Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 98 The approaching devil

The cold-blooded species is used to this kind of horror, but this deformed vegetation awakened the knowledge buried deep in his memory.

The fluctuations of biological thinking intensify environmental changes, and plants become more like the existence in Lynch's memory.

That is the Ancient Chaos Tree of the Chaos Demon Realm!

The lizard man had a flash of inspiration, but he failed to grasp it.

Lynch looked at the sky. At the position of the sun, everything was reflected in the ever-changing mirrored floating islands.

Some fragments are reflecting the sun, and more fragments emerge from the forest, where an army of wood elves are hunting wildly.

Lynch couldn't see clearly the tiny figure in the lens. He didn't know whether it was reflecting the ground or the distance.

Lynch only knew that he was getting further and further away from reality.

The deformed flesh and blood forest is certainly not the product of Lustria, let alone the grotesque "elves" that "hunt wildly" in it.

Like a twisted forest of Athel Loren.

The wind of magic can also be controlled by the mage. The mage knows which kind of magic wind is stronger here, and Lynch can judge more details based on this.

Lin Qi charged in the direction of the Archmage. In front of Lin Qi, a beast-like shadow solidified and then disappeared as if the signal was poor.

It's taller than two stories!

His eyes sparkled with wild ferocity, and his pink skin was covered by exquisite armor that contained murderous intent. The dark armor was decorated with shining gems and strange-shaped nails.

Under the spectacular angular crown, the shining crystal eyeballs stared at Lynch.

Its identity is revealed by its two pairs of arms and the mark of Slaanesh on its body.

This is a secret keeper!

It was as fleeting as an illusion, but there were no longer its bewitching words in Lynch's mind.

Lynch no longer needs to carefully screen his thoughts to determine whether his body is executing his true instructions.

This is not a good thing. Lynch is used to fighting against it, but those cubs are different!

It is using mutations to draw strength, and mortal emotions will make it strong!

But if these scenes were real and the two parties in the battle had souls, they would have turned into unrivaled gods and demons.

Memory lane? Lin Qi seriously considered the possibility of the demon deceiving him.

The scene looks real, smells real, and thinking about it is no problem.

The smelly half-man and half-tree screamed and approached, and the warriors tried their best to fight against the twisted elves.

From time to time, magic roared over the battlefield, flames scorched the twisted plants, and the smell of meat and filth wafted out.

Lin Qi avoided the vines woven with his hands and feet and tried hard to catch his inner thoughts.

No, this is clearly some kind of high-level shadow power!

If there really is such a powerful power to distort reality, wouldn't it be faster to just kill Lynch? Why present a chaotic and non-threatening scene?

Everything in front of you is an illusion! The illusion used by demons to tease mortals!

Those mortals are afraid, these scenes can arouse their emotions, and demons need emotions.

The power of the gray wind of magic can turn fiction into reality.

But that is just a cover-up of the facts, and what is false will always be false.

Magic is the residue of the power of Chaos, which is obviously a more advanced trick, so much so that it almost fooled Lynch.

When Lynch no longer believed everything in front of him, the distorted forest returned to normal, and he could no longer see other people's privacy.

There are still wood elves and greenskins hunting wildly, but they look normal. They seem to be a world away from Lynch. This is just a projection in the distance.

If you fall for the Keeper's tricks, it's not just a projection.

The anomaly has not gone away, Lynch should be in the Lustrian Rainforest, not Athel Loren.

There is more than one big demon, and there is also a cunning guy in the dark.

It's what caused the original exception!

Lynch looked up again. The position of the sun was still the ever-changing floating island of broken mirrors.

This floating island may be the source of the mutation.

Lynch couldn't knock it down, maybe the Archmage has a way.

The light came with the image in the mirror, and Lynch arrived at the ice field from the Athel Loren forest.

His companions were fighting against the air, and from time to time they would be cut by invisible blades.

There are more dark elves and city ruins on the ice sheet, and Druzi is hunting the Hydra.

Suddenly, they all looked at the adventurer and rushed over with shouts.

The image penetrated Lynch, who started fighting with his companion.

They seemed to have really stepped on the building, floated into the air, and engaged in an anxious battle with the illusory enemy.

"We need your help!"

Teclis' urgent plea for help left the lizard man speechless, followed by a feeling of irritation and anger.

He has been deceived before, juggling under the power of the big devil!

Under the power of the shadow, if you think you are really hurt, it will feed back to reality. If you think the other party exists, your lies will become true.

Except for the space overlap at the beginning, it was just a pretentious trick after that. It was the secret keeper who was using his power to deceive the champions. With the help of another demon!

Lynch is sure that he is not in reality, this may be some kind of separated space.

The power of time and space, and the ability to recreate the past.

Tzeentch, the god of change, has the power of destiny, history, change, and wisdom. For the devil, time and space are not continuous.

Lynch can almost smell the smell of roast chicken. There is no doubt that this is a mysterious and ever-changing devil.

The lizard man maliciously wanted to capture the big bird hiding behind the scenes and burn it with Cotego's scepter.

Things have become clear. The devil's believers have brought them here with the help of some kind of power.

Here, the master behind the scenes is like a god.

The layout of the space changes according to its will. Another demon confuses the perception of mortals with irresistible hallucinations.

Obviously, the Changing One is not capable of directly killing Lynch and other intruders, otherwise the Keeper of Secrets would not be the only ones pretending to do so.

After Lin Qi figured it out, he rushed directly to Teclis and slapped the archmage's helmet. Under the latter's stunned gaze, he roared and yelled:

"There is no druzi, no sea beast, wake up, you are in gray magic!"

The secret keeper who disappeared and appeared at that time has become more and more solid.

The positive emotions of the warriors combined with the negative emotions made it happen.

Apparently, Lynch couldn't wake a sleeping person.

The blood flying on the archmage's cheek splashed Lynch's claw, and he was hit by the image.

There are some things that you can't believe just because you don't believe them, such as images that can kill you.

The mage called for light and order, and combined with the wind of heaven, tried to clear the fog.

With the help of magic, he managed to find some sanity.

Lynch wondered if those illusions could still hurt them if they were unconscious.

The Archmage had better have a way to wake them up, otherwise Lynch would have to resort to traditional methods.

The Keeper of Secrets was laughing wildly, and even provocatively, with its extreme speed, it stabbed Lin Qi's back hard at the moment of solidification.

When Lynch turned around, it had disappeared, and only a strong wind blew past the lizard man.

Hospital mobile phone code, please submit for correction if there are typos.

It was a bit noisy during the day, the environment was not very good, and my thoughts were confused. I could only rely on outlines, but could not connect the plot.

If there are any bugs, please tell me and I will correct them. Thank you all.

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