Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 76 Ox O (first day of explosive update completed)

A leader of the yellow-crowned skink came running from the dense forest on a big bird. These birds, which have heads similar to those of parrots, have no wings, but have particularly thick legs and necks, are called Kalkans.

This is a carnivorous creature on the vast plains south of Oxo.

"The Great Breaker of Armies! Savior of Talaxlan! Slayer of Demons! Kotago lights up the rainforest, and you will fulfill your forgotten mission!"

Lynch just signaled the little guy to stop making noise.

Do not talk to Skinks about the Old Ones, or you will get lost in their confusing symbolism.

After dismissing the Skink who was not concentrating on the task, Lynch continued to move towards the Eternal City.

Along the way, Lynch saw dozens of skink hunter camps. These hidden strongholds built against the trees were the outposts of the city.

Gradually, Lynch and Asul saw the city wall made of stacked volcanic stones. Gold patterns were all over the rocks. Only when the enemy attacked, it would use beams to show its anger.

Lynch did not find the swamp used to hatch skinks, and even the low-level hatching pools would be hidden.

This may be on the other side of the mountain, in a steep chasm.

At the top of the gate of the Eternal City are the wings of a pterodactyl spread out.

This is in honor of the forgotten Old One, Krashia the Eternal, who was once the patron saint of Ox'o.

In the long past, Ichi, the cold-blooded beast lord, ruled the beasts on the earth, while Krashia ruled the sky.

Now the Skink can only interpret the divine power of the sky with the help of Taybok the Thinker.

From time to time, skinks speaking the dialect of Skenker passed by Lynch in groups.

The low and hoarse language is very vague, and one has to pay attention to their constantly changing gestures to understand their communication.

It seems that ancient customs are still circulating here. Each class in the lizardman society has its own language. For example, the lizardman language is related to fighting.

This is why Slann's intentions need to be guessed by the skinks. Slann's language is highly condensed, and one syllable represents many meanings.

Although except for talking in his sleep, Slan basically talked at the spiritual level.

Since the emergence of the serpent god, a more complete language has replaced these dialects.

The elves cautiously followed Lynch on the ancient stone road that spread from the city to the rainforest.

There are complex symbols on the roads, recording the history of the city and some of the lost ancient saints.

Lynch was walking down memory lane in the city and heard the noise coming from the community as soon as he entered.

Brown Kalkans gallop along the wide roads, and occasionally brightly colored males carry their active masters out of the city.

The skinks welcomed Lynch warmly, but Lynch preferred silence.

Lynch looked at both sides of the outermost street. The low houses were filled with skunk. This was the residence and market of the skinks.

On the low flat roof lay skinks basking in the sun, jumping up eagerly at Lynch's arrival.

Lynch's eyes wandered around, scanning the strictly symmetrical pyramids.

He found that the entire city presented a regular circle with clear division of labor.

The fringes of the city are the liveliest, and only these noisy skunks can bring vitality to the city.

Lin Qi's purpose of coming to the Eternal City has been achieved. He knows without looking that the star map has been lit up.

But he was not prepared to leave immediately after recruiting the animal trainers and complete the task non-stop, although most lizardmen were like this.

The Archmage was very curious, and so was Lynch. He was going to take a walk around the city.

After swatting away the surrounding skinks time and time again, Lynch began to stroll under the respectful attention of Skink.

Just like the parts of a machine, each area in the outer ring community has a specific function.

To the left of Lynch is the resting place for hunters. They will go to the Huangqi Temple in the inner ring to process their prey and put the prey in the meat storage hall in the middle ring.

Along the road, Lynch passed by the handicraft area, the scribe area, and the aquatic market in turn.

In different areas, the skink's head crowns are all the same color, and occasionally there will be skinks from other areas to convey instructions.

They always get troubled by Lynch's passing, and Lynch has to terminate the tour early.

Going inward from the outer ring block, passing through the wide square, from time to time there would be skink priests sharing announcements about big plans on huge wooden signs.

The top one is the battle report about Lynch and the attitude of Slan towards Lynch.

Pterodactyl riders from other cities hurriedly came to exchange goods, and Oxo's rich output was displayed in the square.

When a certain skink who led a giant lizard to accept the task exclaimed loudly, Lynch suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Originally, only a few people noticed Lynch, but amidst the exclamations one after another, Lynch gloriously withstood tens of thousands of looks!

The elves were uneasy and wanted to stay away from the high-profile champion to avoid the obscure and innocent sight of many skinks.

They seem to have been considered captives of the Saurus, sacrifices to some god.

But Asul didn't want the connotation of his gaze to become reality. If they stayed away from the lizard people, those skink lizards would definitely capture the elves one by one!

The elves suddenly came close to each other. Lynch noticed the uneasiness of his comrades and accelerated across the area.

The buildings in the inner ring are taller and taller, and this is where the monitor lizards rest.

From time to time, skinks can be seen coming to take away the monitor lizards to complete construction tasks.

These big guys had nothing to pay attention to. After stopping Asul from sending himself to the giant lizard's mouth, Lynch was afraid that they would seek death, so he decided to go deeper again.

In the square between the rings, there are many ancient saint monuments. Lin Qi found that among them were some forgotten ancient saints.

Lynch came to the middle ring of the city, where various functional buildings stand.

In the huge dome, countless insects were flying and entangled, and skink farmers were busy raising food.

Lin Qi suppressed his inexplicable greed and looked at the spiritual spiers standing between the buildings.

These needle-like spiers are transfer stations that maintain the flow of spiritual veins. The obsidian tower bridges form a ring in the sky, and the pterosaurs have to lower their bodies when flying over.

The faint roar coming from the underground made the elves very uneasy, but Lynch didn't care. There were tunnels underground, filled with cold lizards and countless patrolling lizards.

What is different from other cities is that Oaks Central not only has cages for giant beasts, but also bird shrines between those large paddocks.

The pterosaurs flying in the sky occasionally landed on the shrine to rest, and then flew to the adjacent pterosaur hatchery.

The hatching bridge tower is almost the same height as the central pyramid!

Along the ceremonial path between the rings, Lin Qi observed the stone pillars erected along the road while answering the Archmage's questions.

These obelisks would align the city's axes with the celestial bodies, and the pavement would begin to record major events, special rituals, and myths.

For foreign scholars, these roads are priceless treasures.

Of course, how much you can decipher depends on your ability.

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