Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 82 True Lizard Man Unparalleled (Part 2)

All the Druqi turned into statues. They stared at the Kraken's tentacles floating on the sea, watching more and more pieces of meat on the sea.

The water has turned light red, and the dark elves hope that it contains the blood of their enemies.

Unfortunately, they knew nothing about Lynch's power.

The wrath of the sea god Marcelan was summoned by the sorceress. Dark clouds covered the scorching sun, and electric arcs violently streaked across the sky.

The sound of the spell was stretched by the majestic power. Even without the guidance of a high-level sorceress, these hundreds of mages could drain the oxygen out of the water in this sea area.

No matter how many troops there are in the water, they have to breathe.

The sorceresses proudly prepared magic spells to kill the lizards that would emerge for air later with lightning.

The huge body of the Abyss Kraken surfaced earlier than expected by the lizard army.

The giant mouth between its tentacles has been penetrated, as if fierce flames ran into its body, turning the sea monster into cooked food.

The few remaining tentacles were gushing with blood and flesh, and they were still trying to heal, but the burns prevented it from healing.

The ships distanced themselves and aimed their ballistae at each other. Once a lizard occupied a certain ship, it would immediately sink to the bottom of the sea with the ship.

The crossbowmen were watching the water, ready to rain down arrows.

Under Druchi's intense preparation, their enemy slowly swam under a ship.

There were several bite marks on Lynch's body, which were left from previous fights. They would heal in a few breaths.

[Renovation successful]

[Current potential development degree: 80]

[Current affixes: rebirth, heavy armor, negative status immunity, deoxygenated life form, abundant physical strength, extraordinary agility, rest until death, high-density body, fire resistance, magic resistance, swift as wind, resistance to impact, killing rage, Aquatic clan]

Worthy of being a pirate who dominates the seas, Druchi's underwater monster almost drove away Lynch.

The main reason is that Lynch is not good at fierce underwater battles. After almost being torn apart by two sea dragons, Lynch became good at it.

Lynch chose the direction, activated the "killing rage", and slammed into the bottom of the ship. The spikes on the spine of Taibok directly penetrated the mithril.

Before the seawater could flow into the cabin, Lynch's violent impact nearly overturned it.

On the sea, the huge hull suddenly shook, causing hundreds of Druzi inside to panic.

The "companions" on other ships used this change to determine the enemy's strength.

The other party has at least one sea monster!

Admiral Masigahe climbed to the high platform on the deck and scanned the ships on the sea like a hawk. The curses from the loudspeaker suppressed the Elf's panic.

He didn't even show his ugly face. If these pirates dare to be cowardly, the fearful spearmen supervising the battle on the ship will use the blood of Druchi to sacrifice the flag.

The frigate at the edge of the fleet shook again, and the hull slowly sank into the water.

At the admiral's signal, the sorceresses laughed and summoned continuous lightning from the sky.

The strong wind stirred up waves, and the thunder dispersed the darkness brought by the dark clouds.

The tide rose slowly, as if the heaven and earth were being drawn closer together.

In Druzi's desperate eyes on the boat, hundreds of silver snakes fell from the sky and rushed towards the slowly sinking sailboat.


Thunder exploded on the sea, and silvery white occupied the eyes of all the elves.

The thunderstorm was like the divine punishment of the storm god Marcelan, which directly annihilated the hull of the ship and caused a deep pit to appear on the sea surface.

The warm water mist blocked Drucci's close gaze. Before the seawater refilled the sunken area, not a single enemy corpse was exposed, and there was no shadow of the sea monster.

The dark elves could only be sure that the enemy didn't even have any corpses left.

And the enemy they were thinking about didn't even leave a body behind.

The effect of "Killing Rage" gradually weakened, and Lynch swam leisurely to the next boat. It would take another ten minutes for him to re-activate "Killing Rage".

The high temperature couldn't do anything to him, and the lightning didn't penetrate the protection of Taibok's Spine.

It was so weak that Lynch couldn't even lift his spirits.

Any Tzeentch Army Demon can control magic better than these Druchi.

Although they are also unable to harm Lynch today.

Lynch directly activated Koteg's scepter and drew a mark of the ancient saint along the bottom of the boat.

No one came to watch this extremely artistic attack. By the time Drucci hurriedly came to try to block the damage, Lynch had long disappeared.

Obviously, a ship that is hundreds of meters long and has nearly a hundred meters of holes cannot be repaired.

It would be more reliable for them to replace the ship than to repair it.

The sinking ships caused greater panic in Druchi. The admiral was worried that a mutiny might actually occur, so he directly ordered the sorceresses to use magic to hold up the fleet.

It was a wise choice, as Lynch spotted his next target rising slowly, eventually floating into the sky.

He knew that things wouldn't go so smoothly in the future.

But such laborious magic also involves those warlocks.

Lynch no longer has to worry about his enemies using magic to escape, now he just needs to kill them all one by one!

Lin Qi lazily surfaced, and as soon as he stuck his head out, he was greeted by an overwhelming rain of arrows.

Poison-quenched arrows, long or short, filled the sky, and the sound of piercing the air was endless.

The magic crossbow arrows were mixed into the rain curtain created by the repeating crossbow. Lynch relied on his extraordinary reflexes to directly avoid these siege weapons that could threaten him.

Ordinary arrows were bounced off by the scale armor, and the special armor-piercing arrows only left some marks, and returned to their original state in the blink of an eye.

Lynch swam to the side of the boat at an extremely fast speed, slammed through the hull above the water, and jumped directly into the boat.

Like a tiger that gets into the sheepfold, although the elf's strength and reflexes are extraordinary, Lynch can no longer be called a normal creature.

Only the best among the elves are qualified to face Lynch. Obviously, these pirates are not.

They were fine bullying the ordinary soldiers of the human lords, but any lizard would make them feel like a formidable enemy, let alone Lynch.

The elf is less than two meters tall, and Lynch can use his shadow to cover the fool standing in front of him even when he bends down.

The low hatch was violently knocked into a door more suitable for lizard people to pass through.

The fearful spearmen hurriedly formed a neat formation of contradictions, but were broken through at a confrontation.

Smart pirates have abandoned ship and fled, only to be killed by arrows fired from other ships or drowned in the water.

Anying played with ridiculous sword flowers, but his arms were cut off by the scepter before he even got close.

The black sharp crossbowmen did not care about the similar people around Lin Qi who were dying in vain, and tried to stop Lin Qi with a rain of arrows.

Amidst the firing of the crossbows, only the Druzi pirates fell.

The gloomy swordsman fearlessly surrounded the lizard man, and almost at the same time, Lynch's head was broken open with a wave of his staff, and the brains and blood soaked the wooden boards covered with corpses.

Druchi's screams sounded one after another. Before the admiral ordered the ship to be sunk, most of the elves in it had been slaughtered by Lynch.

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