""Hahaha! What an arrogant boy! Do you know what you are saying?"

When Long Sihai heard what Fang Chen said to Su Xinyi, he was so angry that he laughed, and the fat on his face trembled with laughter.

Zhang Tianhu and other people from the Yuhua Alliance also laughed and sneered. With their lineup, let alone a mere Nanlong branch, they can even fight in the Taiwu Alliance headquarters!

Who gave him the courage to say this?

The other leaders of the Nanlong branch also had dry faces and showed a bitter smile.

Shang Lisi didn't know why the minister who had always been like a frost goddess suddenly got married, and the person she married seemed... seemed to like to pretend...

Except for her appearance, Shang Lisi didn't think Fang Chen was worthy of her own minister.

However, she saw an expression in Su Xinyi's eyes that Su Xinyi had never seen before, that was the look of true love...

Su Xinyi was also startled by Fang Chen's words, and hurriedly said,"I'll take care of it, you go back first, be good."

Fang Chen felt a little guilty when he saw his wife's nervous and worried look.

In fact, Fang Chen was struggling over whether he should tell his wife about his identity as a demon.

If he told her now, everyone would have to die and be silenced.

Humans and demons are irreconcilable and have been fighting for hundreds of years. The grudges and hatred between these races have been engraved deep in their souls.

Even if Su Xinyi doesn't care, what about other humans?

Will they allow her to marry a demon?

When the news gets out, a demon has infiltrated the human world and married a master. How can this be tolerated?

The result is obvious.

On the human side, the couple will be jointly encircled and suppressed.

On the demon side, Fang Chen and his wife will also be killed. The wife of a man is being hunted down.

This is the dignity and bottom line of the race.

It is similar to the time during the Anti-Japanese War, when the highest-ranking generals on both sides married each other. If you continue to kill each other, we will live the life of a couple in heaven. Is this allowed?

Racial hatred does not allow this to happen.

Although Fang Chen is not afraid of anything, he does not care about being the enemy of all mankind or even all demons. His strength speaks for itself. He is strong enough! Enough to protect Su Xinyi.

But Su Xinyi is different. She has family, friends, and subordinates who follow her to the death. Some things will become complicated once there is an emotional bond.

Doesn't Fang Chen himself have a sense of belonging?

He traveled through time. He came to this world as a demon, and then immediately returned to human society after becoming a demon god.

His soul is a human soul, but his body is that of a demon.

Will his wife be happy if he travels around the world with her?

Fang Chen is not sure.

An unhappy marriage does not need to exist.

Fang Chen cannot guarantee that he will love Su Xinyi deeply for the rest of his life, but at least he does now, so he still cares about this marriage and wants to maintain it.

Besides, the concept that humans and demon gods are incompatible is so deep-rooted. If he reveals his identity as a demon god, will Su Xinyi reveal it to him?

These are all problems.

Of course, the two have become husband and wife, so they must be honest. Yes, but not now, the time is not right yet.

But this did not prevent Fang Chen from sentencing this group of bastards to death. Are eight ninth-grade warriors and four grandmasters so awesome?

Fang Chen could kill ten grandmasters with one slap!

What is a demon god?

The emperor level of humans!

The difference between this intermediate level is a world of difference.

How many emperor-level powerhouses are there in this world? There are eight billion humans, and there are not ten emperors!

Fang Chen is already at the top of the world's power pyramid, and the Warrior Alliance is trash in his eyes.

Although he does not reveal his identity as a demon god, Fang Chen can show his strength to crush the grandmasters.

Fang Chen smiled slightly, and said to Su Xinyi softly:"Didn't I want to tell you a secret just now?"

Su Xinyi was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Fang Chen wanted to do.

"Can we talk about it when we get back?" Su Xinyi pleaded.

"Have you said enough?"

Long Sihai couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

Fang Chen was indeed strange, and was not affected by his master's killing intention at all, but this did not make him feel afraid.

He came to ask for punishment, not to watch the show of affection and show off.

"I am not interested in knowing who your boyfriend is or what his strength is. Jin Changhe, the deputy leader of the Yuhua Alliance, was killed in your Nanlong. You Nanlong must give an explanation! I see that you care about your boyfriend very much, so I will take care of him for you first, and let you meet when you give a satisfactory answer!"Long Sihai said coldly.

He knew Su Xinyi's background, and he still didn't dare to kill Su Xinyi, but it was okay to catch a young man to give Su Xinyi a warning.

That is Su Xinyi. If it was any other branch, Long Sihai would have subdued the other party long ago. Even if he didn't kill him, he would have crippled him and vented his anger first.

A deputy leader of the Warrior Alliance died in your territory, so you have a responsibility! If you have a responsibility, you have to pay the price!

"You try it!"

Su Xinyi's face darkened when she heard Long Sihai's words. She blocked Fang Chen in front of her, her eyes flashing with strong murderous intent.

If anyone dared to touch her husband, no one could stop him!

"Do you think you have a choice? A first-class master dares to disobey me?"Long Sihai sneered, staring at Su Xinyi with mockery and contempt.

"Su Xinyi, we don't want to make things too awkward. We are just using your boyfriend to put some pressure on you so that we can find out the truth as soon as possible. Don't think that we won't dare to do anything to you just because you are Su Yaotian's daughter! Even if Li Rubing is here, he can't be saved!" Zhang Tianhu shouted in a deep voice. Su

Xinyi said coldly:"First, he is not my boyfriend, but my husband. Second, as long as I am here, no one can touch him! Whoever dares to touch my husband today, I will fight him to the death!"

"Hey, wife, what's the matter with death? How can you say such an unlucky thing?" Fang Chen smiled and held Su Xinyi's hand, then looked at Long Sihai.

"Don't you want the truth about Jin Changhe's death? I'll tell you. I killed him. I'm the murderer you're looking for."

"What did you say?"

When Fang Chen said this, everyone present was stunned.

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