When Fang Chen returned home, Su Xinyi was cooking a midnight snack.

A simple egg noodle dish.

"Went to the black market?" Su Xinyi came to the table with a bowl of steaming noodles.

If she hadn't known about Fang Chen's cultivation level, she would have been working overtime and was extremely busy.

But now it's different. Her husband is a grandmaster, so why should she worry about that?

At worst, she can just walk away and wander around the world with her husband. If it weren't for the safety of those men, she would have wanted to resign.

Fang Chen smiled slightly and nodded,"Yes.""

""How's the questioning going? What's going on?" Su Xinyi looked a little nervous.

Although she didn't know much, she vaguely felt that it was related to her.

Fang Chen picked up the chopsticks, wolfed down a few mouthfuls of noodles, and said vaguely:"It's no big deal, I'll handle it." After all,

Su Xinyi only has the strength of a grandmaster. In this world, although the grandmaster is beyond the reach of countless people, it is an existence that people yearn for and worship.

But that's only one side of the world.

Without the strength of a grandmaster, it's really not safe. That's why Fang Chen said before that the secondary warrior alliances are all chickens and pottery dogs, because they don't have a grandmaster in charge, they can only be tools of the grand alliance. It's too easy to destroy them.

A grandmaster can directly destroy the entire Yuhua Alliance.

The gap in strength is so outrageous.

"I can tell that you despise me now. I know, I am only a Grandmaster. To you Grandmasters, I am just an ant."Su Xinyi pouted and snorted, picking up noodles carelessly with chopsticks.

Fang Chen looked at Su Xinyi's aggrieved and unhappy look, and couldn't help laughing:"Why do I despise you? I will do the troublesome things. If you let your wife do everything and worry about everything, what do you need me as a husband for?"

"I can't argue with you." Su Xinyi rolled her eyes, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly unconsciously.

"Wife, let me ask you something." Fang Chen put down his chopsticks and said with a smile.

Su Xinyi blinked:"What is it?"

""Did you meet a strong man fifteen years ago? A very powerful one, and he gave you a lot of things?" Fang Chen asked

"Fifteen years ago? A very powerful person?"

Su Xinyi looked a little confused, thought about it, and then shook his head and denied it:"No, I used to practice with my father at the Taiwu Alliance headquarters. He is the most powerful person I have ever met."

Fang Chen frowned.

Su Xinyi would naturally not lie to him, and ordinary people could not lie in front of Fang Chen.

In other words, Su Xinyi really had never met Qin Tian? Never received Qin Tian's inheritance at all?

Was her memory erased?

This possibility cannot be ruled out. Even if Qin Tian had only one breath left at that time, he could still seal Su Xinyi's memory of meeting him and restore it when the time was right.

However, it is also possible that this incident did not happen at all, and his wife became the scapegoat.

Fang Chen felt that the first possibility was more likely.

Not because of anything else, but because Su Xinyi entered the Grandmaster realm at the age of 20.

The fastest person to enter the Grandmaster realm in history, with the resources of the Taiwu Alliance, it would be difficult for Su Xinyi to do so even if he had good talent. He must have got some opportunity

""What's wrong? Why do you ask?" Su Xinyi asked in confusion when she saw Fang Chen's frown.

Fang Chen smiled, shook his head and said,"Nothing, it's just that my wife is the fastest master in history. I am flattered. How can a wife like that be so cruel?"

"Are you insulting me? How much older are you than me? Twenty-six is already a grandmaster! I have been a grandmaster for four years and have not yet been promoted to the first level! You are cruel, okay?"Su Xinyi said speechlessly.

She still feels like she is dreaming. How come her husband is a grandmaster?

Fang Chen laughed dumbly. He really couldn't respond to this, for fear of being exposed.

Setting his strength at the grandmaster level is already very restrained. If she knew that she could actually beat the emperor-level celestial being, wouldn't she be scared to death?

If she knew that she was actually a demon, wouldn't she be torn apart?

Fang Chen had a headache when he thought of this problem.

"Eat noodles, eat noodles, take a shower and rest after eating, it's so late."Fang Chen laughed.

When Su Xinyi heard this, she knew what Fang Chen wanted to do. Her pretty face turned red, and she said with a light"suck","A bowl of noodles can't stop your mouth!"

Just after she finished speaking, Su Xinyi's phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Su Xinyi's face changed slightly.

Fang Chen glanced at it and laughed,"Is my father-in-law here to ask for punishment?"

The call was from Su Yaotian.

Su Xinyi smiled bitterly and said,"I suppressed the affairs of Li Rubin and Long Sihai. I thought I could delay it for a while, but now it seems that I can't delay it anymore."

Fang Chen raised his eyebrows and smiled,"Why delay? If you answer, tell him that Li Rubin and Long Sihai are all dead, and his son-in-law killed them."

Su Xinyi:...

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