After breakfast, Fang Chen washed the dishes and sat on the sofa in the living room, turning on the TV.

The content on TV was nothing more than recent things about demons.

The resurgence of spiritual energy and the invasion of demons have a history of three hundred years.

At the beginning, the Blue Star suddenly expanded ten times, countless demons appeared in the human world, and even outside the distant Milky Way, unknown shadow gods and demons were detected.

Some demons are so powerful that they ignore the existence of hot weapons, and humans are facing the crisis of extinction.

When humans are in danger, warriors begin to appear!

Powerful warriors can move mountains and fill the sea, raise their hands to break mountains and rivers, fly into the sky and hide in the ground!

Then the Warrior Alliance began to be born, fighting against demons, and the world's pattern has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

After three hundred years of development, Blue Star has now become a society where warriors are respected, and warriors enjoy higher treatment and rights than ordinary people.

Here, if you want to be rich and powerful, you must become a warrior. Even if you want to start a company, you must have the strength of a warrior to be eligible to register. Ordinary people work for warriors.

Fang Chen is now an unemployed vagrant, relying on his wife to make money to support his family.

In fact, it is very simple for him to make money. He can just hunt some high-level monsters and sell the monsters' inner elixirs on the black market.

Human warriors are divided into nine grades, with the first grade being the lowest and the ninth grade being the highest. After the warrior, there is the master, then the grand master, and then the emperor.

The monsters are graded from one to nine levels, corresponding to the nine levels of human warriors. After the ninth level is the demon lord level, followed by the demon king, and finally the demon god.

Of course, there are more after the emperor and the demon god, but they have not appeared in this world yet.

In other words, Fang Chen is now at the top of the Blue Star's power pyramid. With this strength, it is more than enough to protect himself and his wife.

"I don't know what my wife's strength is, she hides it too deeply."Fang Chen muttered as he watched the news.

Su Xinyi's method of hiding her breath is quite powerful. At least Fang Chen couldn't detect it before using his magic sense to detect it in all directions.

Fang Chen certainly wouldn't use his magic sense on his wife. He couldn't bear to hurt her body.

"Hey, I start to miss my wife when she's not around for a while, and I don't know what to do."

After watching the news for a while, Fang Chen felt bored.

Staying at home all day would make him sick.

He looked at the date and found that his wife's birthday was coming.

So Fang Chen decided to go out and choose a birthday present for his wife. He did it as he thought. Fang Chen immediately went back to his room, changed his clothes and went out.


Nanlong District Taiwu Alliance Branch.

A black Rolls-Royce stopped at the door.

The security guard hurried forward and opened the door.

Su Xinyi got out of the car with an expressionless face, and several people hurried out of the headquarters.

At this moment, Su Xinyi was completely different from her at home. Her whole body exuded a breathtaking aura, and her temperament was cold. People dared not look directly at her, and could not have the slightest blasphemous intention.

The aura was extremely powerful!

Standing next to Su Xinyi, an invisible sense of oppression swept over, making it difficult for people to breathe.

"Minister, you are finally here. The ninth-level demon in Jinzhou District has not been found yet, and several families have been killed. If we continue like this, the higher-ups will hold us accountable." A Mediterranean man in his fifties ran to Su Xinyi with an ugly look on his face and said.

There were three men and one woman next to them, all of whom were leaders of the Taiwu Alliance branch.

And Su Xinyi was the minister of the Taiwu Alliance branch!

A top-level master!

One of the three great masters in South China!

And he is also the youngest master in history.

A lot stronger!

Su Xinyi frowned and said,"Let's have a meeting in five minutes!"

"Yes, yes!" The man nodded hurriedly.

Five minutes later, in the meeting room of the Taiwu Alliance branch.

Su Xinyi sat in the main seat, with four people sitting on each side, including herself, a total of nine people.

The nine of them are the managers of the Taiwu Alliance branch in Nanzhou City.

Taiwu Alliance, one of the Blue Star Warrior Alliances, its leader Su Yaotian is rumored to have reached the peak of the ninth-grade Grandmaster realm, and is only one step away from breaking through to the Grandmaster.

Once Su Yaotian breaks through to the Grandmaster, the status of the Taiwu Alliance in Blue Star will be raised to another level.

In this world, there is no longer a country, there are only warrior alliances.

The ten major warrior alliances are in charge of the whole world, and the branches under the alliances manage different regions. There are also other small warrior alliances that will take some areas from the ten major warrior alliances for autonomous management. The Taiwu Alliance is under the command of the Shenwu Alliance, one of the ten major alliances.

Those who rely on the ten major warrior alliances Small alliances are similar to outsourcing companies. If a major incident occurs, they must obey the orders of the ten major warrior alliances.

In other words, the Blue Star is now divided up by the ten major warrior alliances. The territories of other alliances are managed on credit. If they want to take it back, you must return it.

The Taiwu Alliance obtained the control of Tiannan Province from the Shenwu Alliance. The area is equivalent to a large province on Earth, and it is divided into ten districts.

Su Xinyi is the manager of Nanlong District, one of the ten districts, and Nanlong District is divided into five states, namely Zhongzhou, Jinzhou, Hongzhou, Luozhou, and Chuzhou.

During the seven days of Su Xinyi's wedding leave, a ninth-level demon invaded Jinzhou under Nanlong District. That guy was extremely cunning and only ate people without showing up, which gave the Taiwu Alliance Nanlong District Branch a headache. The ninth-level demon is about to enter the realm of the demon lord. Except for Su Xinyi, there is no one in the Taiwu Alliance Nanlong District Branch who can kill the other party.

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