The Knight of the Holy Grail, John Horned Beast, is determined not to survive the end of the world.

The target he swore to fight against was not only the existence behind the scenes, but also the wood elves, the "fairy people" as Bretonnians called them.

After all, he was a warrior willing to fight against the darkness, and Lynch acquiesced to his resentment.

This is not a very important thing. If Teclis cannot make the wood elves point their arrows into the darkness, then these double-edged swords had better be broken as soon as possible.

The Northman Wesen Whale Hunter did not offer any opinions, he just felt depressed and regretful about himself.

Lynch just hoped that he wouldn't be swayed by that demon.

The paragon of knights from the Imperial Order of Black Gryphons, Nok the Imperial Blade, agreed with the Archmage that he would let the Unholy taste Sigmar's wrath.

This was a hapless guy whose temple he was guarding was infested with vampires, which was a larger than life insult for a "role model."

And he has no chance to take revenge, because the vampire ran to the sea. Who can find the target in the vast ocean?

Not to mention, Nok also has to protect other Sigmar temples.

Now, he cannot return to the land he wants to protect unless he defeats the evil behind the scenes.

Lynch likes these brats. They dare to show their fangs to the darkness and are more willing to fight against the enemy.

Before the group of Eislays could get up from the ground, the wandering sunlight changed again.

It's like a filter blocks the sunlight, making it darker.

The jungle disappeared in patches and turned into mountains.

Steep mountain walls blocked the adventurers' left and right sides, leaving only a wide and deep road.

Through the lush weeds on the road, Lynch saw the buried bones.

The rhizomes of grass are not connected to the earth, but to the reproductive organs of various creatures.

The existence that had been clamoring in Lin Qi's mind suddenly fell silent, and then, an indistinguishable androgynous laughter appeared without concealment.

"Welcome! Reptile, you are honored to step on the memory path!"

Howls and crisp sounds of fighting were accompanied by the sudden dimming of the light.

The North man held his head in pain and curled up.

Lin Qi stepped lightly, and the next second he was in the war-torn fortress.


"Stop them! Don't let the block fall!"

Language is no longer a barrier, because the groups of fighting warriors are roaring with strong emotions.

There are no secrets anymore, each creature can see what the other is thinking.

Lynch used the unique self-control of cold-blooded species to clear his mind.

Some knowledge is not a problem for him, but it is enough to contaminate ordinary humans.

It only takes a trivial thought to give the dark gods a chance to discover you.

There are no clouds in the sky, and the fighting manticores and griffons form a "cloud".

The Chaos Flying Dragon roared over the city, and the blazing dragon flames accompanied the flying beast and penetrated directly through the city.

Women screamed and blocked groups of strong northern predators. Half-grown children shot scattered arrows and were burned to ashes by the blue flames summoned by the shaman in fear.

The collapsed mother was hacked to death with random knives, and her dying cries only echoed insignificantly on the battlefield.

The strong man hugged the predator champion's leg and tried to win a chance for his companions to win, but was shot to death by a stray arrow.

The oncoming band of Hoofed Ones killed his companions and nearly broke through the wooden poles erected around the house.

When the guards were desperate, a strong Norseman, covered in wolf skin, howled and blocked the herd of horned beasts.

The self-pitying champion around Lynch has disappeared.

The northern marauders cursed their compatriots and traitors in the weak south.

The white wolf angrily charged at the predator, but faster than him was the lizard man.

The blood mist spreads and the sun appears again, but this time it's on the ground.

Asur watches over his blood relatives, and the dwarves are already eagerly killing the Norscan raiders.

After John Horned Beast briefly chanted Doomsday, his body shimmered even more.

Like the dawn piercing the darkness, holding his heart full of blood, he is hotter than fire!

Even though this is not the land he wants to protect, the knight's commandments still drive this immortal legend to fight for mankind.

But there is always competition among warriors!

"For Sigma!"

The role model of the Knights of the Black Gryphon, unwilling to let the wolves take away the opportunity to resist the darkness.

The long sword runes lit up, and Nok. The Imperial Blade passed over the foreign knights with passion and rushed towards the Chaos Warriors who were fighting a bloody battle with the White Wolf Knights.

Lynch was not intoxicated with killing. In fact, he felt uneasy when he realized that this was the memory of a certain champion.

If this ghost place could really recreate certain scenes, then there might be no survivors for these young brats.

Lynch's experience is too rich.

The lizard men broke through the battle group composed of big horned beasts while observing the changes in the environment.

Where the sun should be, a floating island looms.

It is like a broken mirror, with no fixed shape and constantly changing, reflecting scenes from all over the world.

War cries spread throughout the city, but they seemed to be mixed with faint laughter.

The Chaos Flying Dragon flapped its wings and covered the sky above Lin Qi.

A sea of ​​fire fell from the sky, suppressing Lin Qi.

It almost set the lizard men on fire, the dragon's flames were indeed intense enough.

But the battle is always a matter of seconds. Lynch jumped up to the eaves, jumped on the passing giant, and climbed to its head.

Before the brain splashed out, Lynch rushed towards the flying dragon in the air.

The bright arc of light was deadly and beautiful, and the laser melted open the dragon's abdomen, leaving a warm and slender wound.

Dragon blood spattered the passing Norscan raiders, corroding and burning their flesh.

The giant dragon is still maintaining its dive, but it has no strength to pull up anymore.

The huge mountain of corpses collapsed several towers and flattened a row of wooden houses.

Although this caused the fallen lizard man to be noticed by many powerful enemies, it also allowed Lynch to see clearly the changes in the environment.

There are many plant buds on the stone bricks, and the buds have thick hair.

The battlefield is fading away, replaced by forest.

The Norscan Raiders were dyed green, eventually transforming into armor-clad greenskins.

The buildings turned into tall trees, but their bark was smooth and white human skin.

Occasionally, you can see the fruits produced in the crown of the tree, which are human heads with exaggerated smiles.

Some "wood elves" emerged from the depths of the jungle. They have androgynous characteristics and have normal elven faces. Lynch would rather face the demon of desire.

Desire demons are not that disgusting. At least after their illusions are removed, they look like monsters.

The warriors who were fighting fiercely gained momentum and gathered together in unison to move closer to the cold-blooded champion.

The ancient tree pulled out its roots, and its large intestine-like tentacles danced wildly, splattering the sky with blood.

There are three slits in the human skin. The parts that look like eyes are male features, while the mouth is female.

The huge and disgusting appearance is more terrifying than the Chaos Dragon.

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