Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 84 Shadows in Thoughts

Lynch wanted to order the mage to cast the spell again to confirm the result, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

He wouldn't mind if a proper explanation would facilitate communication.

But now he has almost intensified the conflict, which is stupid.

The flash of impurity was captured by Lynch again. What has come here?

The contamination of the previous profane symbol has not been eliminated?

No, that thing was always here, beside Lynch.

Something followed, hiding deep, but it wasn't as powerful as before.

Lynch immediately suspected that there was a demon in someone's mind.

He is the only one who is least likely to be invaded by demons.

But you still have to be careful. Demons can enter the head of any living being. Slandu has launched an invisible war with demons to maintain pure thinking.

He looked at the archmage suspiciously, only to have the mage confirm again that the result of the spell was correct.

"Darkness is coming."

Lin Qi's cold voice made the Archmage understand that he had misunderstood.

The Archmage is not a dull person. He quickly grasps the key points and controls the wind of light.

The white Hexi energy reassured Lin Qi that everything should be fine. He could just wait until the demon was exposed and then kill him.

Where to go next? Let the Skinks continue to be on guard, and it's time for Lynch to head north, unlock the star map nodes, and find what the Ancient Saint left behind.

Yes, that may be the world's last hope. The items given to cold-blooded species by the ancient saints will never let them down.

No, Lynch hasn't found the demons hiding in the dark yet. Every demon is the spy of the evil god. Once they find any clues, the world will be in complete despair.

Lin Qi's eyes narrowed slightly, he shouldn't have extra thoughts.

"It's on me."

The cold-blooded tone of suppressed anger frightened Asul.

Lynch took off his back armor and accepted the Archmage's inspection again.

Nothing was found, as if the lizard man suddenly became neurotic.

After putting on the back armor, Lynch carefully stopped thinking about trivial matters.

Just let it come, Lynch decided to abandon useless emotions. As long as he was impeccable, the devil would have no way to attack.

Maybe it's time to seek help from the Demon Toad.

No! That would allow this thing to see the Slann. They are too fragile in reality. If it causes the death of the Slann, the great guardianship will be weakened!

Lynch would rather be killed by the demon than speed up the process of the end. They are not ready to face the enemy yet.

After summoning the leader of the Red-crowned Skink and ordering the vigilance to be maintained, Lynch left the southern outpost and headed north.

He is going to find Tehenhoin, the snake god prophet, and use the power of the snake god.

It should be in the ruins of Taranxra, the city in the sky, the ruined city named after the ancient saint.

Asul followed Lynch, and the adventurers disappeared into the jungle.

It was another dusk, and Asul built a camp along the stream.

Lin Qi's cold gaze passed over the busy Asul, and his stern eyes reflected twelve figures.

The shadowy jungle has a sense of attention again, and it seems that the devil believers have not given up.

When Kotago left, the twisted shadows of the trees enveloped Lynch.

The brilliance of the scepter lit up the camp and suppressed the two shadows left by Lynch.

This place is far away from the lizardman settlement, deep into the jungle, and the profane city of Queza is not far away.

It is a ruin desecrated by the Skaven, adjacent to the golden city of Chakua.

The City of Gold is the home of the Snake God Prophet.

More than two thousand years ago, in the first year of the imperial calendar, the night Human Emperor Sigma established the empire was also the time when the snake god rose.

Slann in the Golden City was killed by the plague, and the Sotek Cult was born among the confused and hateful cold-blooded people.

The chief priest of the Red-crowned Skink found an unknown stone slab and walked to the high platform.

That night, the twin-tailed comet was like the forked tongue of the snake god, passing over the head of the prophet who was preaching Sotek's prophecy.

The Skaven Plague drove away the coldbloods of Chakua and awakened the Skink God, the vengeful serpent.

Lynch knew that the Skaven were still encroaching on Lustria's underground.

Sotek's prophecy has not yet come true, the power of the cold-blooded species is weakening, and the number of hatching pools is getting smaller and smaller.

The prophecy may never come true.

Lynch will not accept this dark future!

Sotek's power needs to grow. He is the only existing god of the cold-blooded species.

Therefore, Lynch will never hinder the followers of the snake god from spreading their faith, and will even secretly help them.

He wasn't sure if Ashoranka, the Lost One, was still alive.

He left no other traces, and he may have encountered the poisonous hands of the Four Gods.

Yes, almost all the gods worshiped by the cold-blooded species have disappeared, and only the great knowledge proves that they existed.

The old god is dead! Died in the pursuit of four powerful men!

A thought helped Lin Qi confirm the outcome of the ancient saint, but this dark fact could not shake Lin Qi. Lin Qi was not a person who prayed to gods.

The cold-blooded one is still there, and Lynch can still wield weapons.

Lynch had already prepared for the worst!

Asul was talking about the past in his hometown, and for some reason, Lin Qi had a chaotic past flashing before his eyes.

Those that are hopeful, relaxing, and nostalgic.

Cold-blooded people will not miss him. Death brought him to this world and gave him a new mission.

The bonfire swayed in the evening wind, and the firelight illuminated Lynch's ferocious yet calm face from time to time.

The shadows in the dense forest were like dancing devils, and the invisible enemy bared its teeth and claws at Lynch angrily.

A more fragile memory was brought out, that of the boy trying desperately to stop the bully.

The boy suddenly matures, and the young man maintains order on the shaking earth.

In another twist, man met his end, and fire and smoke enveloped the neighborhood with a maniacal laugh.

Children were crying and women were screaming.

The man who had just lost everything threw his last few bills to the ground and rushed into the collapsing building.

Humans will regret and feel lost in remembrance, but cold-blooded species will not.

Lynch allowed it to play its tricks. Only after dying once did he realize the preciousness of life.

If you sacrifice Lynch, you can save the crumbling world, or let the crumbling building stand for a few more seconds.

Then let it come, for more kind lives.

Violence is a weapon to protect the world, and will is a strong shield against evil.

The determined cold-blooded creature angered the invisible things, chaotic and meaningless scenes passed by one by one, and Lynch didn't even bother to pay attention to them.

The restless woods are not just shadows. Perhaps they are local hidden residents, disturbed by outsiders.

But they did not dare to attack the visitors rashly. The elite swordsmen of the White Tower of Hos were playfully competing with their scabbards. The whistling sword wind was enough to reflect their superb skills.

The most powerful elf mage in existence looked at the records on the parchment in his hand and added two strokes from time to time.

The legend who rose from the dark sun stood beside the campfire, and a casual glance made the trees tremble with fear.

Perhaps the gathering of more and more of their kind gave them courage. A pair of scarlet eyes that lit up in the darkness disturbed the peace of the camp.

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