"The Yuhua Alliance, like our Taiwu Alliance, is dependent on the Shenwu Alliance and is also controlled by the Shenwu Alliance. As one of the top ten martial arts alliances in the world, the Shenwu Alliance's clan leader is said to be about to enter the emperor level, and there are two grandmasters. Is everything really okay?"

Su Xinyi looked at Fang Chen with a worried look in his eyes and murmured.

The whole world is divided by the top ten martial arts alliances, and there are many small martial arts alliances that are divided and controlled.

The Yuhua Alliance and the Taiwu Alliance are at the same level, just like the ancient vassal states.

Fang Chen almost killed all the strong men of the Yuhua Alliance in one breath, and all three deputy leaders died. Now there are only a handful of people in the Yuhua Alliance who can come to the stage.

Fang Yuhua will definitely not give up. Fang Chen's move is simply to destroy the Yuhua Alliance. He will definitely report to the Shenwu Alliance. Once the Shenwu Alliance intervenes, things will not be so easy. After all, the grandmaster is not invincible, and Fang Chen is the only grandmaster. Su Xinyi is very worried.

"The Secondary Warrior Alliance is just a tool. The Divine Warrior Alliance will never deal with me because of them. Fang Chen said with a smile.

For a secondary alliance, it is very unlikely to deal with a grandmaster. Of course, it is not ruled out that the interests of the Yuhua Alliance and the Divine Warrior Alliance are very high, so high that they stand up for Fang Yuhua.

In a world where strength is respected, what matters is interests.

"Then they will definitely use this to threaten you, or even make you loyal to them."Su Xinyi frowned.

Grandmasters are so rare. How many grandmasters are there in the Shenwu Alliance, one of the ten great warrior alliances? Three! If there is one more, it will be a huge benefit for them! They can move up the rankings.

Fang Chen shook his head and smiled:"Don't worry, without ten grandmasters, your husband can't be taken down."

Su Xinyi's eyes revealed a hint of surprise, and she asked anxiously:"Really? What is your current strength? Have you entered the stage?"

Grandmasters are divided into three levels: ephemeralization, ascending the stage, and returning to the gods.

What is ephemeralization?

Under the tempering of the true essence, the body is completely transformed and turned into an indestructible body of glass. At the same time, the true essence in the body is transformed into the Yuandan. Then the spiritual consciousness condenses and attaches to the Yuandan, and the power of the true essence is transformed into the power of the divine essence.

The power of the divine essence, that is, the power that only gods can use, is completely different from the power of the master's true essence. It is a trace of the laws that have been stolen from the world.

And the stage is the real"my life is determined by myself, not by God", the spiritual consciousness is divided into two, and becomes the second life. Soul, even if the main body perishes, as long as the second soul elixir is still there, it can be resurrected again.

The gap between the master and the grand master is completely impossible to make up for with anything, so there is absolutely no such thing as killing people above one's level.

When reaching the stage, one is already a demigod body, and can mobilize more power of the world's laws. In this world, unless the emperor takes action, even a strong man in the realm of returning to the god cannot completely kill the stage.

In Su Xinyi's opinion, if Fang Chen reaches the stage, then there is no problem in protecting himself.

""That's about right." Fang Chen was vague.

This topic couldn't be discussed any further. Fang Chen was afraid that he would be exposed. He had already defined his strength at the Stage Stage. Any higher would be too exaggerated and unrealistic.

Reaching the Stage Stage before the age of 30 was already too exaggerated. If Su Xinyi mistakenly thought that he had reached the Return to God Stage, she would definitely doubt whether he was a human being.……

"What do you mean by almost? Are you hiding anything else? You still haven't told me the truth, right?"Su Xinyi pouted and asked unhappily.

Fang Chen smiled dumbly and said,"I haven't reached that point yet, but I feel like I'm almost there. I'll probably break through soon."

"Really?"Su Xinyi looked skeptical.

"Really." Fang Chen nodded. Su

Xinyi snorted,"I'll believe you for now, but let me tell you, if you're really a young master from some powerful family, and you're playing some game with me to experience the life of an ordinary person in the mortal world, and I find out about it, then we'll get divorced!"

Fang Chen patted his chest and said seriously,"Absolutely not!"

Su Xinyi looked at Fang Chen's serious assurance and couldn't help but chuckled. She rolled her eyes at Fang Chen and said,"No wonder you're so strong, you're a grandmaster!"……"

Uh... the car was driving so fast that Fang Chen didn't know how to respond.

"By the way, did you also kill the demon in Jinzhou?" Su Xinyi suddenly remembered this and asked

"Yes, I think you were angry because it was forced to work overtime, so you found it and killed it." Fang Chen nodded. Su

Xinyi stretched out his hand and asked,"What about the inner elixir? When we found it, the inner elixir was taken away."

Fang Chen:"Sold it……"

"Sold it? Black market? Oh, yes, you must have gone to the black market and met Jin Changhe on the way back. Everything is right."Su Xinyi suddenly realized and connected everything.

"My wife is really smart. Fang Chen praised

"How much did it sell for? Where's the money?" Su Xinyi stretched out his other hand.

Fang Chen:...

Su Xinyi raised his eyebrows:"The price of the inner elixir at the Demon Lord level must be very high! Do you want to hide your private money?"

Fang Chen waved his hand and explained hurriedly:"No, no, it hasn't been sold yet. I asked someone to list it for 500 million, but it hasn't been sold yet. I'll give you the money when it's sold."

Su Xinyi looked at Fang Chen's nervous expression and said with a chuckle:"Okay, look how nervous you are. Just take the money yourself. Don't spend it indiscriminately. Save it. In the future, we will buy an island overseas and live on the island without caring about human affairs."

Islands, beaches, sunshine, seagulls, crabs...

Su Xinyi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly when he thought of these scenes.

(Thanks to the reward from 'Ming', thank you!)

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