The water curtain changed quickly, and a group of witch hunters in trench coats rushed into the tavern and violently tore into pieces the "missing object notice" hung by the rat man.

The witch hunter was rummaging around in the tavern, but the rat-man had already sneaked into the sewer.

The picture dispersed, and a line of symbols appeared in the water curtain, conveying his wishes.

"I have a way to find your enemy, I just need you to help me do it."

Lynch just signaled Tigris to stop the sorcerer's trick, he didn't need the devil's help.

He and the rats were enemies, sure, but they weren't worthy of Lynch's trouble.

Every famous warrior has a priceless artifact, and no one dares to mess with the champions.

Strength is the best scepter!

I don’t know which rat cub escaped from Lynch’s men actually used this ridiculous method to take revenge.

No one will be afraid of this "reward" that is almost a joke, not to mention whether there are fools who believe in inexplicable requests for found objects. Even if there are, they are just looking for a needle in a haystack.

Anyone who can accept the reward must not be smart enough, and Lynch will not be afraid of such fools.

Humans know how to assess the situation, and when faced with a lizard-man that is almost a floor high, they will not be stupid and work hard for an impossible bonus.

There can't be greenskins and ratmen looking for targets for bounties, right?

But even if they don't get bonuses, they will still come to cause trouble for Lynch!

It would be silly to take the Rat Man's madness seriously, so Lynch decided to forget about it.

The adventurers spent the night in the destroyed camp, and the next day, Lynch headed towards the southern outpost again.

The rainforest is gradually sparse, and tall ancient trees are becoming rare.

Occasionally, the Marks of the Evil God left by Chaos can be seen, but they have been destroyed.

The weak cry of killing could not be concealed from everyone present. Lin Qi leaned down and used the dense forest to cover his body and approached the battlefield.

I saw a group of dark elf pirates fighting against a tyrannosaurus twisted by chaos.

The deformed giant beast was dripping with blood, and the corpses of dark elves were scattered beside the broken trees.

Lynch motioned to Asul to wait patiently. It wasn't until the Druchi pirates desperately killed the Chaos Beast that Lynch emerged from the grass.

The two remaining pirates were covered in blood and looked at Lynch in despair.

They seemed to be messengers, and Lynch was happy to see what the dark elves were doing, although this might be what some beings wanted Lynch to know.

There was no one left alive, and the Archmage had a better interrogation method.

Amidst the howling wind of Shaxu, the mage completed the spell.

These Druchi are also trying to recall a companion in Lustria.

An admiral named Masigahe narrowly escaped after the Black Ark was sunk by Asul.

But he is already a loser. If he returns to Krakaronde, he will only be attacked by a group of people, and he will die without any chance of survival.

After forming a smaller fleet with some die-hard loyalists, the Admiral wanted to team up with a high-ranking beast tamer who hunted beasts in Lustria.

The animal trainer named Omarin is also a loser. Cooperation between the two parties can help save the situation, although Masigahe has already secretly betrayed Omarin.

The admiral needs to complete Druchi's highest priority tasks.

The Supreme Lord, the Witch King has disappeared, this has been confirmed!

The rebels were executed by the Witch-King's guards and hung atop the spire of Naggarond.

The remaining fear lords were so frightened that they could only submit to the captain of the Witch King's guard, Kuran Blackhand.

The Queen Regent accepted the advice of the High Sorceress and issued new instructions.

Finding valuable sacrifices from the ancient ruins of Lustria will help the sorceress rescue the Witch King who is lost in an unknown land.

The admiral hopes to cooperate with the animal trainer to find an opportunity to raid the lizardman settlement and make up for his mistakes.

When the messenger set off, the admiral's fleet stayed in the southern waters.

When he heard that the list of sacrifices even included the brooding Slan, Lynch's cold eyes were filled with animalistic savagery.

Regardless of whether the information is true or false, Lynch must defend the southern coastline within his duties.

These hotbloods have crossed a line!

Do you dare to think about those magic toads who focus on channeling the wind of magic and preventing the spread of demonic power!

Slan died one by one, and each missing demon toad assisted the maelstrom in dispersing the magic power, and the power to maintain the great guardian became weaker.

The aftermath of the Black Sun has not yet dissipated, and these stupid young races have begun to become restless.

They deserve to be exterminated. There is no place for these lunatics in Lynch's grand scheme of things.

Unfortunately, that is a force that cannot be underestimated.

Lynch couldn't kill all the countless dark elves in the north with his 100,000 cold-blooded men.

He needed what was left behind by the ancient saint Ashoranka, regardless of whether it was useful or not.

Lynch accelerated his trek and led the elves towards the southern outpost.

He would first gather a patrol to guard against a surprise attack from the dark elves.

It would be a huge shame to be succeeded by the dark elves due to negligence.

In the most urgent situation, Lynch would consider waking up Slan.

The only thing that worries Lynch is that awakening Slann will weaken the power to maintain the guardianship, and they can only be maintained in sleep.

Lynch did not want to disturb these guardians unless absolutely necessary.

At another dawn, Lynch arrived at the southern outpost.

Skinks appear from time to time in the jungle to pay tribute to Lynch.

The leader of the red-crowned skink stationed there rode a cold lizard to welcome Lynch's arrival.

The Southern Outpost is just a small lizardman settlement, just like the Huangqi Gate in the past, it is the transit point for the jungle patrol army.

They not only guard against the Druchi pirates, but also scare away Asul in the Twilight Fortress.

But the few remaining skinks are simply not enough to defend the vast rainforest.

On Lynch's orders, the southern outpost went into muster status.

All patrols passing by here no longer leave in a hurry. The skinks need to keep a close eye on the jungle south of Lustria by the sea to guard against possible raids by the dark elves.

After conveying the instructions, Lynch began to listen to the skink's report.

Recently, the chaos creatures around the southern outpost have been cleared away, and all the evil idols left by the Norscans in the outpost have been burned.

Lin Qi was worried that the Skink had made any omissions, so he took the Archmage to investigate in person.

The red-crowned skink has enough detailed knowledge, but it is still not as good as the two erudites.

The lack of Skink Priests also prevents them from observing the world from a higher level.

Although the leader of the Skink also knew some of Sotek's magic and rituals, he used the blood sacrifice to the snake god to clear away the dirt.

But Lynch and Tiglis still discovered hidden dangers.

Worship of the Blood God is often easy to spot, but praise of the Lord of Change is obscure.

Lynch discovered what seemed to be the mark of a demon, which was mixed into the records on the tablet.

The sudden heating of the scepter and the vision of the mage are the best evidence. This is by no means Lynch's neurosis.

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