According to Dafen Ya's narration, the appearance of the one-eyed blood demon should be aimed at his wife.

Then Jin Changhe appeared.

Judging from Jin Changhe's appearance at the time, he was obviously rushing to somewhere.

Fang Chen is a man without patience, which is actually related to his strength. If he asks others questions and they don't answer well, or if they don't satisfy him, he will kill them directly. He won't bother you at all.

The moment Long Sihai was released from the ban, he did not answer Fang Chen's questions, but begged for mercy.

Then, his head exploded.

It exploded so abruptly that it turned into powder without even blood.

Fang Chen did this to prevent his wife from seeing something too bloody, and this was her office, and it would be bad if there was blood everywhere.

Zhang Tianhu watched Long Sihai being shot in the head for a disagreement, and he was scared to death. The muscles all over his body were shaking and wriggling uncontrollably, and the sweat on his forehead was pouring out. His originally flushed face was now pale.

Shang Lisi and others were completely dumbfounded.��

The fifth-grade master!

For them, it was such a distant existence. Even their ultimate goal in this life was to be able to enter the realm of the master!

As long as they become the master, they will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives! And they will also enjoy power and wealth!

At the fifth-grade level, it is more than enough to go to any warrior alliance and become a deputy leader.

But now he died so easily in front of them.

He died without dignity!

He died as if it was a joke.

This made everyone feel like they were dreaming in an instant. It was too unreal!

Su Xinyi stared at Fang Chen's back in a daze, and for a moment she was a little absent-minded.

She had never thought that her husband, who shared a bed with her, had such a terrifying strength.

Fang Chen placed his eyes on Zhang Tianhu and asked with a smile:"It's your turn to answer. Think it through and answer."

As soon as the restriction was lifted, Zhang Tianhu immediately shouted in a trembling voice:"I'll tell you! Don't kill me! We received a secret letter seven days ago, saying that a mysterious grandmaster-level strongman appeared in Nanlong. Our Yuhua Alliance wants to find him and invite him to join us!"

A strong man at the grandmaster level?

Fang Chen frowned slightly.

He knew that the grandmaster Zhang Tianhu was talking about was not him.

But others, including Su Xinyi, now believe that the grandmaster Zhang Tianhu was talking about is Fang Chen.

Besides him, who else is there?

The current grandmasters are either strong people in the top ten alliances, or"wild" casual cultivators who are not affiliated with any forces. The Yuhua Alliance must be looking for a"wild" grandmaster.

And Fang Chen is definitely not someone in the top ten alliances, so who else is the"wild" grandmaster Zhang Tianhu is talking about besides Fang Chen?

Fang Chen looked at Zhang Tianhu, whose face was twisted with fear, and asked,"Is it so easy to invite a grandmaster? No one from the top ten alliances came, but you came first? Where do you get the confidence to invite him?"

Zhang Tianhu's eyes suddenly became erratic, and he didn't dare to look Fang Chen in the eye. He hesitated and said,"We... We just want to try our luck before contacting the top ten alliances.……"

Fang Chen narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly:"People who tell lies will have to swallow a thousand needles." Zhang Tianhu trembled all over and looked at Fang Chen in horror. His throat rolled and his mouth opened but he couldn't say anything. He kept mumbling"I, I, I...""

"You said you were looking for a grandmaster and wanted to invite him, but after seeing my strength, why did you have no intention of inviting me? Instead, you were terrified and shocked? Fang Chen laughed, and then a golden light flashed in his eyes.


Zhang Tianhu and several other members of the Yuhua Alliance suddenly screamed and their bodies floated up.

"I said! I said! It's because of the black market! Because the black market discovered that humans and demons are cooperating! We want to use this to get benefits from the black market!"

Zhang Tianhu finally spoke the truth, because he knew that if he told a lie again, his life would be completely gone.

"So that's it.

Fang Chen smiled slightly.

At that time, the direction Jin Changhe was heading was indeed the direction of the black market.

Humans and demons cooperated.

It was definitely not referring to himself and Damen Ya.

It should be that Damen Ya was related to the demon hidden in his store. If this matter was exposed, Damen Ya would definitely die. It would be easy to use this to threaten him to take some good treasures.

Some of the things in the black market made the Warrior Alliance very jealous.

Of course, Fang Chen felt that things should not be so simple, but people at Zhang Tianhu's level would not know.

""Sir... I have offended you because of my blindness! Please spare my life! Please spare my life! As long as you forgive me, I will be willing to serve you in the future and work like a cow or a horse, sir!" Zhang Tianhu begged for mercy.

Fang Chen smiled as he looked at the people struggling in the air and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, including Zhang Tianhu, the bodies of the eleven people shrank and withered instantly, and disappeared directly into the office with a crisp sound.

"Do you... have anything to say to me?"

Su Xinyi's voice came from behind Fang Chen.

(Five updates a day, the first update in the morning should start between 11 and 12 o'clock, please give me flowers, comments and monthly tickets!)

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