The leader was an old man in a white jacket. His fat, round and short body looked like a ball. His eyes had narrowed into a slit, and the fierce murderous intent emanated from him. A fifth-grade master.

The deputy leader of the Yuhua Alliance.

The Yuhua Alliance had three deputy leaders, Jin Changhe, Zhang Tianhu, and the one in front of him, Long Sihai.

At the same time, Long Sihai was also the second best player in the Yuhua Alliance.

There was another deputy leader of the Yuhua Alliance, Zhang Tianhu, who had a strong back and waist, a face full of flesh, and was intimidating without anger. He was a fourth-grade master.

Following behind the two of them were eight ninth-grade warriors and two first-grade masters.

This lineup can be said to be the most powerful lineup that the Yuhua Alliance has dispatched in recent years. Except for their leader Fang Yuhua, all the other backbones came.

Everyone's face was filled with murderous intent and anger.

The visitor was not friendly.

The death of a Grandmaster is a huge loss for a warrior alliance. It not only affects their overall strength, but also the reputation of their Yuhua Alliance!

If the murderer who dared to kill their deputy leader is not found and brought to justice, how can the Yuhua Alliance survive in the Warrior Alliance in the future?

Shang Lisi, Zhang Baihan and others were pale.

As soon as the Yuhua Alliance arrived here, they came directly to Su Xinyi with great momentum, and it was impossible to stop them.

How to stop them?

A fifth-grade Grandmaster, a fourth-grade Grandmaster, two first-grade Grandmasters, and eight ninth-grade warriors.

Such a lineup can sweep their Nanlong branch dozens of times.

"Oh? Minister Su is so leisurely and elegant, are we disturbing your date with your boyfriend?"

Long Sihai saw Su Xinyi hugging Fang Chen's waist, his narrowed eyes flashed with resentment, and the murderous intent on his body became stronger. The other people in the Yuhua Alliance were also more angry.

Jin Changhe was killed for no reason in Nanlong, and Minister Nanlong was still in the office. You are so affectionate with a man! Are you looking down on Jin Changhe and their Yuhua Alliance?

Su Xinyi let go of the hand that was holding Fang Chen, looked at Fang Chen with guilt in her eyes and said softly:"You go back first, I have to deal with something."

She didn't want Fang Chen to see what happened next. Long Sihai and the others were definitely here to ask for punishment. If they couldn't find the murderer, it would definitely be difficult for Su Xinyi and the entire Nanlong Branch. The atmosphere would become very tense at that time. She was afraid that Fang Chen would not be able to bear it, and she didn't want Fang Chen to get involved. Fang

Chen smiled slightly, supported Su Xinyi's messy hair with his right hand, and said:"It's okay, I'll help you deal with it"


After hearing Fang Chen's words, Su Xinyi was stunned for a moment, looking puzzled.

""Su Xinyi! I don't have the patience to watch you two talk about love! You must now give me an explanation for the Yuhua Alliance. How did Jin Changhe die? Who killed him? Did your Taiwu Alliance do it secretly?"

Seeing Fang Chen and Su Xinyi's loving and warm appearance, Long Sihai became even more angry and shouted angrily. The cold murderous intent in Long Sihai's body was released again, shocking Shang Lisi and others around, and their bodies staggered back a few times.

The momentum also swept towards Fang Chen quickly.

Su Xinyi's face sank, and he looked over fiercely.

A circle of purple translucent shield air condensed in front of Su Xinyi, and then the shield air suddenly trembled violently, turning into waves of ripples that spread out.


There was a crisp sound.

The ground and the surrounding walls suddenly cracked for unknown reasons.

Su Xinyi groaned, staggered back a step, and was supported by Fang Chen.

Fang Chen looked at Su Xinyi distressedly and asked softly,"Are you okay?"

Su Xinyi looked at Fang Chen, looking at his eyes, and suddenly felt that Fang Chen seemed a little different, and shook his head:"I'm fine." It was just a momentum attack, which could not hurt Su Xinyi.

"Who are you?"

Zhang Tianhu, who had been silent all this time, frowned and stared at Fang Chen.

At the moment of the collision of momentum just now, he felt that something was wrong with Fang Chen. He couldn't tell what was wrong, but he just felt that this guy was not as simple as he seemed.

"He is my husband, not a warrior, and has nothing to do with Jin Changhe's affairs. He just came to bring me dinner, let him go."Su Xinyi saw Zhang Tianhu staring at her husband, her face suddenly turned cold, and she said in a cold voice.

Fang Chen is her bottom line. Whoever dares to harm Fang Chen, she will kill him even if the king of heaven comes.

Zhang Tianhu did not answer Su Xinyi's words, and his sharp eagle eyes were still staring at Fang Chen.

Long Sihai also looked at Fang Chen, sneered and said:"Not a warrior? The few useless subordinates beside you can't even stand my momentum. Now their blood is surging and their faces are pale, but your husband who is not a warrior has a calm expression and is not affected at all. This is called not a warrior?"

After hearing what Long Sihai said, Su Xinyi was stunned. She hadn't noticed this before.

Su Xinyi looked at Fang Chen, only to see Fang Chen looking at her with a doting and distressed smile on his face, and slowly said:

"Wife, whether they live or die is up to you."

(Are you still reading this? The data is barely rising…)

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