Fang Chen left the black market directly.

He already knew what he wanted to know.

Why didn't he kill Da Men Ya and Sang Yu to silence them?

There was no need.

First of all, they were able to get the news, which meant that there must be other people who knew it, and killing them was useless.

The second point was, did Fang Chen need to worry?

No need.

With him around, no one could help.

Now he was going to go back to Su Xinyi to confirm whether she really got Qin Tian's inheritance back then.

Then, he would go to Qing Yan to"chat".

Fang Chen was sure that all this was Qing Yan's doing, and deliberately released the news.

From the current situation, Qing Yan had leaked the news to at least three parties, Da Men Ya, a black market merchant, Shenwu Alliance, and Fengyun Alliance. The Shenwu

Alliance and Fengyu Alliance had known the news many years ago, so Fengyu Alliance sent Li Rubin to infiltrate. The prince of the Shenwu Alliance, Shen Cangming, wanted to marry the Taiwu Alliance.

But why go to so much trouble?

Strength determines everything!

Whether it is the Shenwu Alliance or the Fengyu Alliance, there is no need to be so cautious.

There is something else here!

Fang Chen was puzzled, why did his wife suddenly become so mysterious? He didn't notice it before?

He and Su Xinyi fell in love at first sight and were attracted to each other when they first met.

Talented man and beautiful woman, handsome man and beautiful woman, everything was so natural.

Before what happened today, Fang Chen would never have thought that his wife had such a big secret.

Taking out his mobile phone, Fang Chen called Su Xinyi. After learning that she had returned home, Fang Chen didn't waste any time and rushed directly to the house.


Yuhua Alliance Headquarters.

Fang Yuhua was pacing back and forth with a frown on his face, looking extremely impatient.

Jin Changhe followed his secret order to go to the Nanlong black market, but was killed as soon as he entered Nanlong. Then he immediately sent Long Sihai and Zhang Tianhu to investigate.

But now they have lost contact, completely out of touch.

A very uneasy premonition lingered in Fang Yuhua's heart.

The owner of the"Tongsou Wuqi" Pavilion in the black market might know that the news of the Sword Emperor's successor was something Fang Yuhua learned the day before yesterday. He didn't dare to tell anyone else, but just asked Jin Changhe to go and test it out, but he didn't expect something to go wrong.

Except for him and the three deputy leaders, no one knew the real purpose of Jin Changhe's going to Nanlong. Even Long Sihai and Zhang Tianhu didn't know that the other party was in the Tongsou Wuqi Pavilion. They just knew that someone in the black market knew this information.

""League leader!"

At this time, a subordinate rushed in in a hurry.

""Speak!" Fang Yuhua's heart skipped a beat, and the ominous premonition became even stronger.

"I have contacted the Nanlong Weapons Management Bureau, and they said...they said……"

"What did you say?" Fang Yuhua shouted angrily, his eyes widened, and a powerful and domineering force vibrated out of him.

The subordinate was shocked by Fang Yuhua's momentum and groaned, spurting out a mouthful of blood. He knelt down hurriedly and said in a trembling voice:"The people from the Nanlong Military Management Bureau said that the deputy leader and his men did not go to Nanlong at all.……"

"Didn't go? Impossible!"

Fang Yuhua frowned, his face instantly gloomy.

When Long Sihai and his team arrived in Nanlong, they asked him for instructions. How could it be that they didn't go as the Nanlong Military Administration Bureau said?

Something happened!

This thought suddenly popped up in Fang Yuhua's mind.

Something must have happened!

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Fang Yuhua's forehead.

When he got the news, he actually hesitated for a long time.

Because this news came too suddenly, it was as if someone had deliberately sent it to him.

But it was related to the inheritance of the Sword Emperor and whether his Yuhua Alliance could rise, so he finally took the gamble.

Then, Jin Changhe was killed, and Long Sihai and others lost contact.

""Back off!" Fang Yuhua said coldly.

"Yes!"The men retreated hastily, not daring to stay for a moment.

Fang Yuhua took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

""Leader Fang, if Vice Leader Jin gets into trouble in Nanlong, I will definitely give you an explanation, but you don't have to keep urging me, right?" A dissatisfied voice came from the other end of the phone.

It was the leader of the Taiwu Alliance, Su Yaotian.

"Su Yaotian, I don't want to waste time talking to you. Long Sihai and his men arrived in Nanlong five hours ago, and we haven't been able to contact them since. People from your Nanlong branch said they haven't arrived yet. Can you tell me why?" Fang Yuhua asked coldly.

"Is this true?" Su Yaotian's confused voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Are you playing a trick on me?" Fang Yuhua's face was gloomy.

Su Yaotian said,"I really don't know. I sent Li Rubin there. Logically, he should have arrived, but he hasn't sent back any news. I'll ask the people at the Nanlong Branch about the situation and I'll give you an answer later."

Su Yaotian hung up the phone after he finished speaking.


Fang Yuhua held his phone, his face full of anger.

He checked the time, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

If Long Sihai and the others were really in trouble, then his Yuhua Alliance would be left alone! A martial arts alliance with only one master would be swallowed up sooner or later!

Fang Yuhua immediately decided to go to Nanlong in person!

(The flowers, reviews and monthly tickets during the new book period are my biggest motivation, I beg you!)

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