Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 83: True Lizard Man Unparalleled (Part 2) (September monthly pass completed)

The roaring Reaper ballistae made the remaining ships tremble.

The roar of the killing machine pierced Drucci's eardrums, and in an instant, the ship being slaughtered by Lynch turned into a hedgehog.

Heavy blows from all directions caused the ship to disintegrate, and the crossbow arrows fired one after another splashed high with water.

And their targets, like the invisible god of death, quietly swim under the new prey.

Another ship suffered a massacre. Until this moment, Drucci believed that the fleet just encountered a lizard!

The sorceress stopped her magic and raised the ship invaded by Lynch to a higher place, trying to trap the lizard man and make him an immovable target.

But when the ballista fired again, Lynch just walked out of the boat and fell into the water.

There should have been an invisible flow of magic holding him up, but the silver runes that kept appearing in the void around Lynch rejected the magic.

The lizard men took the opportunity to scuttle several more ships. When the sorceresses used magic to lift up the fleet again, only twenty ships remained.

That number dwindled again as Lynch threw himself into an hapless frigate.

The admiral no longer thought about defeating the enemy. He directly ordered the sorceress to push Lynch's invading frigate away with the ocean current.

The fleet hurriedly fled in the opposite direction, and not long after, several more ships began to sink.

The magic ocean current could not take away Lynch, and Lynch chased after him like a bad wolf.

The indescribable feeling of powerlessness made these bloodthirsty pirates completely despair.

They once defeated the Sigma Empire's maritime fleet, plundered the duchy of the Kingdom of Bretonnia, and completely annihilated the Cathay Empire's ocean fleet.

On Ulthuan, the main fleet of the Kingdom of Cosqui was also frightened by the shadow of the Black Ark.

They are world predators!

From the northern wastelands to the Antarctic seas, they have left bloody traces on every coastline.

The pirates used to amuse themselves with the Norse longships, sinking them one by one and watching the stupid northern monkeys struggle in the water.

Their slave trade is the best. Whether it is a short man with a beard or a handsome and tall blonde, almost all creatures have been put into cages by them.

The vampire fleet also has to avoid the moving islands in the ocean!

At that time, these slender reptiles were only worthy of having their hearts picked out by the Witch King's sword. The gold in the Lustria rainforest has always been a fruit that every pirate must know about.

A pirate who doesn't go to the rainforest and bring back a lot of treasure is not qualified. As for those noisy and fragile reptiles?

Although they won't give in, their screams still amuse Kane.

Now, they are on the verge of death, being gradually eaten away by a mere lizard!

Lynch didn't know what these lambs were thinking, and he didn't bother to know.

The proud epigenetic race has never met a truly powerful opponent. Even Ulthuan, which is often invaded, has not awakened the tens of thousands of dragons in Kaledor. Although they are indeed difficult to awaken.

In fact, according to the magic swordsman Aubamon, more than thirty dragon knights in the elven fleet sank the Black Ark and killed Druchi's ten black dragons.

Every race with foresight should not focus on the endless pirates. More powerful enemies are in the shadows.

Teclis once told that the Assur army invaded Nagarond several times in retaliation.

These evil ones avoid the sharp point and hide in the abyss underground in the north, using the monsters all over the north to repel the enemy.

The only warriors who really fight to the death are the Witch King's guards, because the evil king will not tolerate failure and cowardice.

Of course, the Witch Spirit, whose brain was burned out by Kane's divine power, would not retreat.

When the enemy retreated, these pirates went to plunder the seas with great force.

Lynch believed this, even though Druchi's ancestors were soldiers who followed Aenarion, the first elven Phoenix King.

But without the dragons filling the sky and the king chosen by God, just the demons competing for food in Ulthuan can be eliminated one by one.

Just the play between Slaanesh and the Tzeentch demons was about to overwhelm them.

Not to mention, when these demons are destroyed, they will change direction and no longer charge towards the higher demon legions in Lustria and Southland.

Fortunately, the "Maelstrom" was built before this terrifying legion arrived.

"Lord of Murder" Kane has corrupted their honor. Whether it is strength or spirit, these Druchi are not worthy of Lynch's high regard.

Lynch wondered whether the son of Aenario still remembered his father's glory.

The Witch King's people obviously don't remember.

The sinking ships were the scorn of the cold-blooded champions, and the sorceresses worked together to raise the main ship, for they were on the main ship deck.

As Lynch sank the last frigate, only a few hundred timid rats on the main ship remained out of the nearly 10,000 people.

Although they are an elite group of spellcasters and veterans, it is obvious that none of them are a match for Lynch.

There was a faint shrill laughter echoing on the sea, and Lynch ignored the crow's voice that seemed to be an auditory hallucination.

It seems that a certain demon has benefited from it, but the problem is not big. The existence that should be thrown out of this world will face Lynch sooner or later.

The main ship disappeared into the clouds, and the dark clouds gradually moved away.

Only when you look down from a high place can you see the huge crow shape reflected in the sea water.

When the first ray of sunlight fell on the reflection on the sea, the black crow disappeared.

Many bloodthirsty fish have been lured into this sea area, and these dangers cannot help Lynch.

In order to prevent a sea monster from attacking and being involved in a disaster, Lynch quickly swam to land to prepare for the next plan.

After Lynch left, a huge shadow emerged from the abyss, irregular scales emerged from the water, fangs pierced the sea water, and a huge mouth covered hundreds of meters in radius.

All the fish attracted by the blood were in this big mouth, and the sharp snout that slowly closed took away these unlucky creatures.

The vertical pupils in Huang Chengcheng's huge eyes moved towards the direction where Lin Qi left.

The giant thing sank contentedly, bringing up billowing waves several meters high.

In the distance, Lin Qi was pushed to the shore by the suddenly larger waves.

Without exploring too much, he is not a scholar and is not interested in marine meteorology.

Lynch didn't even feel the joy of victory, his opponent was too weak.

This made him miss the various powerful enemies in the dark sun. Only such a battlefield deserves to be called a war.

When the lizard men returned to the southern outpost lazily and intact, Tigris was still studying Druzi's possible attack route.

"Elfling, find the ship where the Fallen escaped and use your magic."

The Heth Sword Masters briefly exchanged glances to complete the exchange.

Assur, who was confused and uncertain, was still communicating with rich expressions and language, while Teclis had spread the water and gathered the wind of heaven.

"You have destroyed all the Druzis."

The Archmage stated the facts, but Lynch felt that something was wrong with his magic.

"One got away."

Tigris was surprised by the result of the spell. He did not expect that Druchi's fleet would be wiped out by Lynch alone.

But the Archmage didn't like unreasonable doubts. He looked at Lin Qi firmly. With the help of artifacts, he would not make mistakes.

"There are no survivors, and Agil's power confirms the fact."

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