"Did you kill him?"

Long Sihai was stunned, and then he couldn't help laughing, looking at Fang Chen with an idiotic look.

Shang Lisi and Zhang Baihan looked at each other.

Fang Chen was bragging so much that they were even confused as to why the minister would like this guy.

The situation was already very tense, and Fang Chen's sudden show of force not only failed to help the minister, but also embarrassed her.

"husband……"Su Xinyi looked at Fang Chen, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.

No one present believed that Fang Chen was the murderer, and Su Xinyi was the least skeptical.

In her eyes, Fang Chen was just an ordinary person, not even a warrior, so how could he be the murderer? So Su Xinyi subconsciously felt that Fang Chen said that just to protect her.

Without any strength, facing the Grandmaster without fear, was just to protect herself, which made Su Xinyi feel moved and uncomfortable.

She hated herself for not being stronger, stronger than Long Sihai and others, and she slapped them away at the beginning.

"Boy, I still admire you. It is a skill to lie with your eyes open to the level of your level."Zhang Tianhu sneered.

Fang Chen looked at the people on the opposite side who were laughing and despising him, smiled slightly, and took a step forward.

The next moment, he appeared directly in front of Long Sihai.


Long Sihai was so frightened when Fang Chen suddenly appeared in front of him that his hair stood on end. All the pores on his body exploded, and even his sparse hair stood up. His small eyes were as big as eggs.

"Kneel down.

Fang Chen said calmly.


The people of the Yuhua Alliance knelt down collectively in an instant, their knees slamming hard on the floor, their knees sank into the floor, and several cracks appeared around them.

This weird scene made Shang Lisi, Zhang Baihan and others on the side stunned, as if they had seen a ghost.

Just one sentence made the fifth-grade master kneel down?

Is it true that words come true?

Look at the expressions of Long Sihai and others at this time.

Their faces were flushed, their eyes were wide open, and their eyes were bloodshot, extremely ferocious.

Their bodies were trembling slightly, and what they felt now was - pain!

Unprecedented pain!

The huge power of spiritual consciousness pressed on their bodies, pressing their internal organs to the point of pain. The pressure was so great that the Qi in their bodies completely stopped flowing. It was as if a huge mountain was pressing on them, and they could not move at all. Su Xinyi behind him looked at the situation in front of her, and her pretty face showed extreme shock.

Shang Lisi and the others were not masters, so they could not feel much, but she was a master.

Now, she felt that the Qi in Long Sihai and the others was suppressed and locked, and the space around them was vaguely distorted.

What kind of strength can be achieved?

Was it really her husband who did it?

Fang Chen bent down slightly, looked at Long Sihai with a smile, and said,"Do you believe it now? It's just killing a second-grade master. Is it so earth-shattering? Is it difficult?"

Long Sihai's eyes were filled with despair and fear. He wanted to beg for mercy, but he couldn't say a word.

The young man in front of him, the young man who had just been mocked by him and wanted to be taken hostage, was so powerful that it was beyond his comprehension.

Even their leader couldn't have such strength!


At this moment, these three words popped up in Long Sihai and others' minds.

Only a grandmaster could suppress them so easily, effortlessly.

In this way, it would be easy for him to kill Jin Changhe.

"Did you kill Li Rubin too?" Su Xinyi's voice came from behind Fang Chen.

Li Rubin appeared just when Fang Chen came to deliver dinner downstairs, so this thought instantly popped up in Su Xinyi's mind.

Fang Chen was stunned for a moment, stood up and looked at his wife, smiled and said:"Yes, that guy is too arrogant, he actually dared to provoke you, he must be killed." Su Xinyi staggered

, while Shang Lisi and others took a breath of cold air, and subconsciously looked at Zhang Baihan.

Zhang Baihan opened his mouth wide, and his face was full of confusion for a while.

I was just kidding at the time!

Who knew that it was really the minister's secret admirer who killed him?

No, it's not a secret love, it's the husband!

This son-in-law is really cruel!

He even killed his own people... and he was the student of the leader of the Taiwu Alliance, the future helmsman……

"Can't I kill him?" Fang Chen frowned when he saw Su Xinyi's expression.

He was jealous.

"His identity is special, killing him would be very troublesome."Su Xinyi smiled bitterly.

She only felt disgust and disgust towards Li Rubin.

But after all, his identity was there.

"Is it very troublesome? Isn't the cultivation of a Grandmaster enough?" Fang Chen blinked.

He decided to show his hand, just to show his cultivation of a Grandmaster, thinking that this would be easier for Su Xinyi to accept.

Then he could just forge an identity and say that he cultivated himself in some hell place.

Su Xinyi looked at Fang Chen, listened to what he said, and didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a while.

What do you mean the cultivation of a Grandmaster is not enough?

Is it easy to be a Grandmaster?

"Enough... it's enough……"Su Xinyi didn't know what to say. She was still confused.

"That's enough. Wait a minute, honey, I'll do it first. Fang Chen smiled affectionately at Su Xinyi, then turned to look at Long Sihai.

"Why did Jin Changhe suddenly appear in Nanlong? You, like Jin Changhe, only have one chance to answer, so think carefully before answering."

(Seeking flowers, comments and monthly tickets~)

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