Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 89 I wonder if this will work

A bright light came from the north, as well as a neat roar.

Lin Qi looked at the restless orc general, worried that it would pose a threat to the incoming cold-blooded species, and rushed directly to the battlefield.

The Skaven were beaten to a pulp by the heavy blows, and the Greenskins could not stop Lynch.

When Lynch approached, the orc war general who was chasing the giant wheel of destruction suddenly stopped.

A ferocious smile broke out on the ugly face of the orc. It yelled loudly, turned around and rushed towards Lynch.

Brother Go said there was going to be a fight and let him cut the scaly ones to death.

In the end, there were only a bunch of rats in this place. Fortunately, Ger. Big Muscle Boss was not picky, as long as he could have a good time.

Now, its opponent has finally arrived.


The Orc Warlord rushes towards the opponent he remembers so deeply. This time he will fight for three days and three nights! No, fight forever.

The roars of the boys inspired the warriors, and the warriors' ferocious performance also fed back the Green Tide.

Lin Qi felt that when this wild orc came with a strong wind, the pressure was almost as strong as that of the demon prince.

The lizard man changed the trajectory of his charge and avoided the orc general's pounce.


With a dull sound, the jungle that was flattened by the green tide and rat tide was smashed into a deep pit with a radius of tens of meters.

This is not right!

No wonder the greenskins are still alive and kicking after thousands of years after the ancient saints ordered them to be exterminated.

These cancers have simply kicked the logic of reality away.

Lynch took advantage of the orc general rubbing his head in the pit, quickly approached, activated the arc of light from Kotago's staff, and stabbed the huge orc with one stick.

Amid the screams of the orc warrior, the scepter almost pierced through it.

But it pushed away the light arc with a stone hammer in time!

That's right, the stone hammer, that thing looks like the orc just broke the rock casually and made a stick with an irregular top.

But when this thing collided with the artifact, sparks flew everywhere, but it was not damaged.

Lin Qi relied on his nimble body skills to pull away and avoid the orc's fierce blow.

It rushed forward like a poisonous snake, breaking through the orc's war marks and cutting into its head.

The orc lowered his head warily, but his ears were still melted off by the arc of light.

Lin Qi took advantage of the situation and changed his moves, trying to crack its head.

However, the orc warlord turned over regardless of his face. Not only did he avoid the arc of light, he also pounced directly on Lynch, trying to gain the initiative.

Lynch took advantage of the opportunity to go around behind the orc, avoiding the orc warrior who was attacking like a vicious dog. At the same time, he whipped out a few of its yellowed front teeth with his tail.

The lizard man approached again, preparing to end the battle from behind the orc, but the big guy rolled forward, which was unseemly, but very practical and avoided the surprise attack.

The short confrontation made the green tide's blood boil. They screamed and cheered for the boss, which also made the orc general's veins pop. He slapped the ground and created another deep pit when he stood up.

Its power is stronger!

Lynch became solemn, and he was shocked to realize that so far, although many green-skinned shamans had appeared, not a single "waagh" spell had been released.

This doesn't make sense. What do orc shamans do? They have to draw "waagh" to cast spells, right?

Hundreds of thousands of strong wild orcs, their "waagh" when thirsty for battle, can directly penetrate the dwarf fortress!

Now it's all taken over by a wild orc?

Is this dirty thing the pet of God Ermao?

Completely putting aside the contempt in his heart, Lin Qi adjusted his condition and retreated like a snake, avoiding the warrior who rushed at him again.

As he passed by, he used his scepter to cut a long gash on its back, and took the opportunity to kick it.

Lynch saw that the lizard-man army from the north had already entered the scene. In order to prevent an accident, he led the chasing warriors behind him and rushed towards the pit of the rat-men.

In the north, groups of lizard men who used jewelry to cover their scars formed a neat formation, holding spears and shields, directly driving away the rat tide and green tide, and entered the battlefield.

Short and loud orders sounded further north, and a series of orders were issued separately.

The Tyrannosaurus roared from time to time, anchoring the battlefield for soldiers further away.

In each square formation, the leader of the battle group held the sun flag and divided the battlefield.

The red battle flag shows their identity. They are the elites from Hesiota, the City of the Sun!

This is the northernmost temple city, located on the Isthmus of Lustria.

The bay there was the most suitable for landing, so that plunderers from all over gathered there.

But none made it deep into the jungle, and only the most cautious colony, the Norscan Skogi, was not destroyed by the cold-blooded race.

Because the Skogi residents were very wise and tried to avoid conflicts with the lizardman army.

Farther north, across the mountains rising from Lord Mazdamudi, lies Druchi territory.

There was once a large Druchi army that threatened to go south and destroy Hesiota.

The second-generation Slan raised his hand towards the earth, making this incident obsolete.

Apart from the First City, the city with the most powerful armament is Hesiota.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. These tough-skinned warriors roughly separated the Green Tide and the Rat Tide into two parts.

There was another soul-stirring roar, and rows of cold lizard riders emerged from the eastern jungle, directly pushing down the scrambling Skaven and compressing the green tide.

The great wheel of destruction was exploded by the rays of the sun engine. Before the Skaven weapons team could adjust its direction, they were all slaughtered by the cold lizard riders.

The orc war general and Lynch had already reached the deep pit. The fight between the two warriors affected the rat men who were climbing up, briefly intercepting the rat tide's reinforcements.

The orc war general was weakening, and Lynch knew that his kin must have defeated the green tide.

On the ground, those hot-blooded wild orcs were killed one by one by Thoros, and the remaining ones inevitably began to flee.

Another group of cold lizards appeared from the south, driving the greenskins away, forcing them to flee to the west.

The huge green tide gathered into a dragon and fled, throwing away its armor.

The lizard warriors appeared again in the jungle on both sides. This long dragon quickly dwindled under the siege of the cold-blooded species.

The earth was trembling, and at the forefront of the green tide's fleeing direction, the woods fell in pieces, and dozens of triceratops were driven towards them.

The long dragon hit dozens of mountains of meat and was pushed back along the original path.

The few surviving greenskins were killed one by one by the cold lizard riders.

Leaves were set on fire and used to incinerate the remains of the greenskins.

A pterosaur landed, and the Skink Rider ran into the camp where the Sword Master of Hoth was stationed. After a brief exchange, he did not leave, but waited quietly there.

After everything was settled, the Thoros Army assembled and set off to the northwest.

It seemed that they were just passing by and didn't know what kind of mission this legion had.

In the deep pit, the orc war general has lost his previous majesty.

When Lynch's power dropped to a certain threshold, he directly suppressed it violently, inspired a "killing rage", and used brute force to hit the greenskin again and again.

No ratmen tried to climb up anymore. They peeked fearfully at the battle above, with fewer and fewer scarlet eyes in the darkness.

Amid the warlord's screams, Lynch knocked out its fangs, tore open its flesh, and finally cut its throat.

When the murderous desire subsided, Lynch glanced down, crawled to the ground, and prepared to call his companions to remove the rat nest.

But there was only ashes in sight, and the quiet messenger in the camp attracted Lynch's attention.

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