Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 80 Wings in the Shadow

It was an auxiliary symbol in the lizard man's writing, but the hieroglyphics were only slightly elongated and turned into the devil's blasphemous writing.

You wouldn't be able to spot it if you weren't paying attention. The writing of the Skink Sculptor is extremely precise and there will be no errors of this level.

After the Archmage arranged the purification ritual, he drove away other creatures before carefully revealing its meaning.

Just a symbol, but a rich symbol.

Shadow, mirror image, fate, change, despair, and wings are all its interpretations.

Lin Qi could guess that this must be against a certain ever-changing demon king.

Destiny and change are the domain of the Grand Deceiver, not to mention those iconic "wings."

Ordinary demons cannot have so much power, only great demons, these near-godlike beings.

Even with all the protection, the Archmage still felt uneasy.

He had just come too close to the devil, his soul directly exposed to blasphemy.

The lizardmen couldn't hear the flapping of wings coming from the infinite distance, but Teclis could hear it clearly.

Teclis wanted to pray to the gods he believed in, and use his faith to ensure the purity of his thinking and prevent it from being obscurely contaminated by demonic knowledge.

Lynch stopped this reckless move. The demon's influence had not dissipated. Although it was weak, Lynch was very sensitive to it.

Something has come here.

In the shadow of the devil, this kind of unclear prayer should be avoided. Lynch would rather the archmage use magic to check himself several times.

Although the mage's Moon Staff will bring him closer to the goddess Lilith, Lynch has always had no confidence in this god, even if he is currently relatively reliable.

There is no scale of time and space in the Chaos Demon Realm, there is only energy in it.

It is called "Isil", "different dimension", "supreme sky", Lynch prefers to call it subspace.

Various interactions in the real world have created it, and as long as there are fluctuations in thoughts, chaos will never disappear.

There is essentially no difference between some gods and demons. They are both energy bodies from the Supreme Heaven that respond to the currents of thought in reality.

Lynch could not guarantee whether it was the moon goddess Lilith who heard Teclis's prayer first, or whether a secret keeper first captured the terrified whispers of mortals.

It is already troublesome enough, and attracting another big demon that has not been expelled will make the dark elves' raid plan go smoother.

The big demons on the battlefield are not the most terrifying thing. The most feared thing about demons is their hidden corrosion and pollution!

There will be demons who are interested in elves. Unlike boring cold-blooded species, the soul of elves is the demon's favorite delicacy. The soul of a powerful mage will excite all demons.

The bloodthirsty ones want to use it to satisfy their dark desires, the secret keepers are happy to tame elves, the ever-changing ones like to play with wisdom, and the unclean ones don't mind capturing one more experimental subject.

To fight against the devil, you should first make sure that your thinking is stable, rather than praying randomly to unknown directions. The devil will find you before the gods.

Lynch paid close attention to the elves. If there was anything wrong, he would have to clean up the door for the ancient saint.

He actually believed in Teclis's firmness, but he just wanted to be just in case.

The elves' resistance to the forces of chaos is excellent enough, but they can still be corrupted.

After all, he is only an elf about a hundred years old, and he still needs experience.

What's more, he is a mage.

The wind of magic is the power of chaos that flows into reality, so it can distort reality.

The power of chaos is never trusted. Cold-blooded species always use the magical power in the air cautiously, relying more on the energy filtered by the ancient saints.

Teclis has been exposed to Chaos, this is a fact that cannot be changed.

It might be the blessing of the artifact, or it might be that Lynch's eager gaze put enough pressure on the elf.

After several careful inspections, Tigris was declared free of contamination.

The symbol of the All-Changing Demon Lord was erased, and Lynch conducted a careful search and finally determined that there was no chaos corruption spreading in the settlement.

The mage also determined Lynch's results from a magical level.

Lynch did not leave the outpost immediately and began to prepare arrangements for Drucci.

Teclis made no suggestion to request assistance from the Twilight Fortress defenders.

Having just experienced a great war, the elves need to rest.

He himself could stay to fight against Druchi only to maintain the alliance.

When one day you need the help of allies, you won't hit a wall everywhere.

Lin Qi didn't care about the mage's little thoughts. He was also borrowing the mage's friendship and never concealed his thoughts.

There is no need to make detours. A more significant threat is right in front of us. If we don't unite, we can't face the powerful enemy.

Teclis is the Supreme Mage of the Academy of Magic in the Human Empire and their mentor.

He is also one of the few elves who can talk to the dwarves. He participated in the war in the old world more than ten years ago and fought back the army of Chaos with the legions of humans and dwarves.

If the Archmage can follow him, then some tedious social interactions can be avoided. Lynch is too lazy to scheming with mortals.

During the subsequent journey to unlock the star map, Lynch did not have to evade the armies of human nations like the beastmen.

Lynch will only maintain diplomatic relations with those young races who are sensible.

When the power of order is strong enough and the demons are driven back, those who stray too far from the path can just die.

Unplanned variables will sooner or later turn into enemies, and Lynch will tolerate them because the devil is behind the curtain and internal friction is unnecessary for the time being.

Lynch is a cold-blooded person who is easy to deal with, but don't get in his way.

The plan to protect the world cannot be lost. Based on this, everything must be compromised, including Lynch's own life.

The cold-blooded species mobilized under Lynch's order, and in just one week, tens of thousands of Skinks formed an army at the southern outpost.

The most powerful red-crowned skinks were separately organized by Lynch. They are the main force with high mobility.

The remaining skinks were dispersed, and they were Lynch's eyes planted in the jungle.

The cold-blooded species made arrangements in an orderly manner. Lynch was not only paying attention to the southern rainforest, he also sent a messenger to remind the snake god prophet.

The northern rainforest also requires close monitoring. Once Druzi successfully robs the reclusive Slan, they, the legions responsible for patrolling the rainforest, will suffer an unacceptable shame.

The hunters of the Huangqi Gate were sent to the surroundings of the Star City Asroto to strengthen the defense of this ruin.

Itaza doesn't need Lynch's care, and Druzi can't even think of overcoming the layers of protection of the First City despite all the efforts of his clan.

Lynch is not in charge of the area west of Sotek's Ridge, and he doesn't know who oversees the Seti Outpost there.

The prudent commander still sent an envoy to Seti Outpost to warn the defenders.

After everything was arranged, Lynch arranged a complete response plan for the leader of the red-crowned skink and quietly left the southern outpost.

Lynch needs the help of the mage to lock down the enemy and then attack directly.

The best defense is to attack, but it cannot lead the army and make the rain forest defense weak.

Because this is most likely a trap, and the being behind the scenes is happy to see this result.

Regardless of whether the messenger was sent intentionally or not, Lynch had a way to deal with it.

How could it have thought that Lin Qi could defeat the enemy alone?

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