The Hoth Sword Masters had great respect for Lynch, the "elder", perhaps because they had witnessed Lynch's terrifying performance on the battlefield.

Tigris also did not regard Lynch as a lizard-man who had just hatched less than a year ago.

In fact, his display of awe was a little too much.

In this way, Lin Qi, who was no older than them in his two lifetimes combined, became a highly respected ancient creature.

The taciturn Lynch really does have a bit of "elderly demeanor"!

The rich secret knowledge made up for Lynch's lack of experience. Tigris did not doubt that he had him, but he thought that the lizard people had never been out of the rain forest, so they lacked a detailed understanding of the world outside the rain forest.

But when he found something to say, Lynch could still pick up a few words.

The march is not boring. Mosquitoes as big as humans like to come to comfort the travelers. Fortunately, the lizards and elves have ways to deal with the dangers of the rainforest.

Lynch's first destination was the Eternal City, located at the southern end of Sotigo Ridge.

The Spine of Sotek is a mountain range that stretches from the north to the south of Lustria. The remains of lizardfolk cities still remain in the mountains.

The masked city of Horoto is located at a rare break in Sotek's Ridge, where it is the holy place of the Oracle.

But Lynch has nothing to do with it, and this position is not recorded on his star chart.

Carefully avoiding poisonous snake vines and clawing creepers, Lynch selflessly shares the knowledge necessary for long-term survival in the rainforest.

These inconspicuous vines are more dangerous than predators. The poisonous ants that swarm on the surface of the vines are mini killers.

Maybe the creatures in the rainforest are not very agile, but their clever camouflage makes up for their shortcomings.

If you encounter a crawling monster that can jump around, it's best to avoid it. They often have invisible allies who are hunting together.

Neither the lizardmen nor the Asur are afraid of the diseases spreading in the rainforest, which may be the aftermath of the demon's rampage. Large monsters are rarely encountered by travelers, and there are more corpses of deformed creatures in the forest.

The beasts twisted by the power of Chaos died from the strange activity of the jungle, but there are still a few powerful ones who survive.

For example, Lynch just discovered a giant python with fangs on its body.

It has an elf head and has become an ignorant beast.

A monster of this level was no match for Lynch. After killing it, Teclis used magic to capture its soul.

She was an unlucky druchi who was supposed to recall a high-ranking sorceress named Teresa with orders from the supreme sorceress Morath.

But she was unfortunately involved in the aftermath of the Black Sun War. After being hacked to death by a vampire, Drucci's soul was entangled with the beast and was distorted by the irradiation of the black sun.

Her soul was very valuable, at least it allowed Lynch to know the whereabouts of a dark elf fleet.

In the waters south of Lustria, a black ark encountered a strange storm on the sea and was almost sunk by the terrifying celestial phenomenon.

The Black Ark was a moving island, and it was hard for Lynch to imagine what kind of storm could actually shake it.

The Supreme Sorceress Morath was on the Black Ark, and she saw something special in the storm.

Now, this fleet follows the storm, gallops across the vast ocean, and focuses on breaking the storm.

Morath wishes to claim the treasure of the storm, and at the behest of the High Sorceress, powerful sorceresses are gathering.

The attraction of the special things in the storm was so great that Morath did not even allow the army to attack the overseas colonies of Assur and the ruins of the lizardfolk as planned.

Lynch was a little interested, but the sea was not the territory of the Lizardman Empire.

I just hope that the old witch will not get what she wants, and that the strange existence in the storm will be obtained by Drucci to increase the pirate's power.

Lynch was considering whether to persuade the local Slan after arriving in the Eternal City to find the Druzi fleet at sea and teach them some small lessons.

Putting this thought behind him, Lynch might not even be able to see the sleeping Lord Slann, and a special trip to Itaza or Talaxlan would be too fussy.

The Slann's status is beyond imagination, and the only ones more noble than them are the Old Ones.

They meditate day and night to maintain the barrier of great protection. It is best not to disturb them easily.

As for Lord Huahua... its quirks are famous far and wide, and Lynch doesn't want to see it. It has been isolated by the Slann for thousands of years.

Maybe it was just Druchi's mad woman who was stunned by the power of darkness. Storms are not a rare natural phenomenon, especially in the sea near the southern wasteland.

Teclis also had some concerns about this, but he just used beast magic to let a pterosaur do it for him, transmitting the information to the Twilight Fortress.

The travel team continued south. The rainforest of Lustria was always extremely dangerous, and most of the crises were not caused by the indigenous people. Lynch discovered traces of the ratmen.

The stench belonging to the rat-men had long been washed away by the rainforest, but Lynch could notice the invisible scratches on the tree trunks and the buried caves among the vegetation on the ground. The newly grown plants on it were obviously a few millimeters lower than the surrounding ones. .

The mage used magic to restore what happened in the rainforest:

A short phantom appeared in front of Lynch. It crawled out of the ground and looked around furtively.

It suddenly laughed evilly, crawled out of the cave, pushed down the mounds of soil on the ground, rubbed its paws with the tree trunk beside it, and strode forward with its chest straightened and its back straight.

The rat man walked higher and higher, and in just a few blinks, he turned into a tall elf.

Teclis recited complicated spells, peeling away the fog from the elves' faces.

Lynch looked at the Archmage. Teclis looked calm on the surface, but the air was full of panic and self-doubt.

Lin Qi walked to the illusion and carefully looked at the faces emerging from the shadow.

He seemed to have seen it when he was expelling vampires with "Wanderer" Nakai.

At that time, the exploring knight Louis was targeted by Prince Nurgle. After leaving the vampire's fortress, Lynch encountered fifteen Asur in the swamp, and the owner of this face was the elf scholar among them.

"Why are you afraid?"

Lynch revealed the calm disguise of the Archmage. Elves are awkward creatures. They like to hide their true emotions, but cold-blooded species can easily detect the inner parts of things.

Teclis took a deep breath, and the anger in his eyes dissipated before it appeared.

The elf's direct offense contained sharp edges, but Lynch was a lizard, so he didn't mean it.

The mage appreciates this form of communication. During his miserable youth, he often expressed his opinions to the point that he was regarded as a freak.

The archmage's deep voice sounded like someone was pinching his neck.

"I met this Asul at sea, and temporarily changed the itinerary to escort him and his companions to the Twilight Fortress."

"At that time, Twilight Fortress was under siege by beastmen."

Lynch showed no emotion and just motioned for Tigris to continue.

"You know war better than I do. It's not surprising that an Assur died because of it! But now it seems that he may not have gone to the kingdom of Hoth."

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