Seeing that there was no danger, Lynch simply took Asul and continued deeper.

But the jungle seems to have changed. At least, in Lynch's ancient memory, there shouldn't be so many strange plants.

The Ancient Sage imprinted the biological illustration of the tropical rainforest into the lizard man's mind. Theoretically, there shouldn't be anything that Lynch didn't recognize.

Some vague visions appeared again, whispering tirelessly, trying to arouse Lynch's thoughts.

But it would be difficult for Lynch to suffer a second loss with the same trick.

Cautiously, Lynch avoided unfamiliar plants.

Lynch could just make out that it was interspersed with fir trees, shorter than the ancient varieties of Lustria.

He saw oak again, and wildflowers growing on the moss.


In the grass, a wood elf holding a long bow pushed aside the berry bushes, walked through the bushes, and passed by Lynch in a sneaking manner.

Lynch could even smell his scent and hear his heartbeat.

To be cautious, the adventure team distanced themselves from these things that should not exist.

After divining whether there was any danger, Teclis tried to communicate with the wood elf, but there was no response from the other party.

In the trees in front of the wood elves, ferocious goat horns pierced the green plants, and a group of beastmen appeared howling and holding battle axes.

The wood elf fired several arrows in succession, but the beastmen were outnumbered and he was forced to retreat along the same path.

The beastman raised his battle ax and rushed towards Lynch's position.

Lynch subconsciously blocked, and the weapon penetrated the beastman's body, but it was unscathed.

A wood elf armed with a spear appeared from behind Lynch, danced a war dance, and killed the hoofed men.

Is this an image from afar?

Another wood elf passed through Lin Qi's body, and Lin Qi felt strangely that their voices calling for death were getting closer.

In order to prevent accidents, Lynch led Asul to avoid this battlefield.

This jungle was in chaos. Beyond the battlefield between beastmen and wood elves, Lynch discovered a swamp corroded by vampires. It should have been a clear pool.

Human soldiers wearing half-body armor and holding firearms were fighting bloody battles with goblins riding giant spiders.

There were more resurrected undead in the swamp, but both humans and goblins ignored the undead.

On the contrary, a new knight appeared, a knight in full plate armor, roaring the name of "Sigma" and fighting with the vampires mixed among the undead.

The adventure team was in the middle of the battlefield, and the rear turned into a cedar forest. Lynch could even feel the chill, which made the heat of Koteg's scepter more obvious.

In the cedar forest, groups of heavily armored dwarves shouted and fought bloody battles with green-skinned men riding giant wolves.

There were more Norscans at the rear, wearing only animal skins, hunting an ice troll.

Before the adventurers could quickly cross this chaotic area, the vegetation in front suddenly became sparse.

Knights in full armor, riding strong horses, walked around the birch trees and roared towards them.

The adventurer subconsciously avoided the charge, and the archmage tried several spells in succession, but could not stop the abnormality.

It's not just magic, it seems.

"This is the maze! We need to find its core!" Teclis shouted, letting his voice rise above the noisy battlefield.

I don't know what the meaning of such a maze is. Even if they can attack Lynch, Lynch is sure to defeat them all.

Some battlefields overlapped, and the wood elves no longer only fought the beastmen. They guarded the human musketeers and fought off waves of undead.

The knights who had just passed Lynch gathered together, and the spear of the leading knight bloomed with brilliance.

Facing the sudden attack of beastmen, greenskins, and undead, the knights who had just defeated a group of forest goblins shouted loudly:

“Fellow compatriots, for the people we love and protect forever in our hearts!

For our most loyal belief in the Lady of the Lake!

For the light and glory of Bretonnia!

Draw your sword! Raise your spears!

Glorious warriors of Bretonnia,

charge! charge! charge!"

Dozens of knights charged toward the growing number of enemies, their heavily armored horses shaking the jungle and knocking down trees.

At this moment, a low horn was blown.

Teclis recognized it, it was the prelude to Eislay's Wild Hunt!

The dense arrows shot down the manticore that appeared out of thin air in the forest, and wood elf warriors riding giant elk swarmed out.

But the charge that was supposed to drive away the beastmen instead hit the equally fearless Bretonnian knights.

In the sharp and old laughter, the warriors on both sides fell off their mounts, their lances were broken, and many elite knights died in the aftermath of the collision.

The Holy Grail Knight, whose armor shimmered, pushed away his horse.

He roared in grief and anger, drew his sword, cut off the incoming arrows, and started fighting with the Wood Elf's Wanderer.

This group of short-sighted hot-blooded people ignored their powerful enemy and consumed their vitality first!

Lynch was inflamed but still in control.

The knights of the Sigmar Empire protected the musketeers, and the dwarves on the ice field were compressed into the wet swamp.

As they looked around in confusion, the humans and dwarf allies temporarily formed a battle line.

The beastmen and the Norscans mingle. One wants to "sacrifice blood to the blood god", while the other calls for the northern god "Urik".

It seems that they are the southern Norscans who were greatly influenced by civilization.

The troll was killed by the wood elf rangers with arrows of fire magic, and Eislay soon noticed the short bearded man who had a blood feud with them.

"Khazukan Khazakit Ha!"

The dwarf warriors held the ancient hatred and ignited the war with the wood elves.

The same is true for these Eislays. They remember more than Asur or Druzi the tragic war between the dwarves and the elves in ancient times, and the poisoning of the forest by the dwarves.

The dwarf took out the detonator and used the explosive air waves to fly away the activated trees, blowing the dryads into pieces.

The war dancers danced their spears or swords, shouted the name of the "Shadow Dancer" "Loic", and collided with the dwarf Iron Breaker holding a heavy shield.

The strongest walls of these mountain kingdoms resisted the wood elves' dance of death.

The people of the empire were also busy with themselves, and the vampires focused on their old rivals.

The witch hunter in a trench coat appeared from behind the trees and almost nailed the vampire to the ground with a crossbow, but another vampire appeared behind him and broke his neck.

The greenskins became excited, and the "waagh" of the forest goblins and the greenskin boys were unified. The black orcs who were among them hacked to death the goblin leader and led this small-scale green tide.

The battlefields in different climates and different areas completely intersected, and Lynch also felt inexplicably that they were closer to him.

Teclis tried to stop the civil war in the kingdoms of Order, but the magic penetrated their bodies and had no effect.

The Archmage inspires the Heth Scroll, but this is not pure magic. The Heth Scroll just slows down the speed at which it intersects here.

Lin Qi's eyes became colder and colder, these metamorphic species needed to be taught a lesson.

In the blizzard on the ice field, several Chaos warriors wearing heavy armor walked out with their Chaos battle group and rushed towards the warring parties without hesitation.

A voice screamed in Lynch's mind, asking him to kill all the stupid hot-blooded people and restore peace to the rainforest.

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