""Hubby, get up and have breakfast, hurry up, I'm going to be late for work."

A sweet call came into Fang Chen's ears.

Fang Chen slowly opened his eyes, sat up from the bed, and stretched his body.

The sunlight outside the French window sprinkled into the room, warm and comfortable.

It was another beautiful day.

Fang Chen got up and walked into the bathroom to wash up.

After washing his face, Fang Chen looked at himself in the mirror.

The smooth and white face was full of sharp and cold handsomeness, the dark and deep eyes were shining with charming colors, the thick eyebrows, the high nose, the beautiful lips, noble and elegant.

Handsome to the sky.

In his wife's words, he was so handsome that he didn't look like a human.

In fact, his wife was right.

Fang Chen is not a human, nor is he from this world.

A hundred years ago, he traveled to this world where spiritual energy was revived and demons invaded, and he became a little demon!

Based on the principle of not being wild or dying, Fang Chen developed in a cowardly manner, relying on the awakened devouring system. He followed the system, one step at a time, trembling as if treading on thin ice, and finally became a demon god!

He is the ninth demon god since the revival of spiritual energy! He is also the most mysterious demon god, because he has rarely appeared in the sight of humans.

The first thing he did after becoming a demon god was to transform into a human form, and then lurked back to human society.

In his heart, he is still a human being. It is too boring to stay with those demons and monsters all day long.

Then, he met his current wife.

A woman whose appearance and figure are completely worthy of him.

Then, the two fell in love and finally got married.

It’s so happy.

Today is the seventh day after their marriage.

The wife’s wedding leave is over and she has to go to work.

Fang Chen is reluctant to leave. The two have been staying at home for the past seven days. There are traces of them in every place of the 200-square-meter house, but it still feels not enough. I haven’t tried it outside yet.

"Not ready yet?"

Su Xinyi opened the bathroom door and poked her head in.

"All right." Fang Chen smiled and walked out.

The two hugged each other, and Fang Chen kissed her on the forehead. She had a fair oval face, a straight nose, and a heroic look between her eyebrows. Her long brown wavy hair was draped over her shoulders. She was wearing a white bat-sleeved shirt and a pair of high-waisted black and white wide-leg pants. This outfit was quite tasteful, like a female CEO.

Usually at home, Su Xinyi always wore pajamas with suspenders, which was charming and attractive. Today, she changed into work clothes, which made Fang Chen's eyes light up.

"Don't try to do anything bad! I still have to go to work! I finally put on my makeup."

Su Xinyi saw Fang Chen's eyes and knew what this guy was thinking, and waved her hand hurriedly.

Fang Chen couldn't help laughing, scratched Su Xinyi's nose and said softly:"Okay, I'll listen to you, wait until tonight."

Su Xinyi made a"tsk" sound, left Fang Chen's arms and turned to walk towards the restaurant, saying as she walked:"Aren't you tired of it after a week?"

"Not greasy, but still very tempting. Fang Chen followed.

""Hurry up and eat. You can eat outside tonight. I may have to work overtime." Su Xinyi said.

Fang Chen showed a disappointed expression and asked,"You have to work overtime just after work? What kind of crappy company is this? It's ok to only give seven days of wedding leave, but do you have to work overtime to make up for it later?"

"There is no way, I am too busy recently."Su Xinyi also looked reluctant.

Of course she wanted to stay with Fang Chen for a while, but now there are too many things waiting for her to deal with in the unit, and if she doesn't deal with them, something big will happen.

There were fried eggs, sandwiches, milk, and fruits on the table. It was a very ordinary and simple breakfast, but Fang Chen liked it very much. He just liked this simple life.

"So when will you get off work? I'll pick you up?" Fang Chen asked while eating a sandwich. Su Xinyi took a sip of milk, stood up and said,"No, I don't know how long I have to work overtime. I'm full, you take your time, and I'm going to work."

Su Xinyi walked up to Fang Chen, kissed him on the cheek, took her bag and hurried out of the house.

Looking at the closed door, Fang Chen lowered his head and chuckled.

He didn't know what Su Xinyi's job was. She heard her say it was a large multinational company, but Fang Chen thought it might not be.

Su Xinyi is a warrior. Although she hid her aura, Fang Chen still sensed it.

Fang Chen didn't ask Su Xinyi why she wanted to hide her identity as a warrior. Everyone has their own secrets, don't they?

He himself is a demon god!

The enemy of mankind!

When it comes to hiding, Fang Chen hides even deeper.

As long as two people love each other sincerely, there is no need to dig into everything. This will make them unhappy.

What Demons are wreaking havoc on human society, and humans and demons are irreconcilable and will never stop until one dies. None of this has anything to do with Fang Chen.

He doesn't stand on either the human or demon side, but on his own wife.

When Fang Chen was still a little demon, he always wanted to return to human society, marry a wife, have children, and live a leisurely and happy life.

Now that he has a wife, the next thing left is the child.

However, he is of demon blood, and is at the level of a demon god. If he has a child with a human, will it be a freak?

This is a very serious question, and Fang Chen must understand it clearly before having a child.

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