The atmosphere at the scene was a little awkward.

Shang Lisi and the others were all filled with horror and fear, and they had not recovered from the shock just now. They were looking at Fang Chen as if they had seen a ghost.

A Grand Master! They had never seen one in their life, and had only seen him on TV.

Now he was standing in front of them alive, and he was the husband of their minister!

Grandmasters were an unattainable existence for them, and just now, four Grandmasters, one of whom was of the fifth rank and one of the fourth rank, were killed by Fang Chen without any chance to fight back.

It couldn't even be called a kill.

Fang Chen didn't even make a move.

Is this the horror of a Grand Master? Is it as easy to kill a Grand Master as a dog?

Then wouldn't the Grand Master realm that they have been pursuing seem very naive?

The gap between this Grand Master and the Grand Master is really too big, even bigger than they imagined.

At this moment, everyone began to doubt their lives.

"Well, I can explain it." Fang Chen rubbed his nose and said to his wife with a smile.

Su Xinyi's face was pale now, and her eyes showed confusion and fear.

Fang Chen's move just now made her feel scared, and at the same time she felt very painful in her heart.

Why did you hide it from me?

You obviously have such a powerful strength, why did you pretend to be an ordinary person?

"You guys go out first."Su Xinyi waved to Shang Lisi and others.

Fang Chen's killing this time can be said to be clean, and even Long Sihai's body was dealt with before, all turned to ashes, so they don't have to clean up the scene.

Shang Lisi and others heard Su Xinyi's order and nodded and left hurriedly. They knew very well in their hearts that what happened next was not something they could listen to.

When they got out of the door, several people were exhausted all over, and they seemed to stagger and their legs were weak when they walked.

Shang Lisi leaned against the wall of the corridor, his eyes dull, and murmured:"All the people who came from the Yuhua Alliance this time were killed. What should we do in the future?" Zhang Baihan smiled bitterly, looked at the door of Su Xinyi's office at the end of the corridor with complicated eyes, and said:"What are you afraid of? The minister is a grandmaster! Didn't you see it just now? Killing a grandmaster is like killing a dog.……"

Jiang He sighed,"I suddenly feel that cultivation is meaningless. The minister husband looks like he is only in his twenties, right? Why is he a grandmaster? Is the difference between people so big?"

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other silently and smiled bitterly.

Fang Chen's performance just now was indeed too discouraging.


In the office, Fang Chen stood in front of Su Xinyi.

Su Xinyi sat in the office chair, rubbing her swollen and painful head.

Her mind was still very confused and messed up.

"Grandmaster? Is he that powerful? My husband is a grandmaster and I, as his wife, don't even know about it?" Su Xinyi looked at Fang Chen with a complicated expression.

Fang Chen smiled and walked to Su Xinyi's side, massaging her shoulders.

"Being a Grandmaster is not an honorable thing, and if a wild Grandmaster like me is exposed, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble. I don’t like practicing, I just want to eat, sleep and travel with my wife."Fang Chen said.

Su Xinyi blushed, and said with a light"tsk","I'm telling you seriously, don't be so funny!"

"I'm serious, if you don't believe me, look at my eyes." Fang Chen looked sincere.

Su Xinyi looked at Fang Chen's expression and sighed.

Logically, she should be angry about such a big deception, but she couldn't get angry. Besides, hadn't she concealed it from Fang Chen before?

She was not right in getting angry and arguing.

"Are you really a wild grandmaster? A casual cultivator? Not from any other major alliance? Won't some major alliance come over and kneel down to you and call you"Young Master"."The master invites you to go back and inherit the family business?" Su Xinyi turned her head and looked at Fang Chen jokingly.

Fang Chen laughed, rubbed Su Xinyi's shoulder and said,"The crooked-mouthed god of war? Honey, you have watched too much TV.

It's not that exaggerated.

I am really a casual cultivator with no background and no relatives.

You are my only relative.

" Su Xinyi looked at the familiar and fascinating smiling face in front of her, her eyes flashing with a strange look, and murmured,"Did you have a hard life in the past? You have never told me about your past.

Every time I asked you, you just perfunctorily answered.

And such a young grandmaster, I am afraid he is the first in history, right?"

Fang Chen told Su Xinyi that he was 26 years old, but in fact he was more than 100 years old. If he included his past life, he was almost 170 years old.

It's just that for more than 100 years, he was a demon, constantly devouring and strengthening himself, and it took only three years for him to transform into a human form. If a demon wants to transform into a human form and completely cover up its demonic aura, it must reach the strength of the Tibetan Demon God.

Fang Chen looked at Su Xinyi's expression and said softly,"I felt bitter before, but after meeting you, I felt that it was nothing. I'm even very fortunate. I'm fortunate that the bitterness in the past gave me the strength I have now, and made me qualified to protect you."

Looking at the pride and pride in Su Xinyi's eyes, Fang Chen sighed secretly in his heart.

Wife, if you knew that your husband can now even beat the emperor-level celestial being, I'm afraid you would really be scared to death...

(A new day, begging for flowers, comments, and monthly tickets. There is no reward. Which brother can break it? Thank you~)

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