Daqian Ya looked pale and said to Fang Chen with a wry smile:"Master Fang, what do you mean by that... I don't have anyone else here.……"

Just as he finished speaking, the door behind Damen Ya slowly opened, and a black figure appeared.

Damen Ya turned around in horror and shook his head violently at the black figure.

"He knew of my existence from the beginning." The black shadow said in a hoarse voice.

Fang Chen looked at him with a smile, without saying a word.

Big Fang opened his mouth wide, looked at Fang Chen, then looked at the black shadow behind him, and finally sighed dejectedly:"Okay, anyway, Mr. Fang who should know already knows, it doesn't matter if you do it."

The black shadow walked out of the room, wearing a black cloak, his face could not be seen clearly, and even his arms and legs were not exposed, and his body was tall, like a bamboo pole, which made people feel very awkward.

"My name is Sang Yu. The black shadow sat down in front of Fang Chen.

"I am not interested in knowing your name. Whether you are a human or a demon, I am not interested in what you two do behind the scenes. You should know what I am interested in." Fang Chen took a sip of tea and said in a calm voice.

A demon at the level of a demon lord, although using something to cover up the demon's aura, could not escape Fang Chen's eyes.

Sang Yu glanced at the big front tooth next to him, smiled and said:"Big front tooth and I cooperate in the business of reselling information, that is, to make money and profit. We don't care about what happens to humans and demons, and we can't control it. I know what Mr. Fang wants to know, but before telling you, can I ask a question?"

""Okay." Fang Chen nodded.

"Why is Mr. Fang so concerned about Su Xinyi's news? Could it be that Mr. Fang also wants to get Qin Tian's inherited magical power from her?"Sang Yu asked.

Fang Chen smiled slightly, looked at the other party and slowly said:"Because I am her husband"


Danisha and Sangyu were both stunned, and they looked at each other.

They had never expected such a result.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to make sense.

"Then I understand. If that's the case, then we'll take the Demon Lord's Inner Core that you gave us to sell before. Five hundred million is the price in exchange for your wife, the secret that Qin Tian passed on. We'll sell this secret to you, how about that? Don't worry, we do business with integrity. After we sell this information, we will never sell it to anyone else."Sang Yu said.

Da Men Ya secretly swallowed his saliva, stole a glance at Fang Chen, observing his expression.

This news is indeed very hot, but if it is sold to Fang Chen, that's another matter.

After all, Fang Chen doesn't want anything to happen to his wife, right?

Five hundred million is really not a loss.

Fang Chen couldn't help laughing after hearing what Sang Yu said.

"Do you think that your lives are not worth 500 million?" Fang Chen asked.

Sang Yu and Da Men Ya's faces changed, and they subconsciously tensed up, ready to escape at any time.

"Mr. Fang, you are making it difficult for us, aren't you? We are all doing business, there is no bond between us. Even if I tell you here that this news is sealed and not sold to others, you won't believe it, right?"Sang Yu said helplessly.

Fang Chen laughed, his expression became playful, and said:"Then let me give you a suggestion. You sell the news, but my husband and I will split half of the profits. Then you tell me the source of the news, or you can choose to die immediately today. Choose one of the two. What do you think?"

"Can we sell it?"

Sang Yu and Da Men Ya were dumbfounded.

Isn't Fang Chen worried that this news will spread?

You know, by then, it will not only involve the Shenwu and Fengyun alliances, but also other powerful people! Is he so careless? Or is he so confident that he can protect Su Xinyi?

"I think I have made it very clear." Fang Chen said.

Sang Yu and Da Men Ya looked at each other, both of them were very conflicted. He originally wanted to sell the news to Fang Chen and get some money from him, but now Fang Chen has taken half of the price.

He thought Fang Chen would care about the news and didn't want it to spread, but the reality was that Fang Chen didn't care at all and wanted to"invest" in it!

"Mr. Fang, is Su Xinyi really your wife?"Big Dashin began to doubt.

No matter how you look at it, it seems like he is trying to push his wife into the fire pit and sell her off.

""You have so many sources of information, can't we check it out?" Fang Chen smiled.

Sang Yu smiled bitterly, nodded and said,"Okay, then we'll do as you said. We'll tell you the source of the information, and then we'll split the price of the information between you and your wife in half."

Is there any choice?

Absolutely not!

Sang Yu knew very well that Fang Chen's strength was definitely above theirs, and he and Da Men Ya had no confidence in taking down Fang Chen together.

Once the fight started, Fang Chen would escape and spread the news of the cooperation between humans and demons, and they would surely die.

So now Fang Chen was holding their weak spot, making it impossible for them to refuse

"The news was revealed by General Chiyan under the command of the Blue Flame Demon God. I cannot guarantee its authenticity, but it is at least 70% or even higher."Sang Yu said it directly.

Fang Chen narrowed his eyes, smiled slightly, and then stood up.

"OK, when you sell it for a good price, remember to pay me. You can choose to play tricks, I don't care."

"I dare not, we are honest and trustworthy. We mean what we say."Danishiya hurriedly smiled and promised. Fang

Chen took a deep look at Danishiya, turned around and left. When he reached the door, he paused and said with his head slightly tilted:

"Since you are cooperating, I will show some sincerity. The Yuhua Alliance wants to threaten you with your cooperation, but the only ones who really know everything should be Fang Yuhua and Jin Changhe. I have dealt with all the others except Fang Yuhua. As for what to do next, you can arrange it yourself."

Fang Chen said, and opened the door and left. He just didn't have any interest in dealing with Fang Yuhua, so he just let these two people take action.

Sang Yu and Da Men Ya looked at the direction of the door with gloomy expressions, their eyes flashing with murderous intent.

"Fang Chen is right, Fang Yuhua must be dealt with immediately!"He said through gritted teeth.

Sang Yu nodded:"I'll do it."

(Please give me some comments!)

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