Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 74 Yesterday’s Afterglow

Lin Qi only felt that the mage was making a fuss. This is how the world is. In fact, Lin Qi had always been on guard against the elves.

It was completely normal for them to be replaced by demons one day.

Therefore, Kotago's Scepter will be inspired by Lynch from time to time to decide whether they will travel as usual or let the elves travel in another form of existence.

Lin Qi said in a calm voice words that made the Archmage shiver:

"Yes, we will meet him again. The destined encounter has been engraved on the stone slab of the Ancient Sage, but you still don't have enough experience to see through the disguise."

"You need to learn, little elf, that the power of darkness is far more terrifying than you imagine."

After all, he is just a little guy among the elves, although he is already powerful enough and has a certain understanding of the power of darkness.

The halo of a hero cannot make up for the lack of experience. If the "smart man" in the White Tower of Hos faced this situation, there would be no disturbance in his heart at all.

The Archmage was in this state of anxiety throughout the afternoon.

Although he covered it up well, Lynch could smell the emotion that was spreading.

Some of the Heth Sword Masters were also a little frightened, but they seemed to be very concerned about their status and never expressed their feelings. They would just avoid the observation of their companions and not expose their own weakness.

Lynch was bored by the way elves communicate. They could express dozens of emotions with just their eyes. Apart from elves, few other creatures could see it.

Teclis is already easy to get along with, at least he will speak his mind like a human being.

Lynch noticed the peeping from the dark, and there was a faint smell of blasphemy. Perhaps the sensitive emotions of the elves attracted the demons, and they liked the souls of the elves.

This is a good bait, otherwise those evil spirits will just stay away from Lynch and play in the mortal realm for a while instead of fighting for the flesh and blood of mortals.

For demons, death in the mortal realm is never the end.

It's just a great game and they're immortal.

Few people can understand what the demons are trying to do. They are like young children playing with ants. They are just playing without receiving instructions from the Supreme Being.

The world is like a larger pond, and the creations of the Old Ones are the tadpoles in it. Before the young race grows up to fight the demons, the lizard people need to protect the young.

It's a pity that mortals are too ignorant.

The Archmage's eyes were blurred from time to time, and Lin Qi knew that the Master was aware of the impurity from a spiritual level and was also affected by it.

Fortunately, there is no need to cast magic for the time being, and Teclis has a very high level of control over magic, so he will not be possessed by demons like ordinary mages.

Lynch had already witnessed the heroism of the mage on the battlefield. You must know that at that time, every spell cast could lead to complete loss.

Looking at the laurel crown on the mage's head, Lin Qi felt a little heavy in his heart.

The uncleanness he smelled was very weak, but the demon could even influence the Archmage beyond the artifact!

Fortunately, after several white-moon nights, the mage's moon staff expelled the demonic influence.

As the mage returned to normal, Lynch gradually realized that Teclis' inexplicable respect had turned into awe.

It's like it's not a cold-blooded species, but a god.

The team was getting closer and closer to Oxo, and the fear and reverence in the air almost turned into reality.

"What did you find?"

Lynch knew that Tigris had a special vision. His observation ability was even the same as that of Slan, and he could see traces that did not belong to this time and space.

Teclis carefully looked away, avoiding the bright stars on the lizard man.

This illusory brilliance invisible to mortals has been there since the beginning, but it is difficult to detect.

Perhaps it was the long-term relationship that brought him closer to the divine. As time went by, and experienced battle after battle with Lynch, Tigris could already sense the depth and vastness of it.

"The ancient saints are above! I saw their afterglow."

The Archmage couldn't help but begin to wonder whether these rulers from ancient times and the disappeared old gods were coming back again.

The cold-blooded species is like a fragment in the long river of time, touched and blessed by the great being on the other side.

Lin Qi looked away, probably because the Archmage saw Ashoranka's mark.

The existence of the ancient saints is different from ordinary things. Perhaps the traces they leave behind will also affect the minds of living beings...for example, making an Asur become neurotic.

Teclis was too superstitious, probably because the gods cured his stubborn illness.

That's not a bad thing, but Lynch wishes he had found something more trustworthy.

At dusk, the evil atmosphere became stronger, but Lynch never found any trace of the devil.

Kotago gradually retreated, and the white moon pressed on the evil moon.

This is a good sign, and the white moon is also called an auspicious month.

Assur prays to the moon goddess Lilith, but Lynch scorns the deity, a deity whom only few can earn his respect for.

As if he thought Lynch couldn't see through the disguise, the devil became even more arrogant.

Lynch followed the pervasive unclean smell, lit the Kotago scepter, and looked at the shrubs in the darkness to the left.

The moment Lin Qi's eyes fell on him, the shrubs trembled.

With his cold eyes shining a dangerous green, Lin Qi took a step closer with eternal light.

The shrubs retreated vaguely by the same distance, successfully attracting the attention of the elves.

Like a gust of wind, Lin Qi appeared next to the bush in an instant.

Green smoke curled up, and amid the shrill screams, the bush shrank into a submissive human youth.

He has bird feathers on his body, an aberration caused by Chaos.

Lin Qi looked at the mortal in confusion. It shouldn't be him. He had no ability to influence the Archmage.

The human's freckled face was frozen with horror, like a mosquito put into amber.

The look of fear disappeared little by little, replaced by a playful smile.

An old voice came from the young man's mouth. He spoke Elvish, and Lynch could barely understand it after so many days of training.

"Are you the reptile that failed Carlos?"

What responded to it was a dazzling arc of light, and the short body sublimated in the high temperature.

Accompanied by a cry of pain, the old and sharp roar dissipated in the sparks.

"I will watch you! Interesting reptile, sooner or later you will completely despair and meet your final fate!"

Lynch just took back the scepter contemptuously, a devil who only dared to use other people's mouth to show his power!

Has Lynch ever been in despair?

When I saw the Great Unclean Ones approaching in Itaza, I just wanted to fight to the death.

He has long been prepared to have his jade broken into pieces. He would rather die vigorously than flatter himself in the face of darkness.

How dare a devil stare at Lynch?

He wanted to see if this demon was better at controlling magic than Carlos, or better at conquest than Prince Khorne.

The ultimate fate?

Lynch's destiny has always been in his own hands, and only the weak believe in the established destiny!

There seemed to be some invisible things in the shadows of the jungle, and the looming prying eyes revealed the evil cowardice.

No one noticed that a white crow flew silently.

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