Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 77 Zongqi Slate (It’s too troublesome, so I just gave out monthly tickets)

The inner ring is a scattered and symmetrical large pyramid, and their majestic figures can be seen at the foot of the mountain.

As Lynch approached, the Taibok Temple near the cliff bloomed for Lynch, and the bloody pyramid of Sotek next to it made the elves feel cold.

It was really dyed red with blood! The howling wind, full of the smell of blood, is like the wail of the dead.

Each city has a different interpretation of the ancient saint. The temple of Kothago in the Eternal City is burning with an eternal flame, which commemorates the warmth of Kothago.

Now, these flames have been intensified by Lynch's arrival, making Lynch, who has already attracted much attention, even more tireless.

The Skinks in the temple are coming to invite him into the temple.

Lynch tried his best to ignore the stares and led the travelers to the large square around the central pyramid, where the lizards were training.

After the ancient blood warrior gave a slight signal to Lin Qi, he continued to focus on the tactical exercises.

The atmosphere here made Lin Qi even more happy. The collision between the soldiers made Asul unbearable to look at. Lin Qi only thought that they were rare and strange.

If you can't be beaten to death, wouldn't it be normal to just use the obsidian stick to sparring?

The obsidian of cold-blooded species is not obsidian, and no one knows what substance it is.

A solid stone rod is decorated with "bronze" serrations to become a saw sword.

Of course, this "bronze" is not copper either.

In order to avoid the eager priest Kotago and the eager priest Taibok, Lynch fled directly to the Zongqi Pyramid.

Contact with a Skink Priest serves no purpose and is only a waste of energy.

The real ruler is the Slann, and the Skink Priests only protect it on their behalf. Lynch cannot get help from the Temple of Oxo unless the Slann agrees.

Asul thought something had happened, and he followed Lynch decisively in shock.

No elf would think that he had the ability to break out. The densely packed pterosaurs in the sky alone were enough to scare away the flying dragons.

Patrols are everywhere on the steps of the pyramid, and from time to time you can see the rocky temple guards.

There are water channels on each step, and the entire pyramid is a large fountain. The magic lines purify the filth of the circulating water.

After priest Zong Qi saluted Lin Qi, he hurriedly continued his work.

The other two priests of the Ancient Saint no longer tried to entangle Lynch, because Lynch had already arrived in the domain of another Ancient Saint.

No one would dare to offend the Ancient Saint with the weakest influence, let alone the giver of endurance, Water God Zongqi!

Zongqi's Blessed Ones with sea-blue marks on their backs can be seen everywhere. Lynch was allowed to visit all rooms except certain confidential places and the star observation room.

With such a restriction, Lin Qi had nothing to do, so he could only take the elves to visit the Ancient Sage Slate with nothing to do.

The stone slabs within the Pyramid of Ox-Ozonchi have only historical value, as the prophecies they record have long been fulfilled.

The tablets of the Old Ones were made of gold, and time had left no trace on them.

The prophecy was so obscure that it was difficult for Lynch, a lizardman, to understand it, let alone Asul.

They can only scratch their heads and frown, trying to interpret the extraordinary with mortal wisdom.

Lynch discovered that what was recorded on the stone tablets here was the plan of the ancient saints when they created the world.

It's not like the Ancient Saint carved it himself, but more like a Slann or Skink's retelling of the Ancient Saint's plan, which makes science more mythical.

This is also normal, the ancient sage is just giving instructions.

Tigris finally gave up on interpretation. The writing on the stone tablet was too ancient and the record was too obscure.

The Archmage humbly requested Lynch, hoping that Lynch could reveal revelations from ancient times for them.

Lynch picked out some of the less secretive ones.

“In the beginning, the floods flourished, but the dry land was small.

Zong Qi said, I want to change the water and the land.

He descended from the flood waters and rose up from the dry land.

All waters are alive and gather above the ground.

Zongqi caused the dry land to separate the waters so that they could not meet, and the sea and the land appeared.

There are animals on the land and birds in the sky.

Zongqi said, "Whoever makes a covenant with me will make it prosperous."

Those who walked on two feet became fruitful and multiplied, and they became evil to the spirits of the sea.

A great beast rises from the bottom of the sea to overthrow everything on land.

Zong Qi used the wind and thunder to open his eyes there, making the sea far away from the land in the world.

Zong Qi also caused the bottom of the sea to crack, causing all the beasts to fall into the abyss. "

These seem to be about the conflict with the native species when the ancient saints first arrived.

Lynch was not interested at all. After all, he knew more than anyone else.

But unable to withstand the scholar's fiery gaze, Lin Qi finally became so annoyed that he left Zongqi Temple directly.

With the help of his prominent prestige, Lynch recruited a group of animal trainers in the animal taming area. They drove the pterosaurs to the Gate of Huangqi and taught the hunters there to tame the pterosaurs.

Without stopping too much, Lynch planned to go to the southern outpost to inspect, and then go north to Hesiota to unlock the star map.

The traveler re-entered the jungle, and the elf knew enough about the next trip, because it was close to the Twilight Fortress.

Teclis fell into a trance again, and Lynch thought that the devil was following him again, but found that the Archmage showed no signs of being affected.

The archmage frowned, a little unsure, and said in a statement:

"A beast is roaring."

The Sword Master Heth protected the mage, and no one showed any doubts, but Lynch did not smell the danger.

"Lustria is full of wild beasts."

"A more dangerous, unnatural beast."

"Chaos creature?"

"No, but just as bloodthirsty."

"I'm more bloodthirsty, let it come!"

Lynch used absolute confidence to dispel the mage's doubts. Even if I say modestly, they can be regarded as the top adventure team.

Legions that were not numerous enough had to make way for them, for the sake of an invincible warrior and the Supreme Archmage.

As the explorers moved forward again, the traces of lizardmen's activities became increasingly sparse, but occasionally camps left by other creatures could be seen.

Perhaps it was the Norscans, the Druzi, or the demon believers who were monitoring Lynch. They used the bones as decorations to build strange altars.

The blood-stained camp has decayed, but the altar remains intact.

There is a huge statue made of beast skulls and skins on the altar. Dried blood clings to the stone platform. You can feel the madness and hatred in it just by looking at it.

The scorching sun was shining through the gaps in the dense forest, but it could not dispel the chill in the camp.

External influences could not interfere with Lynch, but the elves showed discomfort.

As if there were invisible spirits whispering in their ears, the elves clenched their weapons tightly, trying their best to suppress the hatred and desire for destruction surging in their hearts.


Lynch kicked the statue down and used the scepter to purify it.

What he hates most is pretending, and a monster like a lizard would disdain such low-end tricks.

As for the monsters that are not as good as the Terror Lizard, Lynch can completely deal with them.

This is Lustria, the land of the lizardmen!

Lin Qi would not let this disgusting statue stand in the rainforest. That was the treatment only the Ancient Saint Monument had.

The moment the statue collapsed, a flock of birds flew up in the distance. It seemed that Lynch's prey had arrived on its own.

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