"Order from the Lord of the Sun City! Thoroughly investigate the Lustria Jungle and find the lost ancient holy tablet of Slanwupeck at all costs!"

"The Mist Lord's decree! Assemble the Mist Legion, march into Naggarond, and intercept the thieves!"

"Order of the Moon Lord! Summon the White Moon Legion to raze the northern fortress of the hot-blooded species and look for traces of the thieves!"

"The Lord of Itaza decrees! The Itaza Guards must assemble an army and clear out the hot-blooded species on the western coast!"

"The black island wandering around the Isthmus of Lustria was attacked by the Lord of the Heavens. The blood of tens of thousands of hot-bloods pleased Sotek, but no ancient holy tablet was found."

As soon as the messenger saw Lin Qi, he excitedly began to report the instructions issued by Zhucheng and the battle reports from the front line.

Although only one of them was something that Lynch needed to perform, the others were also informed of the irrelevant ones.

Lin Qi was stunned for a moment and understood the situation. Several desperate Druchi managed to break into the City of Mist by luck, and then stole a stone slab.

Afterwards, they scattered, causing Slan to lock in multiple locations.

The Skink Priest responsible for interpreting Slann's sleeping orders urgently conveyed the instructions.

The moon diviner will conduct further divination, and there will be new and more detailed tasks in the future.

There's a high chance that a hot-blooded person doesn't know what he's getting.

The Ancient Saint Slate lacked the means to interpret it, so to them it was just an ordinary golden slab.

If you just steal a few pieces of gold, the cold-blooded species won't care at all.

Even if you plunder the temple city, as long as you escape unscathed and leave the rainforest, there is a high probability that the lizardmen who did not lose any important items will not retaliate.

But the Ancient Sage Slate records information related to the Ancient Sage, a few words left by the ancient master.

It is equivalent to a holy object left by the gods, and may be engraved with information that is crucial to the cold-blooded species.

A small piece of gold is enough to mobilize the entire Lost Empire!

Even a devil believer would not take great risks just to steal a gold plate that reminds people of death.

You know, for this stone slab, Shi Lan will really wake up and cast a forbidden technique that can move mountains and seas.

Lin Qi did not pay attention to this matter. Regular legions had already been dispatched. Unless the opponent ran into the kingdom of the dark gods, the cold-blooded species could be found as long as they were still in the mortal realm.

He only needs to give the order to let the "Light of the Breaking Army" Corps inspect the southern rainforest.

The pterosaur rider flew northwest with Lynch's order, while Lynch looked at the archmage who was still fighting.

Just a gray prophet, how could he hold back Teclis?

The Archmage didn't know the cold-blooded doubts, because in Teclis's vision, there were more and more enemies.

The mage activated the scroll of Hoth on his waist, and the seven stars of Hoth lit up in the sky, providing assistance to Teclis.

Teclis righted Saffre's Crown of War, and inserted the Sword of Teclis into the ground. He held Lilith's Moon Staff in both hands and continued to fight solemnly.

Underground, in the center of the square-like hollow, stands a giant gray tower-like device.

On the left side of the gray tower-shaped equipment, inside the Screaming Death Knell, there is a field of green dimensional gravel, the traces left by the fierce battle.

The battle situation became more and more tense, and sparks appeared in the air from time to time.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Gray Prophet quickly knocked on a large piece of dimensional stone and used the majestic energy to disperse the magical wind gathered by the opponent.

Further to the left of the Gray Prophet's vehicle, two engineering warlocks from the Skry clan built a strange-looking auxiliary spell-casting device.

Then, these two warlocks from the Abandoned Rat Demon City also joined in the fight.

They are the greatest warlocks after the chief!

Engineers and warlocks have an unparalleled ability to integrate magic and technology, but warpstone devices cannot help them win.

The Gray Seer took out the skin of the reptile, and the Engineer Warlock activated the amplifier on his body. Together, they wanted to summon a dimensional lightning storm on the ground.

But the opposing magician used some kind of artifact, and the Dimensional Wind Howl spell was directly obliterated before it could take shape.

To the right of the giant device, next to the water curtain that projects distant scenes.

Five plague priests preside over unclean rituals, trying to infect opposing spellcasters.

Disgusting excrement, as well as rotten food, were enshrined before the shrine.

This is the prerequisite for the plague spell. The plague priest will make the enemies on the ground shrink and weaken.

Their plague spells are second only to those of Nurgle demons, and they have a different flavor.

Plague priests are better at spreading destruction, but Nurgle's spells contain new life in destruction.

As the leaders of the plague priests, the five priests are extremely confident in the effects of the spell.

Even the most powerful one in the Plague Clan can't do better than them!

But the precise ritual was disturbed by invisible forces, and the symbol was twisted, turning it into a gain spell.

In the anxious fight for magic power, the warlocks all saw that the opponent was an elf thing, and it had power beyond their imagination.

The three major spellcasting groups rarely joined forces, but they did not gain the slightest advantage.

In front of the giant equipment, the mutant pioneer who had traveled thousands of miles from the pits of hell was sitting on a monster made of a wolf and a rat.

It is a master of biological modification and a powerful mage.

The mutant herald impatiently swung his whip and struck the passing ratmen.

When it is discovered that the wind of magic is restless and the opponent's spellcaster has the advantage.

It also joined this spell battle, cooperating with the Gray Seer, Engineer Warlock, and Plague Priest to break the opponent's spell.

A sneer came from the shadows, and the Alchemist Eshin from the Eshin clan slowly walked out.

If this matter spreads, it will make the entire underground empire laugh.

These magic masters from the major clans of the Skaven Empire were actually suppressed by an elf.

Alchemist Essien took out a small piece of paper with various symbols painted on it, coated it with warpstone powder, and took a sip intoxicatedly.

This mysterious black magic master mobilized the power of Dar and prepared to boil the enemies on the ground into a puddle of oil and water.

In the vision, a bright moon suppressed the power of dark magic and stung Alchemist Essien's eyes.

He used frequent methods but was at a disadvantage, which made the casters angry.

The Gray Prophet cursed and ordered his ratmen to provide enough warp stones for the warlocks. The Gray Prophet would extort more benefits after the battle.

The four major clans all support the One Tooth Clan, and the leader of the One Tooth Clan was once a member of the Gray Prophet Clan.

Just like this, the magic masters of five great clans were no match for an elf?

"You haven't dealt with the Skaven caster yet."

Lynch's cold tone deeply hurt the Supreme Mage, even though it was just a statement.

Teclis drew a magic circle in the void while deciphering the opponent's evil spell.

The outline of the magic circle is becoming more and more difficult. The magical wind is limited, but the Skaven Warlock underground seems to have an infinite source of energy.

Lin Qi looked at the magic circle with sparks flying in the air and finally dissipating, and exhausted his last trace of patience.

As expected, the power of magic cannot be trusted. It is more practical to smash the opponent's head.

Normally, when the fight reaches a stalemate, the mage should draw his sword and fight fiercely.

Lynch asked the Sword Master Hess to take care of the Archmage and rushed towards the pit himself.

The only thing that bothered him was that he didn't know the way.

The underground cave has collapsed, and from time to time the rat men who peeked upward were scared away by Lynch.

Lin Qi smelled the strong stench and picked the direction with the strongest smell.

There is nothing to say, the remaining defeated soldiers cannot stop Lynch at all.

The Rat Assassin that occasionally jumped out was shot against the rock wall by Lynch at a faster speed and turned into a puddle of mud.

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