Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 78 The Wise Man in the Mirror

The mage studied the broken skeletal idol and seemed to see the details of the statue. A word full of magic was suppressed and spit out:

"Beast elemental incarnation!"

As soon as the term appeared, the forest seemed to come alive.

There seemed to be countless bloodthirsty beasts in the air, hungry for fresh life.

This abnormality disappeared in an instant, but all living creatures felt a cruel idea.

It was in the jungle, watching Lynch with its hungry eyes.

Birds and beasts no longer make sounds, which is a precursor to the beginning of the hunt!

But Lynch didn't think he was prey. He also found relevant information from his memory, and the broken horns found among the dead leaves supported his conjecture.

This should be the work of the Beastmen Shaman, and the Skink Priests also use spells to summon the beast's elemental incarnations, but they are often domination rather than indulgence.

The elemental avatars are not difficult opponents to fight against, they are much easier to deal with than the big demons.

Lynch could imagine that before the black sun rose, the beastmen who tried to invade the lizardmen's territory held a summoning ceremony.

In the blood sacrifice, the shaman fearfully summoned the Bloody Hidden One from Gur's Winds.

Of course, these useless wastes cannot control the terrible power, it is out of control.

Lynch didn't know if it was hunting the target designated by the shaman, but the large amount of blood in the camp clearly belonged to the summoner.

The beast will not obediently capture the target into the camp and then kill it in a ritualistic manner.

Lynch carefully observed the ground covered by dead leaves. Apart from blood, there was almost no other residue.

It seems that monster has a good appetite!

The Archmage determined the beast's tendencies, and the warriors waited for work and built defenses on the spot.

The mage chanted the name of the mother goddess Isha and performed a simple purification ceremony.

Lin Qi stood up straight, with a body that was two and a half meters tall, casting a ferocious shadow.

Silently reciting the name of "Predator" Huang Qi, when the mage completed the purification, Lin Qi also prepared the prelude to the hunting ceremony.

At dusk, the cool breeze was mixed with blood, and the leaves blocked the sunset.

There was a faint, high-pitched howl in the depths of the rainforest, and Lynch responded with the creepy growl unique to the lizard man.

It was like a Tyrannosaurus rex that had just begun to hunt alone was declaring its hegemony. Even Lynch's teammates were frightened by the terrifying roar and their hands were shaking.

There are few silent lizards who show such intense emotions, and Lynch is obviously an exception.

The jungle was quiet for a moment, and a more obvious howl exploded not far away, making Asul's blood run cold.

With the passing daylight, the presence in the dense forest approached the camp silently.

There was no smell, and the bushes did not sway at the movement of the monster.

Lynch lights up the light of Kortego, but the beast elemental incarnation is not a creature of chaos, which has no effect on it.

Huge antlers pierced the crown of the tree. After the mage finished chanting the last syllable, a circular magic circle appeared in front of him, and a cracking ray in blue light rushed towards the trees.

The antlers disappeared like a hallucination, and the disintegration ray only scattered an ancient tree.

Lynch was cautious not to rush directly into the bushes, which would have been detrimental to him.

A warrior cannot step into a trap recklessly. The hunter and the prey are only separated by a thought.

The battle is so simple that Lynch only needs to send the scepter into the monster's body, or the monster's claws will rip out the heart.

Long scarlet strips protruded from the branches and leaves, and the stickiness on them made Lynch understand that it was the monster's tongue.

Immediately afterwards, a three-story-high half-human monster revealed its head.

The ferocious tusks resemble a pair of antlers growing in opposite directions, exactly matching the pair on its head.

Its animal feet landed silently next to the camp. The monster's approach allowed Lynch to see clearly the blue flame burning in its heart.

The thick arms of the incarnation of the beast element exerted force like springs, and the violent movements pushed down several ancient pine trees with thick mouths.

It jumped towards Lynch like a tiger pouncing on prey.

No one wants to stay in the camp. Even if they kill the giant beast in the sky, they will be crushed to death by the mountain of meat.

The elves and lizardmen dexterously stayed away from the impact, and the monster that landed like a meteorite blew away dead leaves within a hundred meters of radius!

Lynch took advantage of the stiffness caused by the reaction force, and approached the monster in the blink of an eye, activating the arc of the scepter and cutting off its leg with one stroke.

The sharp and painful howl made the rain forest come alive, and countless dormant beasts fled into the distance.

The panicked herds were like ripples on the water, and the dwarf trees were broken by the runners. The turmoil obscured the restlessness of the shadows.

The beast element transformed into an eagle's claw-like palm and grabbed it quickly. Lin Qi avoided the sound of breaking the air from the left and stabbed the sudden sharp claw from the right with a stick.

The monster keenly retracted its palm and prepared to slightly pull away.

The mage used the web of light to imprison the monster. Although it was broken free in an instant, Lynch still seized the opportunity.

Lynch ferociously brought the arc of the scepter to the monster's heart.

The beast element transformed into a rage and bent down to bite Lynch, but it happened to be convenient for the lizard man.

Lynch relied on the edge of Kotago's scepter to directly break through the body of the giant beast.

With the blood that was dissipating all over his body, Lynch stayed away from the crazy incarnation of the beast element and quietly watched it turn into ashes.

When the monster roared in pain, several shadows in the jungle quickly fled into the distance.

Lin Qi noticed the strange movement and jumped towards the coming-of-life shadow like the wind.

Letting the shadows take advantage of the twists and turns of the terrain, Lynch relied on his familiarity with the jungle to take a shortcut and block them all.

The six shadows, twisted with fear, slowly retreated, only to be blocked by the approaching Sword Master Hess.

The shadows gradually solidified, and six humans of various ages looked around nervously at the tall enemy.

The middle-aged leader took out a crystal mirror. In order to prevent accidents, Lynch jumped directly into the crowd. In the blink of an eye, blood splashed into the rain forest.

By the time Tigris arrived, the six humans had turned into dozens of pieces of minced meat!

The crystal mirror that fell into the blood was covered with fog, and the fog was wiped away bit by bit.

In the mirror, a well-dressed, professor-like old man wiped his glasses and looked at the cold-blooded guy who was about to break the crystal.

Thick white hair is draped meticulously on her shoulders, and her black academic robe is neat and symmetrical.

"We can talk.

Catch an incarnation of the beast element, come to the island, help me find the demon, let me get out of the maze, and I will repay you.

Although it has been killed by you, the mage next to you has the ability to pull another one. "

The magnetic old voice strangely transcends the language barrier.

Lin Qi looked into the crystal mirror and saw the vaguely bird-shaped demon appearing in the old man's gold-rimmed glasses, expressing his wishes through actions.

With a crisp sound, the crystal was shattered. Lin Qi was afraid that it would not be safe, so he melted all the remaining pieces.

"Don't listen to the voices in the dark, elfling."

Lynch taught Tigris slowly and finished the work violently.

He would only listen to the whispers of the Tzeentch demons when he was crazy. The Tzeentch demons who came to the mortal realm were vicious naughty boys who liked to have fun with words that were mixed between true and false.

The air stirred and the water curtain floated, and a picture that did not belong here appeared in the water mirror in mid-air.

The short ratman sneaked into the tavern quietly, hung up a lifelike painting, and placed a high reward on it.

In the painting is Koteg's scepter, and next to it is a maliciously vilified lizard man.

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