Several crows made the elves nervous. Lin Qi slowly turned around and looked at the old man in black robe who quietly appeared on the ancient tree.

The blind and scarred old man was stunned for a moment, and then explained loudly and eagerly:

"Dear champion! I swear in the name of all gods! This is a coincidence!"

Who will believe him?

Although the same old voice is different, the timid guy just now is a bit shriller.

They are all minions of the devil anyway, so Lynch doesn't mind killing this "prophet".

"catch him!"

Lynch urged the Archmage unceremoniously. Teclis hesitated for a moment and then recited the spell.

The crow sounded again, a white crow flew over the old man's head, and the prophet disappeared.

"The treasures of the Old Ones have fallen into dust! Great Champion, you should go to the sea to take back what you deserve!

The demon that symbolizes fate is spreading its influence, and it has threatened the grand plan! "

The hurried words echoed in Lin Qi's ears, causing Lin Qi to sneer viciously.

Lynch believed that this old man also threatened the big plan!

It's nothing more than an infighting between demons who dare to seduce Lynch and use him to achieve their goals.

"Maybe you should listen to his advice! Although this prophet hides in the shadows, the future he saw is valuable."

Tigris made a pertinent suggestion, but unfortunately Lynch knew the details of the "Prophet" better than he did.

"Elfling, don't listen to the whispers from the dark, it will make you deviate from the right path!"

The cold-blooded ones stated the facts coldly and sternly, admonishing them like an "elder".

Tigris did not agree, but the increasingly bright and deep light on Lynch made him shut up, and he just retorted a few words silently in his heart.

Being too conservative will miss important opportunities. Sometimes bold attempts are needed to better protect the world.

Lynch couldn't read other people's thoughts, and he didn't know that this seemingly submissive "young" race dared to question it.

The brief conflict did not make the surrounding prying eyes recede, but there was a little sarcasm in it.

From time to time, thin shadows would pass through the jungle. Where Lynch could not see, the shadows slowly walked away into the distance, collapsing into a bat or a huge insect.

The moonlight failed to penetrate the mottled tree shadows. Whenever Lin Qi looked away, they would tremble secretly, alleviating the fear in his heart.

Travelers continue to travel, but there are more mosquitoes coming to comfort them.

Fortunately, even the insects didn't want to be illuminated by Kotago's light. As Lynch smiled meaningfully, the elf and the mosquito shuddered together.

The evening breeze brought distant whispers. These peepers obviously did not realize that lizard men and elves were not mortals, and their perceptions were far more terrifying than they imagined.

What was supposed to be a conspiracy in the dark turned into a loud discussion in front of Lynch. Fortunately, they were using human language, which Lynch couldn't understand.

But Teclis could understand.

"That glowing weapon, I've seen a reward for it."

"What should I do? I saw tonight from the crystal mirror. I have to repay the price of my wish!"

"You want to escape? Idiot! Unless you can get rid of your own shadow, you can't escape from the Mirror God."

"Think about the suffering we suffered when we were wandering. Don't you know how to be grateful for the wise man's kindness to us? Not to complete the deal with the Mirror God, but also for the teacher."

"We are mutants, hehe, why do we have such weak emotions?"

"Yes, we are mutants and deformed children, and we should be killed by the Sigma cultists, but we are also human beings!"

"Haha, death is not the end, why should you be afraid? What I saw in the mirror is tonight."

"He is right. The Invisible Island is our destination, where we will gain eternity. Tonight is the night of fate."

The clear light approached in the blink of an eye, so that the sentry companions had no time to warn them.

The twisted figures looked at the lizard man waving his scepter. Under the gaze mixed with confusion and despair, the sun's rays purified the impurity.

The belated Archmage couldn't help but remind him in a low voice:

"You should leave a few so we can get more information."

"There's no point, elf boy, you'll only be told what the devil wants you to know."

Lynch understands the nature of his enemies very well, and this ability to change undoubtedly comes from the God of Change.

As long as followers of the God of Change can make a sound, they are a threat.

There is nothing better than them at telling stories and exchanging falsehood for truth.

The rest of the journey was much quieter, and there were already traces of lizard man activities in the rain forest.

The wandering shadow stopped behind him, and Lin Qi smelled the scent of the same kind.

Sure enough, dozens of skink lizards, leading several monitor lizards carrying stones, slowly appeared in Lin Qi's sight.

When they found Lynch and the elf, these skink lizards started chattering. Finally, the leading purple-crowned skink walked up to Lin Qi respectfully and waited for the lizard man's order.

"Continue your mission."

The cold-blooded champion didn't want to disturb the Skink's work; he could find the Eternal City on his own.

Obviously, unless Slann himself stopped him, no other cold-blooded species would stop him from wandering around the city with a group of Asur.

Ruins and abandoned logging camps appeared in the forest.

Occasionally, you can still see the embers left behind by the burned villages, which are the marks of destruction caused by the previous black sun.

Eternal Oxo, also known as the Immortal City, was once destroyed and the rebuilt city lost its ancient splendor.

At present, it seems that the devil has not destroyed it for the second time. After the catastrophe of the black sun, it still stands firmly on the mountain.

It was as if some god had cut off the top of the mountain, and built this ancient city on a lower cliff on one side of the Sotigo Ridge.

Mountains surround this pearl. Unlike those cities that hide themselves in the rainforest, through a rainforest of giant trees hundreds of meters high, when you reach the foot of the mountain, you can see the claws of the Eternal City through the gaps in the canopy. .

Coincidentally, Lynch came here when the morning light came.

The sun shines on the Eternal City, and the golden Tallinn blurs in the dawn.

With the pyramids in the sun, pure light is projected in front of Lynch.

It doesn't look like a building on earth, but more like the residence of the gods!

Even the well-informed Asul could not help but be shocked by the magnificent light and shadow.

The Eternal City overlooks the northern rainforest and the plains further south in the daylight.

The gentle slope is the only road leading to the temple city. When Lynch and Asul stepped into it, the dense sense of peeping suppressed the travelers.

Fleetingly, a skink appeared from time to time and saluted Lin Qi, and the originally quiet jungle suddenly became lively.

Lin Qi even saw a few of Huangqi's bestowers, the Divine Blessed Skin Lizards with black marks.

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