publicly recognized Lynch, but also gave Lynch some help.

Five solar engines will be transferred to the Gate of Huangqi under the escort of temple guards.

The Temple Guards will remain at the Radiant Gate, guarding the Old Ones' creations beneath the Temple of Kotheg.

This ancient second-generation Slan believes that Lynch has an indispensable position in the grand plan!

The second-generation Slan of Mist City and Sun City are currently in a wait-and-see state.

The Hustle Lord of Slanwupeck seemed to want to see Lynch. When its voice appeared in Lynch's mind, Lynch declined it politely.

Before the envoys from Itaza and Talaxlan left, the Skink Priests from the Awakening City rushed to the Huangqi Gate.

Lynch's birthplace, Lord Wo Kerr of the Awakening City, directly praised the cold-blooded champion.

There will be a group of Huta dragon warbands, bringing the power iron rings left by the ancient saints to join the settlement of Huangqi Gate.

Lynch's schedule was happily delayed for several days!

After the expectant wait, with the scorching sun in the sky, he took Teclis to count the gifts from the cities in the square.

No elf mage can resist the novelty and shock brought by the ancient saint's creation. Teclis almost pressed his face against the hot crystal of the sun engine, but fortunately he was reserved enough.

The temple guards were as quiet as statues. If he hadn't seen them walking from a distance and then standing still, Lynch would have thought they were simulated sculptures.

The temple guards are extremely special Thoros. They are stronger than ordinary lizards and are produced from the most sacred hatching pool.

Since their birth, these warriors have protected Slann and important relics.

Looking around the world, there are few warriors more terrifying than them!

Especially when these temple guards picked up heavy halberds engraved with sacred texts and put on bone helmets passed down from generation to generation.

Sacred relics passed down from ancient times give them the combat experience of guards over the generations.

The specially made bronze armor is resistant to magic, and the shield with inscriptions is almost indestructible!

Only the most formidable enemies have a chance of getting past these Watchers, and otherwise hundreds of times more warriors must be used to drain the Guardians of their energy.

The Scared Ones among the temple guards lead these one hundred warriors, and the higher-ranking Eternal Guards only guard the oldest demon toads in the city.

The most skilled Temple Guards are called the Eternal Guards. They are the strongest among the strong, and an insurmountable shield.

Thousands of years of watching have made the eternal guards famous, and the blood of many powerful enemies is their silent declaration.

As far as Lynch knows, the most powerful Everguard is in the Mist City, serving as the personal bodyguard of Lord Whinni Aitanqua.

After the guards bowed to Lynch and saluted, they escorted the Sun Engine into the Koteg Temple. Tigris reluctantly looked away and looked at the monitor lizard aside.

Twenty giant lizards from Huta were about to work on the cliff. The iron rings on their arms were dancing with blue magical halos, which looked extraordinary at first glance.

When the sun was about to set, the snake god's delegation arrived belatedly.

The leader of the Red-crowned Skink brought the blessing of the snake god Tehenhuoyin, as well as ten Sotek Holy Arks. When these archstones are activated, they will continuously summon poisonous snakes.

Lynch just nodded implicitly to show satisfaction, but the leader of the Skink seemed to be greatly inspired.

After the war, the existence of the "Army Breaker" was spread by word of mouth among the Skinks, and it almost became a legend.

The rain forest patrol army managed by the leader of the Red Crown Skink will be included in the Huangqi Gate. It is the commander of the army in charge of the southern rain forest. The Snake God Prophet hopes that Lynch's army can patrol the dense forests in southern Lustria on his behalf.

This is not an excessive request, it is the responsibility of the lizard people.

There is only one important city in the south, the eternal city of Ox'o overlooking the plain across the southernmost tip of the continent, and further south is the elven Twilight Fortress.

The southern outpost established by the leader of the Red-crowned Skink around Ox'o is now under Lynch's jurisdiction.

Although he doesn't do everything personally, he just distributes power to the reliable leader of the skinks like Slann.

Lizardmen do not have the concept of "rebellion", and Lynch is not worried at all. Slann has already recognized him, and the skinks will only obey him, the champion warrior.

Before heading north, Lynch prepared to inspect the southern outpost.

The Chosen Champion of Khorne had looted this outpost when he went north to Itaza, and Lynch had to investigate some hidden dangers.

Although the blasphemous statues left behind by the Norscans have been destroyed, the corruption of Chaos will inevitably spread throughout the jungle.

At the same time, Lynch will also stop by to visit the eternal city of Oxo. On the one hand, he will unlock the nodes on the star map. On the other hand, Lynch hopes to invite a local animal taming master to help his settlement tame the pterosaurs.

Oxo's Skink Tamers are particularly good at driving Wyverns. If there are more warriors who can conquer the sky, Lynch's army will be more powerful and the Skinks can play more roles in battle.

Tigris did not comment on the itinerary. It didn't matter where he went. Working with the cold-blooded species could still maintain the relationship between the two parties.

Moreover, the opportunity to enter the lizardman city was once in a lifetime, and he was not prepared to miss the opportunity to deeply investigate the lizardman culture.

It would be inconvenient to lead a large-scale legion without accompanying Skinks, especially when Lynch was preparing to leave Lustria and follow the traces of the Old Ones.

The outside world is not friendly to the lizard people. The appearance of cold-blooded armies outside the rain forest can easily trigger unnecessary wars.

If Tigris hadn't been accompanying him, Lynch would have had to think about how to cover himself.

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