Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 94 The Style of the Elders

Lynch doesn't believe drastic measures are needed, but they do need teaching from "the elders."

The Lizardmen thwarted the Archmage's attempt to meet here and give the young species an unforgettable education.

The fierce war became more intense, and soldiers who were not strong enough died one after another in the collision of champions of various races.

Lynch could already feel the strong wind of the warriors' fighting, but at the same time, he was keenly aware that he was far away from Lustria.

Just like the experience of being thrown into the shadow world before, Lynch and Asul were dragged into the intersection while on guard.

At this moment, a new giant solidified next to Lynch.

Without hesitation, the lizard man cut off the giant's legs with a stick, climbed up its body, and exploded the giant's head.

The mountain of fallen corpses caused the battlefield to pause for a moment, but then a storm of killings erupted, putting every soldier in danger.

Lynch slaughtered the Chaos Warriors in a whirlwind, and directly beheaded the brass-skinned Bighorn Champion.

Passing by the battle line between the dwarves and the wood elves, the lizard man's thick tail swept inadvertently, separating the two ignorant mortal races.

The black orc roared and charged, turning into several pieces of meat in the blink of an eye.

The Swordmaster of Hoth supported the Archmage, and Teclis summoned the winds of life, entangling the champions with vines while strangling the fleeing greenskins and beastmen.

He used magic to amplify his voice in an attempt to persuade the warring parties.

Lynch took advantage of the two vampires being trapped and accurately penetrated them with Kotago's scepter, and the undead fell in droves.

The imperial knights shouted the name of Sigma, broke free, and wanted to fight to the death with Lynch, the unique "beast man".

Lynch controlled his strength and knocked him to the ground with one stick.

Passing over the Wanderers who were struggling with the Holy Grail Knights, Lynch kicked them out and knocked down the Norseman who was calling the wolf god Ulric to duel with the Wood Elf woodland lord.

In the next moment, Lin Qi directly knocked away the dexterous woodland lord and knocked away the war dancer who came to help.

The troll was easily dismembered, and the lizard man stood on the mountain of meat and roared:

"Stop! Or all die! Go and repent to the Ancient Sage!"

Teclis hesitated for a moment, then built a bridge of shadows, came to Lynch's side, opened a blue magic shield, and blocked the incoming arrows and gunpowder.

The archmage translated for the lizard man in the language of the old world, but Lynch could hear the weakness in his tone.

This elf cub has definitely been beautified and processed, but it doesn't matter, as long as the goal is achieved.

Although Lynch would rather beat them all down until they repent obediently.

The Sword Saints of Heth rushed around the Archmage and announced to the various tribes in various languages.

Disharmonious emotions permeated the battlefield, and the only ones left were the backbone of the power of order, the elite warriors of all races.

Lynch wished they would have died fighting Chaos instead of being foolish enough to meet the gods now.

A dwarf with a beard hanging down to the ground pushed aside Islay who was blocking the way, blocked the opponent's stabbing rapier with a huge shield, and almost killed the wood elf archer with an axe. Fortunately, Teclis used airflow to deflect the attack.

The dwarf shouted angrily and beat his shield hard.

The other Ironbreakers did the same and vacated the field.

"This short guy wants to challenge you." A Hoth Sword Master suppressed his gloating and even went beyond the level to translate.

Teclis gave him a look, perhaps tinged with reproach, which made the apprentice behave obediently.

Before the Archmage could explain, Lin Qi had already stepped down from the pile of corpses and glanced critically at the followers of the Wolf God who were confronting the Woodland Lord.

This Norscan man with burn scars all over his body showed no signs of contamination. It seemed that he was not a false believer. He was a true worshiper of Ulric and had been blessed by the gods. He was the chosen one of the White Wolf.

The sheer wildness of the scar is the mark of the Wolf God.

Some followers of the Blood God, in order to gain a foothold in the northern provinces of the empire, would falsely believe in Yurik.

Teclis once again controlled magic to block the hidden arrows fired by the wood elves at the dwarves, and at the same time separated the wood elves and dwarves, as well as the Holy Grail Knights who glared at the elves.

Seeing that he could no longer stop it, the Archmage sighed in annoyance.

"Your opponent is the orc slayer, the iron-smashing champion of Karazha-a-Karak, Khalid Shield of the Mountains."

Lynch signaled the Archmage to start the championship showdown and get the opponent ready.

Teclis made the courtesy of a squire, and Dailinqi announced his honor.

"Son of Gruni, you challenge the Armybreaker! The savior of Talaklan! The end of the Demon Prince! The doom of the Blood God Champion! The master of the southern legions of Lustria's rainforest! The guardian of the world! The son of the Old Ones !Demon Bane!”

Some of the warriors who knew the name of Teclis were slightly shocked. Assur has always been arrogant, and there are not many people who can make the next master of the White Tower deign to become a servant.

Even if the series of titles were not sure whether they were true or false, the wood elf lord was not prepared to take risks.

The woodland lord blew his leaf whistle softly, causing Islay to temporarily swallow his pride and let go of his prejudice against Assur.

Their blood relatives are not to be trusted, but the wood elves are temporarily powerless against the many enemies that infest the forest.

The Sigma Knight struggled to his feet and looked suspiciously at the Supreme Master of the Imperial Academy of Magic.

The Holy Grail Knight stared at the wood elf and didn't care about anything else.

The good boys who accompanied him on the expedition were all dead, killed in the inexplicable attack by these forest dwellers, although the knights of the fairy people also paid the price.

The warriors of the White Wolf were carrying scarred war hammers. They didn't know what they were thinking. There was only a desire for a glorious death and an empty and confused fighting spirit in their eyes.

He has been like this since he killed his brothers on the battlefield and avenged his mentor.

Teclis intended to frighten off challengers, and thus other potentially reckless champions, in the hope that the conflict would not escalate. Unfortunately, dwarves were always stubborn and fierce.

The dwarf Ironbreakers knocked on their shields regularly, roaring as if singing praises to the "God of War" Grimnir.

Lynch slowly walked to Khalid. The Shield of the Mountains and stood like a statue, quietly waiting for the signal to start the battle.

A long-bearded dwarf walked to the side of the duel area and motioned for Tigris to go to the other side.

The two referees announced the start together, and the duel almost ended as soon as it started.

The Iron Breaker Champion reflexively set up his shield and blocked the cold-blooded Champion's attack.

Lynch did not activate the arc of light, and almost knocked the shield out of shape with just brute force.

The dwarf's face was flushed and his whole body was shaking, but he still took the blow.

Just when the dwarf was about to counterattack, Lynch did not use his speed to get behind him, but instead rained down strikes with his stick.

The meteorite shield was smashed by the ancient holy artifact with a loud bang, and the chilling brute force almost embedded the dwarf into the soil.

Caught off guard, Iron Breaker was overwhelmed by the huge force, and his shield turned into a turtle shell. It wasn't until Lynch felt no resistance that he stopped attacking.

The lizard man gave up his position, and the bearded dwarf nervously checked the situation of the iron-breaking champion. Facing the weak Khalid, he could only declare the lizard man the winner.

Not wanting to challenge Lynch again, Tigris preached fiercely, but Lynch couldn't understand what he meant.

The Archmage is probably trying to persuade the warriors to unite and get out of this advanced maze together.

Lynch only hoped that these young races would not be too eager to seek death.

If you can unite as one, everyone present will have a chance to banish the big demon, or even more than one.

It is really unwise to die from internal friction!

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