Lin Qi's bloodthirsty desire increased, and he looked faintly at the enemy in the darkness.

Just in time, he needed to divert his attention, and these rat cubs came to his door.

Slave rats with pustules and scars all over their bodies came screaming from all directions.

Sword Master Hoth put on his giant sword, and Teclis put away the parchment.

Lynch broke through the bushes and pounced on the rats.

The strange thing is that even though they suffered heavy casualties, these rat men did not flee.

Eleven Asur set off a killing storm among the rats, and Lynch had already piled up a mountain of rat-man corpses.

Until the mage completed the spell, countless tentacles broke through the ground, strangled groups of unlucky ratmen, and brought them underground.

These slave rats began to flee, but those who escaped soon let out even more miserable screams.

Lynch shook off the blood on his body. He guessed that there were important facilities of the rat people nearby, and a new wave of rats would be coming soon.

Sure enough, the thin slave rats attacked again, but among them were some clan rats, who drove the rats with their rusty scimitars.

It seems that this is an important place for the Rat Man. Since he happened to meet it, Lynch didn't mind unplugging it.

Yes, this is conducive to maintaining order.

There is no weak person among the order guards present, and the weak Teclis is also a master of swordsmanship.

The dense rat tide quickly subsided under the sword dance, but there were more than just rat men in the darkness.

The brilliance of the magic scroll lit up deep in the jungle, and the flames condensed under the canopy of the trees. After burning the leaves, they shot straight towards Lynch.

In the fiery explosion, the lizard man jumped out of the fire and rushed straight into the shadow behind the rat tide.

He didn't have time to dodge. Lynch appeared in front of him almost teleportingly and cut the shadow directly with his scepter.

In the cry of pain, the shadow squirmed to reveal the human body, and blood splashed on the ground.

The sharp and old voice scared away the slave rats that were about to attack.

"What a waste! I haven't solved a reptile yet, I shouldn't waste my strength."

The sound dissipated in another round of screaming.

The adventurers had just fought back the rat swarm when a new wave of rats swept in, carrying some ratmen who had stopped escaping.

The rat man with a higher position holds a whip, rides on the giant rat, hides at the back of the rat group, and orders his bodyguard to kill all those who retreat.

Lynch keenly discovered this little leader. When the lizard man looked at it, the rat man supervising the battle trembled and secreted dirty liquid, making the air filled with blood and stench even more unpleasant.

But the speed at which the Rat Man fled could not match the speed at which Lynch could catch up.

The rat men along the way were smashed into pulp by the overwhelming force. Lynch easily caught up with the giant rat and killed it and its owner with one stick.

The rat swarm began to break up, and the Skaven chopped down the companions who blocked the way while running around aimlessly.

There is no unified direction, because every ratman hopes that other ratmen will attract the enemy's attention and scatter and hide in unison.

Lynch screamed at the Archmage to lock the Ratman's lair.

Amid the winds of heaven, Teclis shines brightly to the north.

Lynch chased the escaping Rat Man and headed north.

Asul endured the stench and followed Lynch to kill the Rat Man's base camp.

The mage started chanting a spell as he ran, and when Lynch stabbed the last Skaven in front of him to death, the ground suddenly collapsed, revealing a dark tunnel.

Lynch jumped in first, only to find that this was an underground complex of lizard people.

It's normal. It's abnormal to expect the rat people to build a solid and magnificent wonder.

They are always equated with instability. For example, Skaven's machines can blow up the user at any time.

At first, Lin Qi thought he would encounter a boundless sea of ​​rats, but this place seemed to be a secret room.

In the square basement, although there are traces of rat-men activities, some order can be found in the chaos.

When the mage and the Sword Master Hos jumped down one after another, Lynch discovered the text.

Surprisingly, this is in English.

He seems to be a hapless stranger, as his chaotic diary proves.

Lin Qi randomly found a piece of wood on the ground and read the diary engraved on it.

"Damn it! That mouse actually looked at me. Fortunately, I killed it first, otherwise it would definitely eat me."

The records were so confusing that Lynch had to find more pieces of wood to discern what was understandable among them.

After piecing it together, Lynch barely understood the tragedy that happened to him.

The stranger calls himself David, and the unfortunate man turns into a rat-man.

Based on this result, Lynch could guess that there was a high probability that he had died from internal friction among the rat-men.

The most despicable, despicable, dark and shameless human beings, among the rat herders, are all saint-like existences.

Not to mention, this guy is still a slave rat.

When the Skaven clan fell, its inhabitants became slaves, the bottom layer of the Skaven Empire.

All Skaven seek to prove themselves, improve their status, and gain a place in their new clan.

Obviously, only a very small number can succeed. This probability is one in tens of thousands, and this includes those high-level ratmen who have become slaves. They are often more likely to be promoted.

In other words, it is actually only one in ten million.

If a slave can survive the abuse of high-level ratmen and the killing of enemies, it will become a slave that lives for a few more years.

Almost everyone who was born a slave died with that status.

Starved to death, exhausted, eaten by fellow humans, and killed by experimental plagues.

The Skaven's worst enemy is themselves, and Lynch knows this very well.

Fortunately, David is still ferocious, but his head seems to be abnormal. If Lynch turns into a rat man, he would rather leave the rat group and find a way to survive from the endless dangers in the outside world.

But David gave up the opportunity to leave the group and wanted to make a name for himself among the rat people. With his crazy performance, it went smoothly at first.

After killing his companions who dared to covet him, he almost advanced to the level of a dead slave rat.

The dead ratmen can be used as food for other ratmen, while the living slave rats still have to eat. Of course, there is no normal food supply for them.

It was casually "gifted" a wooden spear by a "big man".

Although he was almost nailed to death with a wooden spear, he survived and used this to intimidate other slave rats, becoming a "big shot" among the slave rats.

He was then noticed by the clan rats because this slave dared to enjoy the adulation of other slaves.

As full members of the clan, clan rats are more noble than slaves, but only so much.

Faced with the bullying of countless "powerful people", the clan rats could only redouble the suffering they endured to the slaves.

Skaven will always go out of their way to kick and maim low-level Skaven, and no Skaven can escape this fate.

Even those Gray Prophets endured various forms of bullying from their mentors when they were apprentices.

David was beaten half to death and could not even resist because he was so weak.

His men will not sacrifice their lives for him at all!

Finally, the leader of the clan rats, the "big man" who had given David the spear, a "chief of the claws," summoned David into the cave.

Then there was nothing more. The wood chips were covered with a layer of dust. It seemed that he had died in the rat-men's internal fighting.

Maybe the mouse asked David to prove himself by assassinating a certain mouseman, and promised a bright future.

Then David will be crushed to death by the high-level rat-human struggle.

This is how slave rats are used, as cannon fodder.

This diary is not worthless. At least, it vaguely mentions that the leader, the Gray Prophet, seems to be making some big move.

The Gray Seers annexed another clan and took over that clan's tasks, building a horrific device with the help of two engineering sorcerers.

It will sink this continent!

Fortunately, the warpstone is not enough to provide energy, and the Skaven have set their sights on the horrific storm that has recently raged on the sea.

The One Tooth Clan is ready, and all ratmen have been notified.

Even the slave rats jumped over the dragon gate and had a chance to see the sea before they died.

The Gray Seer was convinced that the thing that powered the terrifying storm could serve as the core of the land-sinking device.

There are three big clans who openly support this plan.

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